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Author Topic: Thickened womb lining  (Read 6401 times)


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #30 on: January 08, 2024, 08:29:59 PM »

Just an update ladies. I've been told today that my biopsy/hysteroscopy will be at least another 2/3weeks from now. Is it just me or is this ridiculous?
I have been to the nuffield today to see a consultant who happens to be in charge of the team I will be under with the NHS.  He said he will do all he can to hurry things up with the NHS.  He wasn't pushing me to spend money for private healthcare which to be honest was refreshing to hear.  I have another appointment to see him next week when he has chance to view all my records but he said to cancel if anything comes through from NHS.  Does anyone think I should stay private?? We are by no means well off financially but do have a bit of savings to use. I've never used private before today. I think I also have to consider my mental health at present because as many of you know it has taken a battering because of this, which has been going on since October now. I cannot believe what a disaster this is I feel like the forgotten patient


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2024, 07:28:59 AM »

Hi Northerngirl

Considering this was all done on the 2wk pathway I think its disgraceful. I understand the toll on your mental health must be awful.

Sometimes we have to weigh up how much the wait for the hysteroscopy under the NHS will affect my mental health. Maybe do what the consultant said and stay private however if anything from the NHS comes along then you can cancel the private appt.

I truly hope you get your hysteroscopy quickly whoever does it for you xxx


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2024, 10:54:12 AM »

Hi Northerngirl
Goodness, they are taking their time aren’t they. As disco said, considering you are under the 2 week pathway, this is an outrage.

Ideally ( I’m guessing) you would want these procedures done under the NHS? Otherwise, it could prove costly? Maybe try to hang on a bit longer for the NHS ( if you can).

I still can’t fathom out why the biopsy wasn’t done initially and then the hysteroscopy to follow.

Fingers crossed you get an appointment very soon.



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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2024, 01:09:14 PM »

I have had a pre op date through for the 21st but no idea of biopsy/hysteroscopy date yet. After going to the nuffield hospital yesterday I can understand why people go private,  we aren't financially well off by any means but do have some savings which my husband says just use that.  The NHS consultant did try to do a biopsy 2 weeks ago if you remember but couldn't.  I  think because I've had 3 c sections I'm classed as having no children. Lost all faith with the NHS at present....we all know things are bad but I didn't realise they're this bad. Still struggling emotionally at present...I feel like this has gone on too long now and if it is cancer it will have spread. Thanks ladies for your messages as always


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2024, 01:14:48 PM »

Oh of course, I knew there was a why they couldn’t do the biopsy now. It’s a shame as it only takes a few minutes.

Now that you’ve had a pre op date, hopefully the procedure will be done soon after.

Hang on in there 🌸🌸 x


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2024, 01:26:14 PM »

I have had a pre op date through for the 21st but no idea of biopsy/hysteroscopy date yet. After going to the nuffield hospital yesterday I can understand why people go private,  we aren't financially well off by any means but do have some savings which my husband says just use that.  The NHS consultant did try to do a biopsy 2 weeks ago if you remember but couldn't.  I  think because I've had 3 c sections I'm classed as having no children. Lost all faith with the NHS at present....we all know things are bad but I didn't realise they're this bad. Still struggling emotionally at present...I feel like this has gone on too long now and if it is cancer it will have spread. Thanks ladies for your messages as always

If it were me and I had the savings, I'd stay private until I knew how far ahead the biopsy was going to be and possibly to do that part of it via the Nuffield. You can always move straight back into NHS care if they find anything they need to address. Did they tell you how it would cost to be done privately?
Also have you flagged up that you'd be willing to take any short notice cancellations for both pre op and biopsy? You may well get in quicker if, for example, someone cancels because they have covid etc.


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2024, 01:27:17 PM »

Oh of course, I knew there was a why they couldn’t do the biopsy now. It’s a shame as it only takes a few minutes.

Now that you’ve had a pre op date, hopefully the procedure will be done soon after.

Hang on in there 🌸🌸 x
yh  she really tried but gave up incase she damaged me.....I really wanted/needed  it to be done. I feel like everything is going wrong at present...think I'm being punished for something, don't know what cuz I honestly am a good, kind,caring mum who only thinks of everybody else


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2024, 01:31:27 PM »

I have had a pre op date through for the 21st but no idea of biopsy/hysteroscopy date yet. After going to the nuffield hospital yesterday I can understand why people go private,  we aren't financially well off by any means but do have some savings which my husband says just use that.  The NHS consultant did try to do a biopsy 2 weeks ago if you remember but couldn't.  I  think because I've had 3 c sections I'm classed as having no children. Lost all faith with the NHS at present....we all know things are bad but I didn't realise they're this bad. Still struggling emotionally at present...I feel like this has gone on too long now and if it is cancer it will have spread. Thanks ladies for your messages as always

If it were me and I had the savings, I'd stay private until I knew how far ahead the biopsy was going to be and possibly to do that part of it via the Nuffield. You can always move straight back into NHS care if they find anything they need to address. Did they tell you how it would cost to be done privately?
Also have you flagged up that you'd be willing to take any short notice cancellations for both pre op and biopsy? You may well get in quicker if, for example, someone cancels because they have covid etc.
Yes they know I'm willing to take any appointment but I'm guessing that can't happen until after the pre op. They did tell me how much...very expensive about 3k....but that's how desperate I am at present


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2024, 01:33:48 PM »

The ridiculous thing is that I'm desperate to have it done but I know when that day comes I will be absolutely terrified about the whole procedure under GA


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2024, 01:39:13 PM »

It’s expensive for an essentially 20 min procedure. Definitely make it known that you can take a cancellation appointment and just how desperate you are.

Did you have to pay a fee to the Nuffield consultant? The pre op is soon; after that, I wouldn’t imagine you will be waiting much longer.

Deep breaths.. honestly.. the GA is quick.. you are out for the count before you know it!



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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #40 on: January 09, 2024, 01:47:33 PM »

I had my pre op the same week I had my operation. I believe they have to do the op within 2 weeks. Good luck


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #41 on: January 09, 2024, 01:50:26 PM »

It’s expensive for an essentially 20 min procedure. Definitely make it known that you can take a cancellation appointment and just how desperate you are.

Did you have to pay a fee to the Nuffield consultant? The pre op is soon; after that, I wouldn’t imagine you will be waiting much longer.

Deep breaths.. honestly.. the GA is quick.. you are out for the count before you know it!

I know it's expensive but I'm so desperate now. I'll sell my car if I have to.  They know how desperate I am I spoke to the medical secretary yesterday. I did have to pay the nuffield consultant yesterday but to be fair as I said he is all for sticking with the NHS as its "his team" doing it.  Going to see him next week again but he said cancel if I hear anything


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #42 on: January 09, 2024, 02:07:53 PM »

He sounds like a good guy, glad you have ended up seeing same person you would have on nhs.

Donna-Paul makes a really good point in that the pre-op will input be valid for a certain amount of time so they'll have to do it within that time frame. Hopefully they'll give you an appointment on the day.

Re the GA, ask if you can have a pre-med to calm you down beforehand. Some anaesthetists don't mind doing that, others prefer not to as it makes recovery a bit longer. However, if you are staying in overnight then it shouldn't he a problem. Are you sure it is a GA and not just enhanced sedation though, where you are asleep but it isn't as full on as a GA, ie they don't use the muscle relaxant as well. Perhaps that would be less worrying if you knew what type of sedation was being used.


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #43 on: January 09, 2024, 02:28:33 PM »

He sounds like a good guy, glad you have ended up seeing same person you would have on nhs.

Donna-Paul makes a really good point in that the pre-op will input be valid for a certain amount of time so they'll have to do it within that time frame. Hopefully they'll give you an appointment on the day.

Re the GA, ask if you can have a pre-med to calm you down beforehand. Some anaesthetists don't mind doing that, others prefer not to as it makes recovery a bit longer. However, if you are staying in overnight then it shouldn't he a problem. Are you sure it is a GA and not just enhanced sedation though, where you are asleep but it isn't as full on as a GA, ie they don't use the muscle relaxant as well. Perhaps that would be less worrying if you knew what type of sedation was being used.
Thanks penguin for your reply. I'm not exactly sure what is being used yet but I asked for it under GA after the previous biopsy failed and I had a hysteroscopy many years ago and it was horrific so can't take the risk of having it done and the biopsy failing again as time is obviously passing by quickly (all this starting in Oct). I have  a good pain threshold apparently just daren't risk it not happening after all this waiting


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Re: Thickened womb lining
« Reply #44 on: January 10, 2024, 01:24:43 PM »

Oh dear Northerngirl it's disgraceful you are having to wait this long. I'm sure you'll have a GA, as you know I had that due to VA & no children (as they count you) but honestly I was terrified but telling the nurses, consultant and anaesthetist as soon as you see them changes everything.  They are so caring and kind and explain in detail. Tell them yiur fears because they will address them. Mine was having spent years reading about people waking up during surgery and the anaesthetist explained why that can happen and why it wouldn't be me. I told everyone in the theatre I was scared too and they really distracted me and they really will help you. Also find out from your hospital if anyone can stay with you while you wait. If you go private,  you can, the day surgery unit I was on allowed it (NHS) and hubby was with me all the time and he was still sitting there as they wheeled me back from theatre. Just tell them if you can't have someone with you, you're likely to go in to panic mode as you are so anxious. Lay it on as thick as you can.
I still haven't had my biopsy results yet even though they were due last week. I've chased the consultant secretary and still nothing.
I know you're doing all you can to get things pushed through but maybe it's just the NHS in your area.
You are not being punished for anything, my darling girl. I don't doubt you are amazing at everything you do. Unfortunately life can go this way but if you can, focus on what you have, and also the fact that you are highly unlikely to be diagnosed with anything that cannot be easily treated. 
You've got children who are wonderful to have, I'm at hhe stage in life where I wish I'd been able to have them. Try to focus on the blessings you do have. We're all thinking about you, here, and hoping this is delt with speedily. Xx
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