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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!  (Read 107293 times)


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #150 on: March 10, 2011, 03:53:28 PM »

I did read it several times but being cynical  ::) ......... what about those tribal peoples who don't have access to floss or paste?


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #151 on: March 10, 2011, 04:50:20 PM »

They clean their teeth with a twig.

My daughter had all the kit to clean around her braces with and she did do her best, but obviously it was not enough. She had really complicated work done. Teeth were turned 180 degrees teeth were moved forward and into place. She even had a CT scan to see if it was possible. She now has lovely straight teeth.

Remind your daughter Eddie how important it is to wear the retainer after the braces come off. The teeth can move back and out of place very quickly.

How can braces be about making money when my daughter had this done at the Maxilo Facial dept in hospital.
She had wonderful treatment. My dentist will not do braces and refers to an orthodontist. So no money made by anyone.



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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #152 on: March 10, 2011, 04:56:13 PM »

Will do HoneyB.
I'm going to dental dept tomorrow,  My friend who took us all to the gig last night is a dentist, we were talking about tomorrow, she told me it doesn't sound like an infection, because of the hot/cold sensation? But more like a fragment of nerve left in that's now dying? Oh joy, more root treatment?? Not looking forward to tomorrow, but it's 9.20, so early enough.
Eddie. x


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #153 on: March 10, 2011, 06:33:37 PM »

I love my new Water Pik.  I use electric toothbrush and now use a water pik after and I cannot believe the residual - I love blueberries and the brush doesn't get all out.  I also use the tongue thingy and the bit of thrush I had way back where I can't see it has cleared and my voice isn't raspy anymore.  It is a wonderful gadget.

I hate  my veneers - six upper front - first and last thing I am ever doing cosmetically.  They've been replaced twice and that was in the first two months.  Hate them!  If this is TMI - sorry, but I still love my Pik.


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #154 on: March 10, 2011, 07:40:13 PM »

Here is an article not just about heart disease but also poor memory associated with tooth loss

I don't know whether you think that "tribal people" don't have bad teeth CLKD or heart disease. Do you picture them with dazzling white smiles and no disease?

Your Pik sounds interesting Taylor.

Taz x


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #155 on: March 10, 2011, 07:54:43 PM »

I cannot use tongue scrapers/cleaners. They make me retch. I have tried and tried with no success. I just cant do it.

I have an electric toothbrush which I love. I got it at Xmas as my old one was dying and to start with I thought this one was going to rumble my teeth out  ;D

My gums are so much better on HRT. Gums receding and bleeding was a real problem for me and now its just fine. I did not get the connection until Taz mentioned it and then the penny dropped. My lady bits might be drying up and falling off, but my gums are great.  ;)



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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #156 on: March 10, 2011, 07:58:55 PM »

I had to have a brace when I was a child and my teeth were better than before it but no where near as good as with the modern ones. I have finally started to floss regularly and after many years of fillings, haven't had to have one for ages so it must be doing some good. My teeth are quite crooked though, very tight between them so can only use the expensive tape - anything else gets stuck and with sensitive gums, that's horrible. Like Honeyb, they are better since being on HRT though.
Electric toothbrushes are brill - dentist told me to get one several years ago and teeth feel so much cleaner.
I've read about the connection with heart disease before - much rather do some flossing than have that!
Bette x


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #157 on: March 10, 2011, 08:10:08 PM »

Me too Bette.

I am scared of the dentist, always have been  :(

I do feel for my daughter though. She has tried so hard, and gone through so much to be left facing yet more dental work.

I would rather have it done for her, and believe me, thats really saying something. ;)



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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #158 on: March 10, 2011, 09:14:47 PM »

Circulation in the gum area goes to brain and heart.  Pimples around the bottom and top of nose can go to brain if pressed hard or get infected.  (I do it anyway - very carefully).

I first learned here about the connection of HRT and gums - thanks Taz.

Honeyb - grab some Estrace (estradiol cream) and dab a bit on and you will stop dryness and prevent atrophy and recent study (with blood work and endometrial biopsies) show unbelievably little absorption.  Now I know Larky disagrees and oddly I think I may agree with Larky as if I use a bunch I seem to get more visual aura migraines, but the study seems valid, too.  All I truly know is that it helps me and I use very darn little - just dab it on - no applicator.  If you keep up the lining that is formed from new youthful (ha) cells then the absorption is felt not to happen - if you hit and miss than is it felt to happen.  I'm blotto today - very little sleep.

Honeyb, where is your self control of the gag reflex?  I'm thinking I'm going to have endoscopy possibly again and wondering if I could possibly do what others have - last time was 'uinder' for the procedure.

I feel badly for your daughter - hope she'll feel encouraged that it will all be worth it.


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #159 on: March 10, 2011, 09:21:11 PM »

I am on Hrt and also Vagifem Taylor, but my lady bits still suffering a bit.

As for my gag reflex..... all I can say is that it works very well thanks  ;)

Its hopeless. I cant even hold a pencil in my mouth without gagging.
I also had an endoscopy but was sedated. All I remember was the sound of "someone" gagging.
That would have been me  ;)
I am a lost cause.

Why do you need another endoscopy Taylor. Are things not good for you at the moment.



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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #160 on: March 10, 2011, 09:31:41 PM »

Hi HB, I'm neurotic.  Grandmother died of stomach cancer.  I have had stomach problems all my life.  Lately more, but found that I have trigger points in my main abdominal muscles and have every symptom this super authority on Myofascial Release and trigger point doctor describes as muscular problems mimicing stomach problems.  I worsened it by putting wedge in bed and also pillow under knees so I was lying all night with shortened abs - due to the angle created by the wedge and pillows for what I thought was reflux (never had heartburn).  So that made things worse so we'll see what getting rid of the trigger points does - I even have the exact diagrammed pain across the entire middle of my back when I breathe deeply.

I've had three fatal diagnoses - all obviously wrong- and because of those - I've become a bit of a nut and hate to go to doc as they keep getting it wrong.  Had scope three years ago and he said come back in ten years - I was a bit inflamed but all biopsies negative.  I'd be ok if I were still playing tennis and working out, but ..............think I'll go play with my bunny - does that sound neurotic - perhaps, but who cares?


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #161 on: March 10, 2011, 09:35:55 PM »

Playing with the bunny sounds a good idea to me Taylor. You sound really qiute stressed tonight.

Its sounds muscular to me from sleeping in a funny position. Is the Gaviscon helping with the reflux?

Hope you feel better soon.

Take care



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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #162 on: March 11, 2011, 08:57:17 AM »

I've seen people using a stick to clean between teeth, even in the UK  ::) - I wondered though whether tribal peoples have access to herbs etc. which would prevent heart disease even if they don't have access to good dental care?  Or maybe their diets prevent cavities?  I was looking at some of the recent media reports in countries in upheaval and one man interviewed didn't have many teeth, my immediate thought was ouch  :'(


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #163 on: March 11, 2011, 02:45:08 PM »

Oh well back from Dental dept, not much further on, no sign of infection, he said def not nerve pain, so to have the apisectomy in 6-8 weeks, he said i've not had any root canal treatment done so only 70-75% sure it will be success.

Also have to wait 6-8 months after this before i can get any more work done, because if it's not successful he thinks he will have to try and do root treatment and the posts are heavily cemented in that they will break.

He also explained why i had an anxiety attack the last tiem, apparently sometimes a small amount of the anesthetic can get into blood stream and cause the heart to race and feel just how i felt. I saw a film once about people inducing a heart attack by doing this. Not a happy bunny right now.



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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #164 on: March 11, 2011, 03:58:07 PM »

Sounds miserable, Eddie, I am sorry you haven't had some sort of solution to your problem.

I had a few months, think it was 3, last year when I had mouth/gum/tooth pain.  Found it difficult to exactly pin it down and describe it to the dentist and went backwards and forwards for quite some time.   He basically filed down a couple of my teeth as he thought I might be out of alignment and it did eventually calm down although have no idea if it just went by itself as I had been convinced it was nerve pain.   Even had what I am sure was a pointless filling as he initially thought it was caused by a small crack in the base of a tooth.
Do hope your problem improves.
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