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Author Topic: Not frozen shoulder  (Read 2573 times)


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Not frozen shoulder
« on: April 17, 2023, 08:41:48 PM »

Mmm....I've a feeling this maybe a long post but I'll try to cut it down.
A year ago I had a sore shoulder, just a wee ache and it was definitely worse if I slept on that side. I posted on MM about frozen shoulder as I was sure that was the problem. October came and went, the pain got worse, was now affecting my left arm. But as I had Deep Heat, Deep Freeze (?) umpteen lotions, a TENS machine, took pain relief regulary I felt I should carry on. Mr Padine was not very sympathetic as I was always complaining about this pain. Then I caught  a very bad cold in December and went to the Dr. I had a chest infection she said, I got ABs. I just mentioned my shoulder and did the usual lift the arm, twist it behind your back etc and Dr also referred me to NHS physio. Between then and last Thursday I had 4 physio appointments (I had been marked "Urgent" and was seen quickly). "Remember and do your exercises Mum or it's all a waste of time" said younger son so I did and exercises made my arm sore and less mobile. Physio said I was being over zealous with exercises and only do half of them! By April my arm was/is practically useless. Getting dressed is very sore and difficult, putting the washing out is comical as I lift my arm to the rope with my good arm. Physio referred me for MRI on my neck which has shown up a bulge in my spine at my neck, with disintegrated bone and very little fluid round that part. The Dr we saw explained as much as the scan showed, he was so helpful but I couldn't really take it in. After taking lots of blood tests, he said they will have to consider what to do next and sent me home. He said not to hesitate coming back in if the pain in my arm or neck  is unbearable, and/or my arm becomes paralysed.
Mr P feels bad that I had to put up with so much pain but he wasn't to know, he's being very kind to me now! I am worried about what they will find but if it was really urgent, they would have kept me in surely?Just sharing this with you has helped, thanks for listening.

                                                                                               Padine x


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Re: Not frozen shoulder
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2023, 08:59:23 PM »

Hi Padine,

Sorry to hear you're having so many problems at the moment with your shoulder. I can't really comment on what it could be although it sounds like some sort of trapped nerve caused by your back. If you are anything like me you will be really stressing about the worst possible scenario and that is a horrible place to be. But it sounds like now something is finally being done about it and that is positive. Make sure you persist with the doctors to get it addressed asap - you have waited long enough.

Sending you very best wishes. Thinking of you x


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Re: Not frozen shoulder
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2023, 08:17:10 AM »

Hi Padine, I had a fractured disc in my neck,which showed as a bulge and what it is,is the disc split and the fluid from the disc (showed as bulge) started leaking onto the nerves,the pain was right down my arm and around my ribs. I always get so mad when I hear folks are sent to physio BEFORE an MRI as these exercises can make things worse when it's disc related.They told me I needed an op to rectify things but I did the McKenzie treatment (neck physio)which saved me an op.Hope you get it sorted soon,let us know how you get on...oh and milk the sympathy from Mr Padine  ;D


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Re: Not frozen shoulder
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2023, 08:37:33 AM »

Tnx for the update. 

A good reason not to undergo any physio. or manipulation B4 a recent X-ray ? 


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Re: Not frozen shoulder
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2023, 01:15:52 PM »

Sorry to hear about it and I hope you find a satisfactory way forwards. I find it a little frightening the physio didn't check this out, I though they were usually quite good at investigating underlying problems first.


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Re: Not frozen shoulder
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2023, 01:44:06 PM »

That was my thought -  :-\

How is it feeling overall, does it keep you awake?


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Re: Not frozen shoulder
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2023, 03:08:08 PM »

Sorry not to have answered you earlier CLKD but the last 2 weeks have been awful. We had no word from hospital about test results and I was very anxious. Then I got a letter for appointment with consultant neurologist for a review at beginning of June (6 weeks to wait!!) then next day a letter came with results of scan in med-gobble-de-gook we couldn't understand and the last line said no further help required from neurology team but I'd be reviewed in 6 weeks. I should have felt very happy that it was nothing very serious but I had mixed feelings. Went to see my own GP yesterday and she explained the scan letter  -  basically I've a trapped nerve in my neck and that's causing all the pain in my neck and arm+tingling in my arm and thumb. She upped my anti-inflammatories and changed my pain pills back to co-codamol. I'm staying away from physio and keep fit, I walk most days and for the moment that's enough.
The GP said I may need surgery as this has been going on for so long  -  has anyone had this op and is it successful? I am just sick fed up of this pain in my neck and pins&needles feeling down my arm. The only time I'm pain free is in bed with my V-shaped pillow, but I can't stay in bed all day! :'(

   Jaypo, you are naughty leading me astray and taking advantage of Mr Padine  ::) What is the McKenzie treatment? Did you find out how you fractured your disc? Are you completely pain free now? (Sorry for so many questions)

                                           Padine x


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Re: Not frozen shoulder
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2023, 03:46:42 PM »

 ;D Moi? Lead anyone astray?  ;D
You can find the McKenzie exercises on YouTube,they actually do the opposite from what physios are or were trained and I did them religiously so as not to have an op,which meant,taking a piece of bone from my pelvis,then going in through my neck to repair the disc,I think I started running from the specialists office when he said "In through the neck"  ;D I think it was wear and tear with me,was a horsewoman and a groom in my past life but no,my neck is ok now and that was 30 years ago,no repercussions,it's just the rest of me that's falling to bits now  >:(


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Re: Not frozen shoulder
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2023, 02:19:17 PM »

 Oh Jaypo, thank you for your message! A bone in my neck has disappeared/disintegrated causing a bulge. The fluid surrounding the discs just down from the bulge is really narrow and I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's my neck that aches the most and mainly in the late afternoon onwards. Were you able to move your arm? I'm getting sick of lifting my left arm with my right arm on to the wall so I can put deoderant on, getting dressed is a nightmare  :'( :'(

 I've just remembered a newspaper cutting I found in my dad's bible. It said "I complained when I didn't have any shoes........then I saw a man who had no feet" and try to think of that when I'm feeling sorry for myself. Off to look for the McKenzie exercises now and do something positive.

                                                          Padine x


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Re: Not frozen shoulder
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2023, 03:20:06 PM »

Do be careful doing the exercises,the way they work is,by drawing the disc back into place,so rather than stretching away from the side the disc has popped,you bend into it,it was painful to start with but they really helped me but of course we are all different,many physios now use the McKenzie treatment,so maybe ask at your surgery?
The pain I had was excruciating,I'll never forget it, I could move my arm but it felt comfier in a sling.Long ago they'd make you wear one of those collars but now of course they say it's one of the worst things you can do for this kind of injury.I don't know if you can still get these but voltarol soluble tablets was the only thing that relieved my pain,kind on the stomach too.Good luck xx