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Author Topic: In hell with pain  (Read 1473 times)


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2023, 02:54:00 PM »

Are you feeling any better Nas?


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2023, 03:46:19 PM »

Hi Katherine,
Thank you so much for your kind and supporting words, they are very much appreciated  :thankyou:

Well, I looked at my box of HRT 'tricks' and saw I had some sandrena gel in there. I slapped on a sachet as I remembered from previous times, that it does give me a bit of a boost now and then. Sure enough, within half an hour, I was able to do another load of washing, put some laundry away, see to my house rabbits and book a GP appt.

So, I am low in oestrogen it seems, along with a hideously painful fibroid, which is impacting bladder and bowel now.

Somehow, I MUST get this sorted. How, I do not know.
If I can get my pain under control, I will be okay until all these results are through. If I can't, I am just going to have to show up at A&E again. They cannot expect people to just live in pain, surely? GP appt. is two weeks time, but If I feel as hideous tomorrow, I will have to go sick. I went sick before the summer break, for two days, with pain, so it is probably best for me to get signed off now. I will disucss this with the GP when I speak to her/him.

Taz, I am not sure if the fibroid is degenerating. It was the size of a pip last September and now 6cm x5cm!
It is just on the outside of the uterus and causing majpr pain.

Just taken nuromel and am hoping for the best!

Thanks again all x

« Last Edit: September 10, 2023, 03:48:13 PM by Nas »


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2023, 03:51:30 PM »

I’m so glad you are feeling better! And you have a plan now. I’m having one of those ‘feeling knackered’ days myself which may be pmt, but you’ve just inspired me to go and apply my oestrogel which I still haven’t got round to doing, then hopefully I can tackle my mountain of dishes! Keep us updated of how you’re getting on, we care about you!


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2023, 03:40:53 PM »

Hi Nas!

Haven't been on for a while and catching up.  I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this.  An MRI sounds like a good next step.  I hope they're able to get it out of you ASAP.

A couple of links that may help others understand what you're going through.  There are many different types of fibroids.  I hope I'm allowed to post links.

Subserosal Fibroids

Picture of Fibroid Locations in the Uterus


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2023, 04:17:22 PM »

Thanks Ana  :)
Yes those links say it all and I have all of those horrid symptoms. They are really awful how they impact on the body and I can’t stress enough how they are often swept under the carpet by many medics and classed as “ something women get”! No! Once they begin to affect the bowel and bladder, trouble lies ahead.

IF ANY part of my bladder or bowel is affected, when I finally get to this monster out, I won’t be happy at all. 

As it is, I’m having to eat a ton of prunes, kiwi and figs; in addition to laxatives and stool softeners, just do keep things “ moving”  It’s totally exhausting!!
This damm beast is causing all of this ( check out where the uterus is in relation to the colon and bowel) .

Katherine, how are you today? X


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2023, 05:28:01 PM »

Hi Nas

I just wanted to offer my support. You're really going through it at the moment sweetheart I'm so sorry.

Just to say I'm thinking of you xxxx


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2023, 06:22:36 PM »

Thanks disco.
Relentless for sure.

How are you doing? Xx


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2023, 08:54:22 PM »

Hi Nas,

I’ve had a better day thank you today. I think sometimes at the weekend I just need a really good rest. I think we sometimes forget to rest don’t we. I hope you’re feeling better. I hope you get sorted soon.  I find breakfast cereals like special k are good for fibre you know. Xxx


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2023, 07:26:25 AM »

I'm so sorry you are going through this. My mum had massive fibroids equivalent to a 6 month pregnancy. The consultant told her they grow from oestrogens and when she goes through menopause the drop in oestrogen will make them shrink. And it did as she had no problems with them and they all shrank to nothing.
Are you on any HRT particularly oestrogen ?


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2023, 11:56:11 AM »

Hope you are getting some relief from your pain.  Are you going into work?  It just takes your life over, nothing else gets a look in.  Sending love and hugs to you x


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2023, 01:01:46 PM »

Hi Nas

Not too bad at the moment.

I really hope you can get this fibroid sorted soon. I really feel for you xxx


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Re: In hell with pain
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2023, 01:15:33 PM »

Hey Nas,
Sorry not been on forum for a few days.

Bloody he'll girl, you need urgent help. What plans have you for the immediate future? Sometimes we are able to accept ( albeit reluctantly) some pain and symptoms, but when it affects our day to day lives severely then action is surely urgent? It can be hard to get the medical professions ( who I hasten to add are generally amazing) to understand when we feel so defeated by pain,it can feel exhausting so much so I sometimes lose the ability to fight my corner.

When I had physio for osteoarthritis on my hips, I asked if so could continue exercises whilst other pain is investigated,  the physio said that they use a 4/10 guide. In other words do the exercise unless your own pain threshold reaches 4/10 or above.

How many on here have daily pain close to the maximum?
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