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Author Topic: Replases- why and how often?  (Read 776 times)


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Replases- why and how often?
« on: August 01, 2023, 05:23:44 PM »

I'm now 60 and for the past two years have suffered from really bad VA and urinary problems, and just recently dry eye!
Managed to get everything under control eventually with vagifem and ovestin.
I also have two large fibroids so was advised against using patches as the fibroids were actually increasing in size.
I stopped the patches a year ago and have had fibroids monitored since. They have shrank and I've been discharged and told I need no further action.
The dry eye is also under control with drops and 100 % better than they were.
VA and bladder have been much improved, almost to the point of forgetting I had ever suffered.
Then I had a short flare up in April/May which, with an increased use of vagifem and ovestin settled.
But it's back again!
Stinging, itchy (in a nasty way)and sore plus a weird pulsating feeling in my urethra when I pass water. Abit like a 'nip' cystitis feeling. I've had water infections in the past and certain I haven't got an infection as I don't need to 'go' all the time and urine is clear, just this strange feeling, almost like a pulse.
Should I up vagifem again? Am using 5 nights a week normally (with ovestin externally), only Wednesday and Saturday are HRT free. Should I go for 7 days a week?
Have appointment at doctors on 14th August and will ask for a water test and a swab (could I have thrush? No discharge at all).
So its been going so well.


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Re: Replases- why and how often?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2023, 06:47:47 AM »

Do you think the nip in the urethra is due to where you had a caruncle removed ?

You have scope to up the vagifem & ovestin. I feel it all becomes a personal decision.  If i decide to up at all now it becomes harder to then reduce.

I’m in a bad patch at the moment but altering other care regimes first to see if things settle. Most likely due to do too much sitting on a recent long journey.

Hope the GP can give you some answers.



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Re: Replases- why and how often?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2023, 07:01:43 AM »

The dry eye is also under control with drops and 100 % better than they were.
What drops are you using for dry eyes? I've been taking sea buckthorn for dry eyes, it would be good to know if there is a  pharmaceutical that does a better job?

I also have VA symptons, I'm going to ask can I have ovestin as well, it seems loads of people here have both and vagirux isn't doing much at all on it's own. I'm only allowed two a week and keep weeing myself! It's also started getting irritated down there since taking utrogestan vaginally and rectally.


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Re: Replases- why and how often?
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2023, 07:10:21 AM »

Hi folks

The caruncle turned out to be a cyst which was removed last April. Extremely sore for a month or so, but absolutely no problem since. So don't think it's that.
I know VA mimics so many other things too but it just feels as though I may have thrush as bladder doesn't feel empty after passing water, but after 30 mins or so the feeling goes.
I'm going to the loo perhaps 5 or 6 times a day, so no rushing!! But very painful when I do.
Last night I noticed a odourless white discharge too so something definitely afoot!
After many experiments with eye drops I use Viscotears with carbomer gel, I find it fantastic.
My local eye infirmary also prescribed steroid drops for 2 months which really helped with inflammation



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Re: Replases- why and how often?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2023, 02:23:44 PM »

Hi folks

The caruncle turned out to be a cyst which was removed last April. Extremely sore for a month or so, but absolutely no problem since. So don't think it's that.
I know VA mimics so many other things too but it just feels as though I may have thrush as bladder doesn't feel empty after passing water, but after 30 mins or so the feeling goes.
I'm going to the loo perhaps 5 or 6 times a day, so no rushing!! But very painful when I do.
Last night I noticed a odourless white discharge too so something definitely afoot!
After many experiments with eye drops I use Viscotears with carbomer gel, I find it fantastic.
My local eye infirmary also prescribed steroid drops for 2 months which really helped with inflammation


I don’t think a white odourless discharge is unusual i often get it.

I’ve just looked up symptoms of caruncle & it does mention pain on urinating which you seem to be experiencing.

Cyst Caruncle ? maybe it is just splitting hairs.

Just my thoughts.


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Re: Replases- why and how often?
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2023, 05:26:19 PM »

Managed to get an emergency doctors appointment today.
Left water sample and vaginal swab.
If I don't hear anything before, have another appointment in two weeks.

The doctor actually diagnosed the caruncle two years ago but when I finally got an appointment with a urologist in December 2021 he immediately saw it was a tint cyst.
In fact he didn't want to remove it as it was so small he couldn't believe it was bothering me!
Not 100% sure what the difference is, but this feeling I have now feels more like an infection.
A pulse like throb from the neck of the bladder as the flow of urine stops, hurting more as it stops- like cystitis but slightly different.
Then for 30 mins afterwards it feels sore and stingy and bladder feels as though it hasn't completely emptied, before settling down for another hour or so.
I could scream!! 



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Re: Replases- why and how often?
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2023, 06:46:18 AM »

There is something you could try, I think it's called an estring or something similar. It delivers a continuous amount of oestrogen internally so you would get a bigger dose which might fix the bladder problems.