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Author Topic: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT  (Read 2775 times)


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Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« on: January 18, 2024, 08:11:30 AM »

Hi Everyone,

My topic is not not new, but I really would like to ask your advise girls, or if someone was in similar situation..
I am 48, and post menopausal.
Due to fatigue, brain fog, joint pain I started HRT with Evorel Sequi in 2021. All went well.  In 2022 November GP changed to Evorel 50 and Utrogestan (200/orally) ( I had irregular bleeding and she said, because I am turning to menopause now)
I showed the signs of progesterone intolerance: Very strong migraines, internally different, irritable, feeling of aggression, not being myself  during taking progesterone. I was a different person :(
Meanwhile in 2023 April I was diagnosed with thyroiditis, TPO 260, but they don't treat it, as the other values are within normal range.
Different GPs, different advise, too late advice, fighting for blood test I stopped HRT in June 2023.
In 2023 October I restarted again, due to returning symptoms. I am on Evorel 25 (works perfectly) and Utrogestan 200/vaginally, but I am to stop again as I struggle with Utrogestan. GP recommended to take vaginally, but still I am having migraines for 4-5 days, I was sick, and not being myself.
Always there is a 5-7 days withing the 15 day cycle, when I feel I need to survive, and having strong side effects.
Due to side effects GP recommended continuous  HRT , 100 mg vaginally, but  on day 15 I started heavy bleeding, constant peeing, strong bursting feeling. GP said to go back to cyclical, as 100 mg is not enough for me.
I am doing cyclical now, but again, during Utrogestan 200 vaginally, I have headaches, irritable and aggressive feeling, I feel like a negative Terminator! I cannot sleep, my temperature raises, I feel so different. Rushes appeared on my skin. My thyroid got so inflamed, painful. :(
I am again to stop HRT, as I work and the side effects worn me out so much. I am exhausted :(
I feel via NHS it is impossible to get it right, as I always talk to different doctors, they have different attitude and different opinions.
I am at the GP almost every week (Last time one said: 'You know this is your last chance?!')
I feel absolute fine with Evorel 25, but cannot take more side effects from Utrogestan.
Unfortunately coil cannot be fitted in me .
What would you recommend girls?
Thank you for your help



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Re: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2024, 10:59:32 AM »

Hi were you happy on Evorel Sequi? If so, go back to that one x


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2024, 02:14:04 PM »

As above. There's no point using one you don't tolerate when there's one you do. The irregular bleeding is likely to be your own cycle which is stronger than the hrt one.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2024, 03:39:58 PM »

Hello Csilla75 and welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately I cannot help you with your enquiry but I offer my sympathy.

I have recently started a new HRT regime that includes Utrogestan 100mg as the progesterone to be taken orally. I have used this in the past but I could never work out if I was experiencing side effects or I just hadn't got my Oestrogen levels right.  I am concerned that I am actually Progesterone intolerant and I see that you describe feeling internally different and irritable as well as feeling aggressive and not yourself while on progesterone. These comments resonated with me as I am struggling with similar issues although fortunately I don't have migraines to contend with.

I am sure other ladies will be along to advise you on a course of action and I wish you well.

Take care.



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Re: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2024, 09:29:21 PM »

Thank you for reading and for the replies . My understanding was that Sequi is women in perimenopause.
I will have a phone appointment on Tuesday, let’s see what she says.
Thank you anyway.
Kathleen, let us know how you getting on with it 😜


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2024, 02:36:23 AM »

Hi dear, i am also progesterone intolerant. I wonder, have you tried tibolone?

Mary G

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Re: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2024, 12:28:37 PM »

Sorry to jump into this thread late but I would definitely ask for a different form of progesterone.

In my opinion, Utrogestan is terrible stuff and very badly tolerated by so many women.  It's really isn't worth persevering with it because I doubt you will ever get on with it.

Ask for a different progesterone or try Evorel conti perhaps?

200mg Utrogestan is very high dose for a 25mcg patch.  You may need to increase your oestrogen dose at some point too because 25mcg is very low.



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Re: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2024, 10:00:58 PM »

Thank you girls,

I have not tried Tibolone yet, and I may try to take a break, I am exhausted by now:( .  I thought too that it  is  a very high dose compared to the 25 mg estrogen .
Is there anyone, who found easier/happier after stopping HRT? :) 


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2024, 07:10:38 AM »

If you got on with Evorel sequi that suggests you found the progesterone in it ok. Therefore if you switch to Evorel conti then it will be the same progesterone but in a consistent dose rather than only for half the month. I would have thought that would be best to try first?


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2024, 08:41:24 AM »

I found utrogestan did not suit me and have changed to evorel conti and this has worked for me, however it did take a good 3 months to completely settle but the progesterone intolerance symptoms resolved much faster than this. Good like hope you get it sorted.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance , stopping HRT
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2024, 09:07:26 AM »

Hi Csilla75,
You're only 48, so why is your GP assuming you must be post menopausal now?

Even if you are post menopausal you can ask to stay on sequi if it suits you. I agree with other comments it was strange to completely change you to a different type and brand when Evorel suited you.

Evorel Sequi and Conti both contain norethisterone, an older type progestin that some people tolerate better than utrogestan.

Just because utrogestan is more likely to be tolerated by an average woman doesn't mean it's more likely to suit a woman who has proven she's no problem with norethisterone, which is proven to work, unlike utrogestan which has limited data on it. It's bonkers to switch you away from one that suited you!

I take tibolone, have done for almost a year and it is brilliant imo because it doesn't mess with your emotions in a negative way at all, it's actually a mild antidepressant.

Utrogestan made me want to die, but my GP said it must be something else, utrogestan doesn't do that!!!
Um, well, yes it does actually.