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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Doppler Scan  (Read 869 times)


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Doppler Scan
« on: October 25, 2023, 11:39:55 AM »

I’ve been for an ultrasound on my cervix this morning due to vaginal bleeding. As I have a problem with constant urination, having to drink 2 litres of water beforehand is an absolute trial. Had to stop twice on the way to the hospital to pee and it’s only 20 mins away. When I got to hospital, had to have another pee.  Once the procedure was underway, the  Sonograph commented on how quickly my bladder was filling up having only just emptied it. I had a cystoscopy a couple of months ago and nothing was found so I wonder what causes the bladder to fill up so quickly? Therein lies the overactive bladder problem surely?  I was up 6 times in the night to pee. It’s driving me up the wall. No amount of vagifem has helped with the constant urination. I do wonder if it’s even connected to VA now.  I have to go for another hysteroscopy.. only had one this time last year when a polyp was removed. Sonographer said the lining of the cervix was thick but only 7mm.  She mentioned fluid in the cervix.  No idea what that means either but it all sounded a bit scary. She asked when the polyp was removed and when I said about a year ago she said ‘oh that’s good, not that long ago so early days’. My mind immediately felt she’d seen something because I’m great at embroidering these things! All of the tests, scans and procedures cause more anxiety because of not knowing what’s going on. Anyone had fluid in the cervix? What does it mean?  I guess I just wait and see again. I’ve been 9 years post menopause and I’ve had constant problems with vaginal bleeding, VA, overactive bladder and polyps.  It’s been proper sh*te!!


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2023, 01:30:00 PM »

Are you on HRT?
I wonder if the bleeding is caused by vaginal atrophy?
No idea about fluid on the cervix. Do you mean the lining of the womb was 7 mm rather than the cervix ( neck of the womb).

Agree, tests, scans, procedures =stress!

pastie supper

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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2023, 02:11:45 PM »

Sounds like two separate problems, so dealing with each in turn might help it seem less hopeless?

First you have a problem with having to pee a million times a day and at night too, which adds sleep deprivation with it's own problems.

Has your GP done anything about the bladder problem? When the sonographer said your bladder was filling up quick, perhaps it had only half emptied and the sonographer thought it had just started filling up from zero contents and got to half full already?

I think that it's common to only half empty your bladder, as we get older the bladder gets bigger and floppier and just doesn't squeeze out the contents, we need gravity more to get it all out. Sitting forwards or pulling your knees up can help with a no2 (apologies, tmi) and there are positions that help with peeing too, to get more out.
I think your doctor should be doing something, prescribing something to calm down the bladder, sending you to physio. Unless you're drinking huge amounts every day then each pee must be small? But the ultrasound showed the bladder and it wasn't tiny or she would have said, so your doctor needs to help you find out what is going on.

Then there is the cervix and lining. Did the sonographer mean the lining just inside the cervix? That's where mine was measured couple of months back. I think anything over 6mm is investigated, so as she said, it's only just into the thicker range, it depends a lot on how accurately the sonographer puts the little crosses on the screen, but they'll do further tests as a precaution. I'm sure it will be fine, the wait is always agonising, I can sympathise with that!

Has the bleeding been coming from your cervix? Mine has very thin skin on it that tears and bleeds any time a medical person comes near me and did that all my life, will be thinner now. However relations with my hubbie never make me bleed, so I do blame them and their medieval looking tools.


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2023, 02:31:40 PM »

I’m not on HRT Naz.. I don’t think it’s VA because vagifem used to work brilliantly but it has no effect now.  I think it was the cervix lining that was thick.

Pastie… nothing was mentioned about a small bladder when I had the cystoscopy. I have suffered with interstitial cystitis in the past but consultant said he could see it was healed well at the moment. Consultant put me on Hiprex but it gives me terrible side effects and wasn’t doing anything to reduce frequency anyway. You may be right, it could be I’m not emptying my bladder properly but I do all the stuff suggested by a physio some years ago to make sure it is as empty as can be. I don’t drink huge amounts and I probably don’t pee much each time but it’s not a dribble.. I’ve measured it in the past, it’s between 100 - 150 ml most times.   

The bleeding is from my cervix, in fact I’m bleeding now since having the Doppler and it feels sore.  The blood is pink and snotty looking.. not red. There’s never much but it does happen a lot.  It’s the same after sex :-\

Sage 🍃

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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2023, 04:01:44 PM »

Poor thing  :hug: If your bladder is filling up quickly I guess you need to have your kidneys investigated, because the bladder is just a container. The fluid in the cervix, or 'intra-uterine fluid collection in postmenopausal women with cervical stenosis' seems to be a benign condition according to this article

Fingers crossed for you, sweetie  :-*

Sage 🍃

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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2023, 04:07:14 PM »

Another source of information about this


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2023, 04:27:45 PM »

Sage… I had a kidney scan the same day I had the cystoscopy.. they were fine. I’ve also had blood tests to check the kidneys.  I’m more concerned by the bleeding tbh. That really is a concern. I’ll probably have to live with the overactive bladder


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2023, 05:01:01 PM »

Have your smears all be fine Lynne? No issues?


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2023, 06:08:36 PM »

Have your smears all be fine Lynne? No issues?

I haven't had a smear since I was 60. I had a letter saying they were not needed (in Wales) after that age.  I DID have a hysteroscopy last November and biopsies  were taken so I assume any issues would be picked up with that? 


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2023, 06:18:53 PM »

I think that urodynamics would be a good investigation for you to have in order to see what's happening within the bladder as it fills and empties. Have you been diagnosed with overactive bladder?

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2023, 06:25:45 PM »

Taz..I've had interstitial cystitis for over 20 years so I've suffered bouts of OAB for a long time.. this time though, it's been constant for 2 and a half years.  The cystoscopy showed the IC was calm and sores had healed.  After I had the cystoscopy, I told my GP I was still bleeding and she said because the cystoscopy was clear she wouldn't send me for a doppler scan to check my cervix.  I had to send her photos of the blood before she would listen to me.. so things aren't great with her tbh.  It was a locum who listened and arranged for me to get it checked.


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2023, 06:39:09 PM »

Such a lot for you to deal with. I just wondered whether you had been offered urodynamic testing to check actual bladder function. I was convinced I was fully emptying mine but it was still a third full.

Taz x


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2023, 06:50:40 PM »

I’ve never heard of that Taz but I’ll have a look. GP won’t listen but I do have a private doctor too because of how bad things have been with my own   so I could mention it.


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2023, 10:47:37 PM »

Hi Lynne888

Sorry to hear what you're going through, it is awful what happens to us, and I hope yiu get sorted soon.  Sorry I don't have any advice for tou unfortunately.

I hope you don't mind me jumping on your thread and asking what stuff you had to do to help empty your bladder fully.  I'm wondering if this could be happening to me and would like to try some stuff to help.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2023, 10:51:41 PM by VioletAquarius »


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Re: Doppler Scan
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2023, 07:33:22 AM »

Hi Lynne888

Sorry to hear what you're going through, it is awful what happens to us, and I hope you get sorted soon.  Sorry I don't have any advice for tou unfortunately.

I hope you don't mind me jumping on your thread and asking what stuff you had to do to help empty your bladder fully.  I'm wondering if this could be happening to me and would like to try some stuff to help.

I can't say the techniques for emptying my bladder have worked Violet. I do them to try and help sometimes, but they don't really help. I'm sure they do for some.  The first thing is to double even though you think you've finished, you need to try and do another pee.  Also bend forward to try and squeeze every last drop out.  You can rock back and forth too. Try to hang on for as long as you can, so when you think you need to go (if you are at home) hang on before going.. sometimes we get in the habit of going when we don't really need to. Pelvic floor exercises.I bought a machine but it didn't help. Yesterday when I needed to go at the hospital it was unbearable and when I get to that stage it flares up for the rest of the day and I'm on and off the loo every 10 minutes.  I now have a portable loo in the car. We changed the car to accommodate it. I was caught out so often with nowhere to go so ended up getting a VW Caddy Maxi with a ramp at the back. It has 5 seats plus the back area and I have a loo in there. I'm not suggesting anyone do the same but it's the best thing I've ever done because it takes the fear out of finding a loo! It's also brilliant for going to the tip and for shopping!  ;D We've also got a camper van with a loo.  That's how bad things were for me when out and about. It's a big expense just to be sure you can get to a loo but I'd go to the point where I just didn't want to go out it was so stressful.