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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with joint aches  (Read 720703 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #120 on: January 10, 2008, 04:57:16 PM »

Joint Pain has been bad in the last couple of weeks shoulders, hips and knees .  I finally got my doctor to run some tests.  No answers back yet.  I have lost 17 lbs in 2 months have  to force my self to eat and now have a rash on one side of my body chest arms and legs.   I just want to get better  I am going to be seeing  a rhemutologist  and hopefully she will be able to give me some answers.  I feel for each and everyone of you that have posted.    Has anyone ever had a rash like this accompanied by joint pain??   Why isn't more being done to help us  ??????


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #121 on: January 10, 2008, 08:26:25 PM »

Hi Wanda,

Sorry to hear that you have been so poorly recently.  I'm afraid I'm not a lot of help with this subject but wanted to wish you well.  I feel a complete wimp as I've had heartburn recently and found it a pain to deal with and after reading your post it has made me feel a wimp.

I hope you soon get to the bottom of things and get yourself sorted. :hug:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #122 on: January 10, 2008, 08:40:08 PM »

Hi Wanda,
So sorry to hear that you are going through all this at the moment, you have had a rough ride. I can't help you much either I'm afraid but I hope things get sorted for uou soon.
I get the odd spell of aches & pains & it is hard to get up & about sometimes but it is nothing like yours. I have not heard of a rash with joint pain before but then nothing surprises me anymore with this meno lark.
I do hope you get the results soon & please let us know how you are getting on.
Cazikins x
 :cat48: :cat48:

liz mc

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #123 on: January 18, 2008, 10:30:47 PM »

I found this article very interesting   i suffered from fibromyalgia  17 years ago after the death of my baby  but it came back shortly after i had my ovaries removed and has stayed ever since.  i have also developed a shoulder problem  at the moment doc beleives it to be buritis  but never had this problem before


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #124 on: January 20, 2008, 12:37:28 AM »

I have had hip problems this week - every morning I have got up & my hips have ached  :( :( :(, haven't felt like this in a long time girls.
Years & years ago I was told that I had scoilorosis (spelling wrong I know) hips - basically it means I have a wonky pelvis & the spine is out of sequence (oops spelling again) with the rest of my body.
The doctor said back then (in the 70's) that when I get older it may cause me problems & I may need a hip replacement........ well I think I may be there now damn it  :beat: :beat:
I hate feeling the way I do with all the aches & pains & I know that I am not as bad as some of you ladies on here but I feel that old age has finally caught up with me.  >:( >:(
Love Cazikins xx
 :cat48: :cat48: :cat48:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #125 on: January 20, 2008, 01:13:24 PM »

Think i am in your boat as well Cat :'( So many aches and pains the last 2mths, had to see Gp he feels i may R Arthritis, i was diagnosed with O A years ago, my wrists are so weak, cannot bend my right thumb, me knee's are very painful, and like you Caz, had hip pain as well in the night, blood tests booked for next this Meno has bought on my old age at 58, never thought it would be like this, also just read, if we do not get 8hrs sleep we get poor IQ, so with only 2/3hrs broken sleep for 6yrs, does explain a lot.. :o

Hope after Meno some of us do get to feel better.. :-*


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #126 on: January 21, 2008, 08:46:53 AM »

Hi Girls
So glad I could come here this morning. Almost at the end of tether this weekend.  I have been having varying joint aches now since end of Nov/December and the last few days have not known what to do with myself. Have had similar previous winters, but nothing as bad as this, and am wondering if the weather has anything to do with it. However, have not had a period now for 3 years so maybe my hormones are at a low point.  My hip and one leg is just constantly aching all the time (however neck & wrist pain better), even sitting at the moment seems painful.   My doc has been very little help and just tells me to take painkillers, altho I too, have got an appointment with a rheumatologist.  So meanwhile I end up spending a fortune, on creams, pills and potions from Boots and nothing seems to work.  I do wonder how long this will all last, or if I can expect it to improve.

Wanda - Good luck with the tests, I too had the blood tests, few years back but they showed up nothing.  Trouble was by the time results were through was feeling better, in hindsight should have made them do further investigations as they just left things then. Well done with the weightloss, BTW. Though know what you are saying about feeling old etc. my mum is actually a lot fitter than I am at the moment.

Cazkins - Am a bit similar to you with my pelvis & spine, years ago was told this could cause arthritis etc., didn't think it would set in this quick for me though.

Anyway, thanks everyone for being here, had a bit of a rotten weekend and really lost it with hubby for not helping more, LOL.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #127 on: January 21, 2008, 11:28:01 AM »

Joint Pain has been bad in the last couple of weeks shoulders, hips and knees .  I finally got my doctor to run some tests.  No answers back yet.  I have lost 17 lbs in 2 months have  to force my self to eat and now have a rash on one side of my body chest arms and legs.   I just want to get better  I am going to be seeing  a rhemutologist  and hopefully she will be able to give me some answers.  I feel for each and everyone of you that have posted.    Has anyone ever had a rash like this accompanied by joint pain??   Why isn't more being done to help us  ??????

Wanda, that sounds like shingles? Has anyone suggested that?


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #128 on: January 22, 2008, 11:19:10 PM »

Well my hips are feeling a lot better at the moment so I am putting it all down to the damp weather we are having  :-\ :-\.

Good luck with the tests next week Rosebush, make sure you let us know how you get on.

Tanny, sending you  :hug: :hug: to help with the aches & pains you are having.

Wanda, I hope you read Motherof Girls post, I don't know much about this sort of thing but the rash thing doesn't sound right.

Love Cazikins xx
 :cat48: :cat48:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #129 on: January 23, 2008, 03:44:42 PM »

Caz glad your hip pain is a bit better, its this and knee pain i feel brings us down more, as we cannot move to good..

Hope everyone else is getting some pain relief as well :-*

I hate Jan & Feb, with the damp and the dreary days, still at least this month is nearly over, and the nights will soon get lighter.. :)



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #130 on: February 08, 2008, 09:29:47 PM »

I found this great site two days ago, it has given me reassurance that I'm not the only woman who feels like they are going mad in the menopause.  My mood swings seem to worsen from early evening and am experiencing aches and sensations in my feet,and sharp intermitant achey pains in arms and elbow/wrist joints - I don't know how to cope with them at times. Has anyone any advise how to handle them? Suzy


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #131 on: February 09, 2008, 06:02:06 PM »

Had blood test results back and i donot have RA, which is great, so for the pain i have been given Lodine SR 600mgs, 1 per day, i have to go back for further blood tests in 3mths, i will be on holiday then, so will have to wait 5mts, but Gp did say if i get any bad stomach cramps to stop them, and go back to see him, so giving them a try...


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #132 on: February 11, 2008, 01:41:16 PM »

Hi Ladies,

After spending weeks in joint pain shoulders,knees and hips and going through numerous testing they think that I might have Lupus.  Its very odd because it ususally hits  younger persons.. 
I just want to say that if you are just starting into menopause  make sure you eat healthy, exercise and keep your stress level under control.  Any other time in your life you can handle stress but I think when going through Menopause..... its to hard on the system.  I wish I had read up more on menopause before I entered into it.  I really didn't know what to expect and what was good for me.   Keeping stress to the minimum is the key.. I really don't know any one with Lupus and don't know what to expect.... I just pray they can get this pain under control so I can function again....
Take care and thank you again for your prayers good wishes and support


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #133 on: February 11, 2008, 02:31:58 PM »

Hello Wanda, I am sorry to hear that you are still in so much pain; but hopefully now that you have a diagnosis they may be able to help with the pain relief more effectively? 

I don't know anybody with lupus personally, but know 'of' somebody who has it, and as you say, stress seems to be a trigger for it. I wonder if there are any support groups in your area, it is strangely comforting to find somebody experiencing similar things and sharing what is happening.

I hope you manage to get some relief and remember to take things easy stress wise.  xxx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #134 on: February 12, 2008, 12:50:33 AM »

Hi Suzy

Just noticed your post seems to have been missed so  :welcomemm:

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment with your symptoms, it really is no joke is it.  Mood swings are awful, mine are worse when I am tired I think, be it early morning if I have woken up several times in the night or after a day at work.  Thankfully I am not suffering nearly so much since I switched to a different type of hrt and started a low GI diet seems to have helped. 

Funnily enough I have been suffering from painful heels/feet if I sit for any length of time, but I had put this down to the stepper/twister we bought to get fit  :o  so I have eased off using it  ::)  but with the meno........ who knows  ;D  I keep an open mind now

You might like to introduce yourself on the 'new members' section, I'm sure there will be someone along who is or has experienced something similar and can offer some more advice.  There is a lot of support on this site

Michelle x

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