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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: What to expect from a scan at the NHS HRT clinic?  (Read 818 times)


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What to expect from a scan at the NHS HRT clinic?
« on: July 06, 2023, 09:41:41 AM »

Hi all,
I was referred for intolerance to hrt meds last July, then again in October for excessive post-meno bleeding, I think both will be covered in one scan appointment scheduled for August this year.

It's NHS of course, my question is how do they scan us?
Is it an ultrasound across your tummy or a penis shaped probe that goes inside?
I've had both before privately, but now we are NHS again, just wondering as it gets closer what to expect?

Also does anyone know if the HRT review gets done then too? I've been trying to speak to them for a few weeks but they are very busy and while I've got the GP to switch meds a few times to try out different ones, they tell me I must get the instructions from the HRT clinic, that was why they referred me after all, to try out different meds under the care of someone who knows about menopause!

The waiting lists are a postcode lottery of course, but the actual procedures once your number is called must be the same wherever you are?

Will there be blood tests or anything else as well?
What can I expect?


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Re: What to expect from a scan at the NHS HRT clinic?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2023, 11:17:45 AM »

My last scan a couple of months ago was for pelvic and abdomen so I had both. Ultrasound across the tummy same as the one when pregnant and also the internal probe. Bladder full for the tummy one, then empty for the internal one.
I've also had both before just for a pelvic scan.
I'm assuming as it's a HRT clinic they would do the the review there but may have to wait for the results of the scan before they can decide on treatment.


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Re: What to expect from a scan at the NHS HRT clinic?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2023, 08:09:27 AM »

Thanks Dierdre,
It's an HRT clinic, so I'm probably getting the same as your pelvic scan and your abdominal scan for something else?
I'm guessing that was the internal one.

I hate those ones, I had dozens of internal exams as a teenager, as a punishment for being on the pill while unmarried I think, but back then (1980s) the doctor would use an ice cold metal spectulum (can't spell it) and then lever apart my protesting vagina using the turnscrew on the thing, it was so painful and I'd bleed the rest of the day. Every six months I went, he wanted it to be every three months instead but I kept "forgetting" until he'd stop prescribing the pill, then I'd have to go in.
Btw I lived with my boyfriend, not my parents, my parents had both gone.
It was great when the law changed to allow us all to change GPs!


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Re: What to expect from a scan at the NHS HRT clinic?
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2023, 08:17:12 AM »

OMG unless you had issues with your cervix I can't see why he needed to do that. Had you had abnormal cells and needed regular smears? Sounds like abuse! Sadly there are many awful doctors around - they are not the gods the media and naive public would like to think. The case law and GMC disciplinary procedures are testament to that. I had an operation on my neck in the 80s and the hospital doctor admitting me wanted to do an internal!! I told him no thank goodness.


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Re: What to expect from a scan at the NHS HRT clinic?
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2023, 10:06:16 AM »

Some are just creeps. I had bronchitis once away from home and saw a local GP in Bedford where I was working.
After listening to my chest and prescibing antibiotics, he asked had I ever been shown how to examine my breasts.

I said no, so he insisted it was vitally important for all women, so wasn't it lucky he'd caught the ommision early, while I was still only 21.
I stood stripped to the waist while he had a good old feel of my boobs, telling me to work from outside to the middle, I felt utterly abused and humiliated that time for sure.
He looked so smug, he knew that I knew he'd tricked me.


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Re: What to expect from a scan at the NHS HRT clinic?
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2023, 12:33:30 PM »

There's no speculum used for the internal probe, it's just like a thin tubular instrument covered with what looks like a condom and plenty of lube. No pain at all.
My doctor always asks for the nurse to be present for internal exams, think it's normal practice at my surgery.


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Re: What to expect from a scan at the NHS HRT clinic?
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2023, 02:22:05 PM »

I was referred due to bleeding at the age of 59 (Periods have never stopped and I bleed on a regular predictable basis)  and my GP thought it could not POSSIBLY still be my periods so I was sent for a scan as she feared womb cancer :(


I had my scan first at one appointment and was made a separate appt to see gynae at the same time for after that in preparation.

My scan consisted of trans abdominal scan - where nothing untoward at all was detected, I had the 'womb of a still menstruating woman' and the lining was thin, so no need for the internal one.



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Re: What to expect from a scan at the NHS HRT clinic?
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2023, 08:43:25 AM »

Is it an ultrasound across your tummy or a penis shaped probe that goes inside?

"Penis-shaped probe"  ;D . The mind boggles! :vibe:

Seriously though, please try not to worry - though I complete understand your concerns re your previous bad experiences.

All the scans I've had whether transvaginal or U/S have been conducted in the most sympathetic way possible. Only one (woman) present and very gentle. I have experienced  a little momentary discomfort from the TVS because the probe was moving around - to try to find my ovaries I think - which atrophy when post-menopause, but the discomfort only minimal. Once a man was supposed to do it but I declined and a woman did it instead.

I would suggest it is really important for them to do both if possible because the TVS I understand is more accurate. My womb lining measured thicker from the TVS than the U/S external.

In terms of the results - that completely depends on your area. Most of the scans I've had done have been carried out by sonographer in separate department and while I have always asked her informally what the measurement is and whether she can see anything abnormal, the sonographer has always said the scan will be sent to the requesting gynae for comment and report.

So it really depends on your area. The last time when I had a scan, and referral for hysteroscopy, that was in one specialised clinic, and I had the scan and then discussed the results that same day with the gynae. When I had the hyseroscopy and biopsy. Immediately after this I sat down in the same room with the consultant and she discussed it with me and made recommendatios re my ongoing hRT treatment.

All the best with your scan(s)!

Hurdity x


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Re: What to expect from a scan at the NHS HRT clinic?
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2023, 09:31:25 AM »

I was referred due to bleeding at the age of 59 (Periods have never stopped and I bleed on a regular predictable basis)  and my GP thought it could not POSSIBLY still be my periods so I was sent for a scan as she feared womb cancer :(


I had my scan first at one appointment and was made a separate appt to see gynae at the same time for after that in preparation.

My scan consisted of trans abdominal scan - where nothing untoward at all was detected, I had the 'womb of a still menstruating woman' and the lining was thin, so no need for the internal one.
Thank you all for the replies, I feel better about the prospect now and the clinic seems staffed by women too.
I may well be a bit like you Clovie, my periods show no signs of becoming irregular at the age of 53 and the doctors may well just have to accept I'm not really post menopausal at all even though my periods stopped when I was 50-51 for over a year, for which I blame covid now.
Of course we all thought it was menopause at the time, noone knew anything about covid then, but women in my family tend to be older than 51 when they hit menopause, more like mid fifties or even later.