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Author Topic: Genetic Testing - LifecodeGx  (Read 1045 times)


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Genetic Testing - LifecodeGx
« on: January 25, 2023, 09:03:19 AM »

Hello ladies.

I have been reading the letter that my Newson Health doctor has written to my GP and it has reminded me of something that you ladies may be interested in.

At my appointment Dr Ball mentioned the above company that provides genetic testing. The idea is that we can improve our health and well-being by making lifestyle changes to compensate for under performing genes. One example is that some people don't process vitamin D efficiently so they will need to use high dose supplements to achieve good levels.

I was pretty sceptical when she mentioned it and I still am to a degree. The service is very expensive and not regulated etc. However, out of interest I have been looking at their website and I wondered if any of you ladies have tried this company or others or have an opinion on these services generally.

Take care ladies.



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Re: Genetic Testing - LifecodeGx
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2023, 11:59:10 AM »

I think it’s fascinating Kathleen and whether we like it or not it is the future. On the one hand I would like to have it done for preventative purposes, but on the other I am conflicted because what if it predicted I would get an illness like dementia or Parkinson. Either way I think we’ll see more of this, and hopefully prices will come down x


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Re: Genetic Testing - LifecodeGx
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2023, 12:42:11 PM »

Hello Perinowpost

I take your point but I think you can control which conditions you are told about, though don't quote me on that lol.

The above company was mentioned as a way of finding out what vulnerabilities a person has and how to compensate for them by lifestyle changes. For example problems with Histamine intolerance, B12 levels, oestrogen overload etc. These are the kind of conditions that are mentioned on this site and it may be helpful to know if they are caused by our genes but, more importantly how we can use supplements etc to correct any deficiencies. Apparently the gene that transports Vit D to cells is very weak in some people, this means that the standard dose of supplements is inadequate and a much larger dose is required to achieve the right levels.

 I have just begun to learn about these companies and I am certainly not promoting them. They are very expensive to use and the information may actually be useless in the real world. I just wondered if anyone here has any experience that they would like to share.

Take care.




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Re: Genetic Testing - LifecodeGx
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2023, 04:12:25 PM »

Hi Kathleen, I did contact them a while back and they seemed to be anti Estrogen.  I know of a couple of ladies that have done the testing to be told they don’t methylate very well and sold lots of supplements.  Apparently 80% of the population don’t methylate well.  If you have the money to spend on it then it may be worth looking at.  They can’t help with poor Estrogen absorption which is why I contacted them.

How did you get on with newsons, did you manage to change your hrt regime.?


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Re: Genetic Testing - LifecodeGx
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2023, 05:01:31 PM »

Hello Floo36.

That is interesting about the hormone test and the experiences of other women.

Thank you for asking about my NH appointment. I was quite disappointed actually and I think I have a bit of a rant on my 'Cry January' thread'. The upshot is that I will continue to use a half of 1mg Sandrena gel sachet daily and a Cyclogest pessary alternate nights. My only remaining symptoms are the emotional ones, namely some anxiety, low mood and tearfulness.

Before the appointment I realised that the likely recommendation would  be to increase the Oestrogen but I didn't want to risk a return of breast tenderness or bleeding. It became obvious that there was nothing else on offer and as I am happy enough with the products I use, there wasn't much point in prescribing anything else.

If things decline further I may actually up my Oestrogen dose by squeezing more out of the sachet but at the moment I am staying with about half as my poor body needs some stability ( even more so my mind lol).

The doctor suggested that I pursue psychological support to help me deal with my symptoms and she also mentioned the company above. In summary I am no further forward and I will look at other ways of helping myself.  How hum, onwards and upwards I suppose.

Wishing you well and take care.




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Re: Genetic Testing - LifecodeGx
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2023, 09:27:50 PM »

I’ve used Lifecode Kathleen. They were recommended to me by Dr Tina peers who is my consultant. I had my histamine pathways mapped, my oestrogen pathways and Methylation pathways mapped.

It told me a lot and I’ve found it really useful. I’d recommend to anyone who isn’t just settling on hrt easily as there is often a genetic reason why not.



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Re: Genetic Testing - LifecodeGx
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2023, 12:31:27 AM »

Hi all,

I've had the core report done and the methylation one by LifeCode GX so far, and am  currently waiting for the metabolics and hormone report results. I'm totally hooked! I think the reports together with blood test results can really give you a better picture of what is going on and takes out the guesswork for supplementation.  I've learnt that I'm a bad transporter of Vitamin D so need to take a bit more, a morning person (true!), have something autoimmune going on (also true as my bloods say this too!).  My first nutritionist who analysed my results said a particular methylation pathway was tricky and that I should do a blood test to see if my homocysteine levels were high at the time, about two years ago.  I didn't bother, but had a pretty comprehensive set of bloods done recently and sure enough, my homocysteine levels are high. So now I know I need to take B vitamins for life to prevent any further build up.  I first heard about it all when I listened to Liz Earle who had done the core report.  You can find her talking about it online and with the founder of LifeCode GX.  They are expensive but you have these reports for life.  I too was scared about finding negative things out but they always say you can do something about it and that just because you find out something unfortunate, it doesn't mean something will happen. There are also environmental factors etc. to consider.  I think they said genes are about 20%. The nutritionist I am seeing now recommended the hormone report to see if she can work out what my body is doing with regards to HRT.  My recent bloods show that hormone levels are so low.  It seems that both nutritionists like LifeCode GX as a company. The first lady has helped a lot of women fall pregnant by looking at their methylation reports.  It seems all they needed was the right kind of folate.  I find it all fascinating.


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Re: Genetic Testing - LifecodeGx
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2023, 09:22:38 AM »

Hello again ladies.

Scampidoodle -  I have certainly had trouble settling on HRT which is why the NH doctor suggested this company. I am definitely keen to learn more.

Moonflower -  I am also fascinated by the whole subject and I have seen the Liz Earle interview which was very interesting. I have two autoimmune conditions, Ulcerative Colitis and Hashimoto's. Both are well controlled by medication and lifestyle however because I am struggling with low mood and fatigue my GP arranged for blood tests. Fortunately the above are all fine but the blood test didn't look at vitamin D or B12 which surprised me. If I need to use supplements it would be reassuring to know why and by how much.

Many thanks ladies for your interesting comments.

Wishing you both well and take care.
