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Author Topic: Breast reduction anyone?  (Read 60944 times)


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Breast reduction anyone?
« on: May 08, 2010, 07:31:10 AM »

Hi girls x after having my hyster and a long hard look at my life l decided after years of avoidance/embarrasment to go see my gp regarding a breast reduction. Ive suffered for years with bad backs etc and now have spinal issues which l believe are caused from my big boobies!! Love hate relationship and now my gp has applied for funding for the reduction. Was wondering if anyone here had had it done and if anyone had it done after hyster? Thanks all xxx


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2010, 10:50:49 AM »

my mother had a reduction when she got diagnosed with breast cancer. she had a lumpectomy, lymph nodes removed and then a double breast reduction. she had very large breasts and they halved the size of them.


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2010, 07:08:30 PM »

 I've been considering this for years, and I'm pleased to find someone else in the same position. I'm only 5ft 3" yet my bra size is now a horrendous 34JJ, and every time I get a new bra I seem to need a bigger cup size. Like you I have back problems and I swear my spine is starting to curve at the top.

I hate my boobs as they are so heavy and ugly, reaching down to my waist, and I'm sure my husband thinks they're ugly too, though he won't say so in so many words. My GP thinks I could get a reduction on the NHS but I'm just plain terrified of the operation, which I understand is quite major.

Maybe we can support each other, if you'll pardon the expression! ::)


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2010, 07:19:10 PM »

YES YES YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2010, 07:26:38 PM »

major update since i posted this!!!

Went to my docs 10 days ago after waking up in horrendous pain again and thought to myself l cant stand this any longer honestly my back rib and chest pain disables me and l ainty kidding either!!. Doc was brill and said she would apply for funding and it would take a few weeks but l fitted all the criteria............... l couldnt believe it when as week later the letter come saying they would pay for the op!!! I have to see gp this week to finalise a few things before she refers me to a breast surgeon!!!

 After today l am more than convinced lm doing the right thing.... l wanted to be sure of correct size so went to Bravisimo l am now a 36ff!!! l tried that many bras on l KNEW l was going to end up crippled tonight and l am my spine and under my boobs/ribs are so sore l can hardly turn... l wish l had of done something about this years ago but was too embarrassed l know l have spine and shoulder problems these showed up on xrays damage is done now but l cant take the weight of these boobs anymore sleeping is so uncomfy wearing a bra is so uncomfy l spend a fortune on bras tryng to find the magic one and it aint happening. I would love to keep in touch with you and we can do this together.  I know the breast surgeon has final say and l hope everythings ok so the op can go ahead l really cant put up with this any longer l am in so much pain and theres always chance they will grow bigger now lm on hrt!! Ive been reading other boards regarding this op and 99.9% totally happy. I dont care about scars l just need to get rid of some pain :( My Oh is happy for me to do what l want he knows how much pain l suffer and how much l miss out on. I know its a big operation but the benefits are worth it from what l can see!! Will sttop here or l wont shut up lol great to meet you xxxx  Ps lm the worlds biggest medical wimp if l can do it you can!!!!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 07:29:19 PM by niecsey »


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2010, 09:54:08 AM »

You won't regret it. my A cups are bliss and after two years from breast reduction op  still don't move an inch!

Go to for fantastic support, they have included a uk forum and loads of information that will get you throught it all, the girls are wonderfully supporting with so much advice.

For a small fee you can get picture access,I found this so helpful. Be prepared to become boob obsessed!! we also end up with drawers full of pretty bras, you just can't resist after a breast reduction. I don't have to wear a bra now, but am still buying them.

Good luck.



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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2010, 10:09:25 AM »

Thanks Jayne x l already joined that website lol :)   afew weeks ago its really good!! Congratulations you on your op and freedom!! Were you big to start off with? How did you get down to an A cup?  Well after yesterdays bra marathon at bravisimo l can hardly move seriously my backs a right mess and under boobs ribs :( to top it off l slipped after l left the shop rain and uggs dont go together be warned so now l have a dead leg too!! Strained wrists as well!! Thanks for your reply away to try soak in bath :( xxx


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2010, 12:32:18 PM »

Niecsey, Do you mind me asking what height you are?  I too am 36FF & I am 5ft 3in.  I too have had back problems for many years, mainly lower back, but sometimes get really bad shoulder pains too.


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2010, 02:30:33 PM »

Hi lm 5ft 2!!! always had massive boobies l just woke up woth them one day as a teen and that was it!! They dotn shrink when l loose weight either  ::)  lm having terrible time with my back its getting worse been almost bed bound today when l move getting horrendous spasm type pains in mid upper back where bra fastens through to chest had these a while buit l guess the fall has intensifed the pain :( slightest thing setting it off if this is all down to boobies wish l had of done soemthing earlier about it! :( ( wear tear to spine/shoulders and straightening to lower spine) Do you girls know if its ok to take the likes of diclofenac co codamol whilst using hrt etc? Thank you x Ps Joyce boobs can cause lower back pain l guess thats why mine has straightened to compensate !! If you suffer too much dont wait like l have :(  honestly even using my arms repeatedly causes me mega pain cant even shopping etc l do and l pay for it big time doics never took me seriously either took years to even get xrays !!! x


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2010, 04:02:19 PM »

Hi niecsey

I was a 36F, it took two goes to get the size I wanted and I may have pushed the customer satisfaction a little on the NHS but I got there in the end, I did have some complications with the second op, but it was all worth it to get the lightness and freedom I have now. No more aching back and ribs, no more ridges in my shoulders, and perfectly in proportion for my small build. I grew with menopause and a partial hysterectomy and thought I am on a very small dose estrogen patch, it has not caused any gain on my breasts which I did worry about.

Glad you have joined breasthealthonline, those girls have so much knowledge they could do a breast reduction themselves LOL. The one bit of advice I would give you is to err on the side of small when talking to the surgeon, make sure he knows you want to be small and not his idea of what you want.
Remember that cup size is relative a 36A is the same size as a 34B and so on, so take a bra size that you want to be with you when you see the surgeon. He will be able to judge what he can get you down too when he has examined you.

Best of luck



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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2010, 04:09:49 PM »

Thank you x wont l look pushy if l take bra with me pmsl lol ?  Can l ask you about your pain please cos lm demented l cant find anyone with the pain l get ...lve had a bad afternoon due to yesterdays bra marathon l KNOW when lm going to suffer... lve had some pretty severe spasms? in my mid back bit where bra fastens almost feel like coming though to chest boy they hurt and stop you in ya tracks :( only last a few seconds but the aftermath.... has you scared to move.. and it leaves after pain/sensation. From all that trying on yesterday my ribs under my boobs were so sore it hurt to turn :( and lve had a few meck pains half way down neck level with ear that really hurts. Right will shut up now you dont wanjt to hear all my aches and pains lo, thanks for reply glad your sorted now :) x


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2010, 04:28:03 PM »

It sounds as if you might have costochondritis  perhaps seeing your doctor again might help, or you might have a slipped rib that causes the symptoms you describe, that what I had and I had to have manipulation every so often to sort it out, since the op I am pain free.

Hope this helps



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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2010, 06:14:24 PM »

Hi Jayne and thanks l have mentioned this before to the doc they said chest wall pain so........... l dont even go now waste of time just more pain killers l also went to chriropractor which made things worse  so wouldnt do that again!!  the thought of been pain free or in less pain is so inviting :) do you have osteo of the spine and shoulders too now? Did l mention my lower spine has straightened out? Also l have a fibromyagia diagnosis too x


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2010, 08:16:12 PM »

Hi girls you ok? :) Oldteen are you about? x


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Re: Breast reduction anyone?
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2010, 08:40:14 AM »

Hello Niecsey!

I'm delighted that things are happening! My problems with my boobs are nothing compared to yours.

I went to my GP years ago as I was experiencing pain in the left ribcage at night, and after many--thankfully negative--tests to prove it was nothing sinister he concluded it was the weight of my enormous boobs as I tend to lay on my left side.

I've not taken it further as I'm just so scared  of having an operation. I wish he had said, "I'm booking you in as you MUST have them reduced," then I would have meekly obeyed!

I'm not talking about women who are flat-chested or who have had mastectomies, but anyone who chooses to have their boobs increased beyond a comfortable and natural size is nuts!

I was a C cup at the age of ten, and would walk around with my arms folded in an attempt to hide my chest. Now I'm a 34JJ and seem to go up a cup size every time I buy a new bra. Thank god for "Bravissimo" who stock a K cup, which i will need next I expect. :o

Maybe your experience will push me into making that appointment. It will also take my mind off my other silly whinges that I've posted on here.
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