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Author Topic: Mirena  (Read 1032 times)


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« on: May 27, 2023, 05:19:05 PM »

Hi  - please could you share with me pros and cons of Mirena, have Provera at the moment with 100 patch and bleeding every 2 weeks. Thank you  :)


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2023, 05:29:56 PM »

I did not get on with the mirena , but many women do find it helps. I have since had a hysterectomy and found many problems with my womb and cervix, so that may have contributed to the reasons I did not get on with it. Hopefully a positive post will pop up soon x


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2023, 06:35:54 PM »

Following as interested also


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2023, 07:06:00 PM »


Well I started hrt in Spetember, and hated utrogestan. I also hated the fact that I still got very regular periods. Had the mirena coil fitted instead. The actual fitting was ok, painful but not overly, and I had very very good nurses who explained everything, and took their time. I  took painkillers  beforehand.  Had some cramping pain for The rest of the day only.

 I had spotting and light bleeding until January, then sometimes still get spotting when my natural period would usually occur. although I would prefer no bleeds whatsoever, having the coil is without doubt the better option  for me. I no longer have the monthly heavy periods. In a way it is also convenient,  I dont really even think about it. Had a check up from the nurse at my surgery after a while just to check that all was in place et c and It was. It seems to work for me.

I hope others can share their pros and cons too to help you decide.


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2023, 10:40:32 AM »

I had my first Mirena when I was one year post meno because I struggled with Utrogestan. The fitting on both times was no worse than a smear for me. The one I had last summer was a bit of a struggle for GP to remove as strings had disappeared. She kept apologising but it was certainly not painfull at all. I felt sorry for her as she was sweating buckets and bright red after!
The first one I had 4.5 months of daily very light spotting which was a bit annoying but so pleased I put up with it as no other issues. My second one I had two days of spotting and not even crampy next day.


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2023, 05:40:24 PM »

Following also as on 125 estradot with x200 Utrogestan continuously (technically 25/28, but makes not difference to me it seems!) bleeding roughly every 2-3 weeks and awful physical pms type symptoms and brain fog. Moods are ok which is annoying as I don’t want those to go. Considering a coil - either mirena or lower dose with utrogestan.



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Re: Mirena
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2023, 05:41:45 PM »

@SarahT - do you get any other symptoms with a light bleed with mirena?

I just need some sort of stability!


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2023, 06:18:50 PM »

Hi Clarella,

Well not sure but the mirena  is to blame with my other symptoms as I think the oestrogen patches should be better control  these. I get mood swings, cyclical exhaustion, night flushes, VA, joint pain and muscle fatigue, and these kick in badly mostly  on the week  prior to and including the  week of my menstrual 'bleed' such as it is.
I should note that I have increased my patch to 100 in a bit to suppress my natural cycle, due to pms\pmdd symptoms, and many ladies note  that any change in any form of hrt can alter symptoms, including sometimes bleeding. It can take a while for the body to settle on a different dose of regime.

Obviously I am  not  an hrt  expert, and we all have different symptoms and reactions, but  keeping notes of changes through  my month, it appears my symptoms are a lot cyclical so I do not think the coil is to 'blame' for my changes. I personally cannot think of anything else The mirena contributes in a negative way.

The process of taking utrogestan on and off through the month made my own symptoms far more erratic. It is the better  form of progesterone for me and the way my natural cycle, being peri, seems to something haywire. I feel a bit more of a steady control of that makes sense?

Sorry this answer is not a clear yes or no! But as we all do, I have other factors to work with too. X


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2023, 06:34:44 PM »

Sorry you’re struggling- I’m on x200 utro continuously but having similar issues. I don’t mind a bleed but I do mind the brain fog, fatigue, night sweats etc. I have one lovely week and then it starts again for a week. Seems to be every 2-3 weeks which k know isn’t right. (Very light bleeds but awful symptoms.)

Was hoping maybe mirena might knock back some of the inflammation associated with a period.


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2023, 06:57:21 PM »

I feel for you too. Stability is a huge thing I seek as well.

I do think my symptoms are due to the ' not quite there yet'  oestrogen patch dose,  as opposed to the mirena part. I should say (even if it doesn't sound like it) I have seen an improvement in a lot of my symptoms after increasing to 100 patch. I see you are on 125 atm. I know you are concerned about your moods which seem ok right now. It often seems a case of ' well, what is the better horrible  symptom I shall put up with so I can try to halt the even worse ones '.  I seem to swap one for the other each month.

Is it worth a call with your g.p?? I have on discussion with my g.p upped my patch strength, and as I say some symptoms are slowly improving. I have only been on this strength for about 5 weeks, so I feel it is still early days for me. And I hope the physical pms is a bit of a glitch while my body settles on the higher strength. Atm, for this month,I seem to have swapped some pms  mood difficulties for physical pms symptoms. I hope next cycle both will have lessened.

I definitely would bring the mirena coil subject in a  discussion with your g.p or a nurse at your surgery and explain why you are thinking of altering your progesterone as they may be able to offer a balanced approach to go with your own need to help the pms.

Am sorry you are having such a difficult time. I wish you well. X



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Re: Mirena
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2023, 07:01:36 PM »


Just seen your other post. Just to  throw it in the mix....I too have an underactive  thyroid! Currently on levothyroxine 125.

Speaking to my own g.p next week to request bloods and advice on thyroid levels, due to exhaustion during cycle, and muscle fatigue too. Seems some of us are a complicated lot. Been reading the thyroid threads too.

Sarah x


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2023, 09:54:54 AM »

I had the Mirena fitted in January, best thing I ever did wish I had done it sooner, I'm 51 so had it to help with my horrible heavy periods (which always made me aneamic), plus contaception and Progesterone part of HRT so 3 in 1 for me haha. I had light spotting on and off for around a month, then settled to a couple of days spotting when my period is due, no others symptoms at all, I love it and I was seriously dreading it x


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2023, 09:07:09 PM »


I am reading this with great interest as I finally got my gynae referral through and thinking about trying Mirena.

I am on Evorel conti 50 and bleeding when I shouldn’t be (as I have fibroids).

The GP referred me as I have distorted lining due to the fibroids.  I think there is a good chance Mirena will be suggested.

It sounds daft but I have been quite freaked out about the thought of it somehow going wrong or me taking a bad reaction and it’s stuck inside me.

I now feel I need to try it as the constant bleeding is difficult.  I am scared of the fitting as last time I had a gynaecologist appointment she put a camera in and did a biopsy of my biggest fibroid without any sedation and I fainted at the train station half an hour after.

If I am brave enough to go for it does anyone know if the hospital will give me a new prescription for the estrogen part of my HRT and if so what the best thing to ask for would be? Should I ask for Evorel estrogen patch because I am already on it?

Thanks so much for any advice,

Jett xxx


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2023, 07:02:15 PM »

Just a quick update for folks wondering about the Mirena - I got mine fitted today.  I found it sore but bearable and it was pretty fast.

I have to check it’s still there after a month then go to my GP and get the estrogen part of my HRT sorted out.  I have to stick with my Evorel conti patch with the Mirena until then.

Immediately after getting it fitted was like really bad period cramps but it started to ease a bit after a few hours.

I will update again to let folk know how it goes.

Jett xx


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Re: Mirena
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2023, 07:12:40 PM »

Hi jett,

Glad the appt to fit the Mirena went ok. I was so nervous, but it was better than I thought, had two great nurses with me which helped. Like you I had cramps and was tired as well. I did bleed\spotting for some weeks but this settled down.

Have yourself a restful evening and hope the oestrogen bit goes ok when your appt is due with your g.p 
Am sure your post will be of help for others who may be deciding the pros and cons of the coil themselves.
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