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Author Topic: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?  (Read 3197 times)

Claire MM

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Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« on: March 30, 2023, 06:58:27 AM »

Hi, Sorry to bother you all. I have difficulty tolerating utrogestan orally - anxiety, itchy boobs, tried vaginally - local symptoms - went onto cyclogest, had bleeding, sorted bleeding but then was having bad urinary symptoms but I was getting better with lowering cyclogest and using lots of estrogen cream/moisturiser. I had a hysteroscopy to investigate bleeding and a Mirena fitted on Tuesday - heavily pushed that way by numerous medics. They had to dilate my cervix and filled my womb with water. The whole process plus biopsy took a long time (seemed a long time) and was v painful. Afterwards I started shaking, my teeth chattering, vomiting and had terrible labour like pains for about two hours, had to stay on the ward as I couldn't get up for two hours but then left without being admitted as I could walk. Overnight the first night I developed this horrible itching and being in my body felt awful, it wore off a bit during the late afternoon but is back again this morning. I also woke up really early today with horrible anxiety and I associate that with progesterone. I feel like I can't function at all and like I want to peel my skin off and just like 'oh no not this' because I don't feel like me, these are symptoms I associate with progesterone but also grotty maybe because I've not had progestogens since I was 18 and I stopped the pill because of it's side effects. I really was hoping (for some strange reason) that the Mirena might be the way out of my problems. Do I hang in here? Do I panic and call the GP? I spoke to the hospital ward yesterday and they said to take anti histamines for the itching but I thought I might be oK. I'm on a higher dose of estrogen. But now the mental health side effects are kicking in. I can barely face calling GP.

Does anyone have any experience of these side effects and them passing off? Getting better?

I can't believe how awful this has all been, I don't think I needed the hysteroscopy at all and I thought the whole thing would be fairly minor.


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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2023, 08:04:12 AM »

Claire, please do not apologise for posting. You can post as much as you like and we all want to support you.

You had such a terrible time having the coil fitted. I winced reading what happened. You must have been in agony.

I have seen members on here say they were able to tolerate the Mirena in time but I think if you feel this bad you need to think if you can cope with waiting. I know I personally could not but you may be able to.

Perhaps you could put the Mirena in the search bar and have a browse of the threads that come up.

I really am very sorry to hear of what happened and how you are feeling. Sending a virtual hug to you.

Claire MM

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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2023, 08:20:24 AM »

Thank you Flossieteacake, when I try to search I don't seem very effective, it seems like some people find Mirena absolutely fine and other people don't. I've just been through so much with it in the last year or so that it seems really hard to be falling off the bottom rung again. Thank you for being there and being kind, I have left a message for GP to ring me but she's really quite a harsh person so hope it goes OK. I did read something that the first week is the worst. I could maybe do a week. It's just hideous. I can't even get out of bed just now x


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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2023, 08:33:00 AM »

Hi Claire MM you poor thing what a horrible experience!

In answer to your question I think for a small minority of us the side effects of the mirena never get better. I persevered with mine for 6 months (as advised by the medics) but it never got better and I had to have it removed.

Some people can tolerate it but I would say if you couldn’t tolerate the pill it’s a pretty good indicator you’ll struggle with progesterone.

My specialist told me 10% of women fall into this category and for those it doesn’t affect it’s hard to understand. Sorry I can’t offer better news. If it doesn’t get better quickly you are within your rights to have it removed. Let us know how you get on x


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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2023, 08:44:19 AM »

Hi lovely. I had mine fit last Monday and had some awful mood swings and bleeding but the moods have eased. Some of this might be shock too. I would never have a biopsy without a general anasthetic so please know that is an option if ever needed again. It can be very unpleasant for some ladies   I have a history of hyperplasia so I'm sticking with the coil til I get my biopsy results back. I do feel very tired and spaced out though. More than happy to chat if needed as we are on a similar journey.


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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2023, 08:53:38 AM »

So sad to hear your GP is unapproachable. I hope the appointment goes well and she does not make you feel worse.

Claire MM

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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2023, 08:59:47 AM »

Oh jorainbow I remember seeing your post about your reaction to Mirena, thank you thank you for writing, I'm so glad some of your mood is lifting. I read somewhere that the first seven days is the worst for that and there should be some improvement, so you give me some hope that this is true because other information says 3-6 months which I could not cope with at this level. You did sound like i feel and I can't believe you did this with no estrogen, although right now I'm not sure there is enough estrogen in the world to make much odds. I'm so glad you are starting to feel better you just don't know how much it gives me some hope, thank you so much, just to know someone knows what you are going through and that there is hope. I definately went into shock. I had not even taken any paracetmol until afterwards and then I was throwing them up anyway. I can take tired and spaced out if it means not crying and being able to function. I'm glad to hear you have got your estrogen, I hope it also makes a difference. I really don't think they will find anything on my biopsy but if I could stick with the Mirena and feel OK then that would get a lot of pressure off me because I can't do utrogestan and they don't want me to stay on cyclogest. Thank so much xx

Claire MM

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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2023, 09:08:34 AM »

Dear Perinowpost, Thank you for being honest, there is no way I could do this for 6 months, you poor thing hanging on and it not getting better, I hope they will take it out if I need them to! i know they pressure you to hang on which was one of my fears of having it. What did you do instead if you don't mind me asking? I have a friend who really struggled with utrogestan but she seemed fine on the mirena, which just seems mad to me at this point. I spent most of last year feeling like I was rolling down a hill in a barrel with utrogestan side effects (I presume) I can't do a long period of this again, I'm a single parent and it has just blown my life apart. Thank you for sharing your experience with me xx

Claire MM

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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2023, 09:09:27 AM »

Thank you Flossieteacake, who knows, fingers crossed xx


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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2023, 09:16:43 AM »

Sending lots of support XXX Keep in touch - the support here is amazing


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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2023, 10:12:06 AM »

Hi Claire MM

I have spent the last 10/11 years working my way through every progesterone available (including utrogestan, cyclogest and Lutigest) as well as some private preparations and it hasn’t made any difference. Finally I am having a partial hysterectomy which is uterus removal by laparoscopy. I can’t wait to get it over with. I am in the totally intolerant category though, hopefully this won’t be the case for you x

Claire MM

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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2023, 11:11:53 AM »

I'm so sorry Perinowpost, I've never heard of a partial hysterectomy. I have a good friend who had a hysterectomy when we were in our thirties because she couldn't tolerate even her own progesterone and she is really good now, just has an estrogen 50 patch and says she feels fine. I thought she was going to an extreme at the time - not so much now. I hope that you have just as positive an experience as she has and feel much much better. I was ok ish on the cyclogest but it gave me local symptoms and I hadn't been using estrogen cream etc as I got scared that was causing the bleeding which of course it wasn't. I'm going to give this a chance as there is always the hope it'll settle in a few days but I'm not able to go on and on like this for weeks, I'm a single parent and I need to have some level of functioning. The pill I was on years ago I was on for about 18 months - 2 years before I realised it was messing me up, it was microgynon and is levonestrel (or however you spell it) at a much higher dose, I don't remember getting this reaction right away, I was pretty depressed but I was a teenager and I didn't really know what was what. But I was also dancing and doing lots of stuff. Still different times I guess! Ironically my teenage daughter has the same period pain etc that I had at her age and they still push the pill so hard but I have discouraged her from taking it, right now I feel worse than when I wasn't on HRT which takes some doing! Xx

Claire MM

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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2023, 11:15:34 AM »

Thank you jorainbow, you too it honestly has given me hope hearing from you today that it can lessen, did you have itchy skin aswell? I feel like maybe you said you did? Has that gone off? The irony is the GP keeps thinking I'm on too much estrogen which is clearly not the case as my systemic symptoms were being managed under a higher dose of estrogen prior to the coil and clearly it's the progesterone/progestogen messing me up. Do you feel a bit more like 'you' at this point? Xx


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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2023, 12:02:58 PM »

Hi Claire,

I too have difficulty tolerating utrogestan orally, and i am scheduled for a hysteroscopy to investigate bleeding and a Mirena too which is being fitted next Thursday. I too was told by the nurse today that it can take up to 6 months for the Mirena to work i was also told by my gynaecologist that i need more estrogen as i am currently on 2 pumps a day which is not enough (losing my hair due to low estrogen and other symptoms) she has said once the Mirena is fitted i can go up to 3 or 4 pumps. I've had to go private for this as i was getting no where with my own GP and having had the terrible symptoms since January due to the Utrogestan. I am sorry to hear you had a terrible time having the coil fitted. I have to say i am a little nervous myself for next. I do hope you start to feel better soon x


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Re: Mirena - side effects - does it get better?
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2023, 12:24:11 PM »

Claire MM microgynon is notorious for causing depression (it’s also one of the cheapest) I couldn’t tolerate it, then again I couldn’t tolerate any of the contraceptive pills. I hope you get some relief soon xx
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