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Author Topic: The last three years..  (Read 2717 times)


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Re: The last three years..
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2023, 12:21:41 PM »

Oh I agree with the 'abusive influencers.'  Opinions are ok, sharing your own stuff is ok, but there are influencers who are on one extreme or the other and pushing an agenda for sure.


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Re: The last three years..
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2023, 01:12:56 PM »

So this happened recently.

I'm going about my business, cheerful, polite.  Go to pharmacy to collect the rest of my medicene as I had 24 tablets and the rest owing.  I called them and was told I'd already collected them at end of august.  I hadn't.  I was using the first batch and had just finished it.  I went in to double check with them, still cheerful, still polite, and was spoken to as if I was utter sh*t basically.  Told I brought the 'wrong box' in to show them, and 'why' did I, implying I did it on purpose or to try and pull the wool over their eyes!!!!

It's a controlled drug so she refused to offer an emergency supply, suggested I go to my surgery to sort it out.  Even the young assistant looked up, as all surgeries were closed by then.  When I explained that she then went onto say I should have come in earlier, I said I called her at mid day and she said I'd already been given the tablets so I had to wait for the surgery to return a response to me, which they did before they closed.  And on, and on, but it was the rudeness that was the problem, rather than sorting out the medication.

So I didn't get it.  I called 111 and some condescending male doctor  (and I'm NOT one of those women ready to slate men, least of all doctors as I've had lovely doctors over the years) told me he couldn't prescribe a controlled drug and that I have been told that before (I think the chastising was unnecessary especially as I'd spoken politely, always do, and had said that a pharmacist had been quite rude earlier, so I was still upset from that)

Ok, so then I remembered I had tried once before, but I couldn't understand it then and was way too busy that day to commit such information to memory.  After all, if you need medicene it's prescribed by a doctor right?  So why would most people remember what a doctor can and cannot prescribe?  Also another reason for not committing that to memory (aside from it's not my paid job) was because the doctor said a pharmacist that knows you can do it, so I went to a pharmacist that knew me and she said the doctor hadn't made any sense saying they cannot prescribe.  So I just assumed the doctor didn't want to do it, they sounded very young anyway.

So apparently they can't prescribe controlled drugs, so, it seems if you are completely out of a controlled drug, out of hours, and it's dangerous to stop that drug suddenly, you are NOT going to receive any help from any NHS establishment in the UK.  I imagine if the withdrawal effects are potentially fatal, then you will just die or survive until you can see your GP next.

That is what I've been told.  (and as I've also been told below, no one is going to lie to me, so I must accept this)

I attempted to clarify the truth with a receptionist the next day and she said 'well the doctor isn't going to lie to you.'  Yet they (receptionists, pharmacists, not all but a lot) are looking at us as if we are liars and junkies all the time.  Now I'm not supposed to clarity, question, think for myself?  Sorry, I'm still going to be looking into this when I have time.

Anyway, yesterday was spent driving across town to collect medicene that's not available where I live.  Some pharmacists will give a generic version (and in the past often did, it was commonplace), but now SOME refuse to do that, others will do it.  How confusing, especially when both sets know you and know you are on that medicene.

Today I race against the clock to do yesterday's work AND today's because lost yesterday.

The whole thing has so much unnecessary anger, rudeness, criticism, etc, and not from me (only now, reflecting on it)



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Re: The last three years..
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2023, 04:15:37 PM »

Hi KaraShannon,

I’m sorry that happened to you. My opinion is that there have always been plenty of nasty people around, but I have heard people say it’s got worse since the pandemic. I doubt the pandemic has turned anyone decent into a horrible person, but maybe the stress of it all has made anyone with nasty tendencies to get worse. It is a stressful world we live in and it takes energy and strength to continue being kind and considerate when we are stressed or struggling. I always see horrible people as inherently weak and it’s a natural response when treated badly to be angry or upset. I think one contributing factor amongst many is dwindling police numbers and low conviction rates. People know they are unlikely to face serious consequences for abuse or violence.


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Re: The last three years..
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2023, 11:33:52 PM »

Hi KaraShannon,

I’m sorry that happened to you. My opinion is that there have always been plenty of nasty people around, but I have heard people say it’s got worse since the pandemic. I doubt the pandemic has turned anyone decent into a horrible person, but maybe the stress of it all has made anyone with nasty tendencies to get worse. It is a stressful world we live in and it takes energy and strength to continue being kind and considerate when we are stressed or struggling. I always see horrible people as inherently weak and it’s a natural response when treated badly to be angry or upset. I think one contributing factor amongst many is dwindling police numbers and low conviction rates. People know they are unlikely to face serious consequences for abuse or violence.

Katherine I agree with you totally.  The mask is slipping for a lot of people and as you said, you doubt the pandemic has turned decent people into nasty people.  No it's just being revealed I think.  And what bothers me is the extent of it.  All those people living amongst us with normal, decent masks.   >:(

I don't mind people getting stressed, but when I'm stressed I mainly tell people about it, rather than attack them for no reason.  If they haven't time to listen, I handle it!  I do see a lot of nastiness as weakness but I also see it as something innate so unlikely to change, so I just try to avoid it.  Everyone is capable of snapping under a lot of stress, I'm not going to come down heavy on them, but the rest of it is just plain horrible.


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Re: The last three years..
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2023, 05:40:01 PM »


I do believe there are many people who just seem to enjoy hurting others, but I think most of them weren’t born like it, but bad things have happened to them which overwhelmed them so much that they turned. However with people like that it’s a mistake to feel sorry for them and try and help them because it’s not going to change them, they are too far gone so agree it’s best to avoid them or protect yourself. I wish these people could all go and live together on an island and hurt each other instead of hurting good people. Some of the things that have happened to my partner and me lately are unbelievable. For example we were in a pub in a nice area and my partner was waiting for me at a table while I was in the loo and a man came and sat with him, plugged in his laptop and my partner said I was coming soon and we wanted to sit on our own and he said this isn’t the kind of place where you get to be on your own so my partner got up and walked away to avoid confrontation. I could tell you many stories like that. I feel sorry for these people as they must be really miserable but the only was they will change is if they face serious consequences and most don’t.


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Re: The last three years..
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2023, 06:07:06 PM »


I do believe there are many people who just seem to enjoy hurting others, but I think most of them weren’t born like it, but bad things have happened to them which overwhelmed them so much that they turned. However with people like that it’s a mistake to feel sorry for them and try and help them because it’s not going to change them, they are too far gone so agree it’s best to avoid them or protect yourself. I wish these people could all go and live together on an island and hurt each other instead of hurting good people. Some of the things that have happened to my partner and me lately are unbelievable. For example we were in a pub in a nice area and my partner was waiting for me at a table while I was in the loo and a man came and sat with him, plugged in his laptop and my partner said I was coming soon and we wanted to sit on our own and he said this isn’t the kind of place where you get to be on your own so my partner got up and walked away to avoid confrontation. I could tell you many stories like that. I feel sorry for these people as they must be really miserable but the only was they will change is if they face serious consequences and most don’t.

Wow Katherine that man was so rude, but it sounds like your partner did the right thing as you can never tell how people will react these days. I'd say taking your laptop into a pub is also rude and unsociable though 🤷‍♂️


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Re: The last three years..
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2023, 06:14:36 PM »


I do believe there are many people who just seem to enjoy hurting others, but I think most of them weren’t born like it, but bad things have happened to them which overwhelmed them so much that they turned. However with people like that it’s a mistake to feel sorry for them and try and help them because it’s not going to change them, they are too far gone so agree it’s best to avoid them or protect yourself. I wish these people could all go and live together on an island and hurt each other instead of hurting good people. Some of the things that have happened to my partner and me lately are unbelievable. For example we were in a pub in a nice area and my partner was waiting for me at a table while I was in the loo and a man came and sat with him, plugged in his laptop and my partner said I was coming soon and we wanted to sit on our own and he said this isn’t the kind of place where you get to be on your own so my partner got up and walked away to avoid confrontation. I could tell you many stories like that. I feel sorry for these people as they must be really miserable but the only was they will change is if they face serious consequences and most don’t.

That's so rude. Whatever happened to asking if the seat was taken? How did he know you weren't waiting for 17 friends to join you?


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Re: The last three years..
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2023, 06:39:40 PM »

No one does that, he was just a psycho. We were there for a meal in a little nook. There were other tables free. If I’d been on my own I would’ve confronted him, I think I would have kicked up a stink but when my partner is with me I am mindful of the fact a man is more likely to be physically attacked than a woman so for him I will walk away. Sometimes I can’t help myself though and react.


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Re: The last three years..
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2023, 06:45:02 PM »

Yes, sometimes it just isn't worth the hassle. Problem is that if he always gets what he wants he'll never learn to be decent, but who wants to risk getting beaten up? He was a bully!


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Re: The last three years..
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2023, 07:27:41 PM »

I hate it when men spit next to your feet when you walk past too. I was walking up a street in a rough area taking a short cut last summer and a man spat near my feet as he passed me and he was in too close proximity for me to dare to respond. Also no one else around.
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