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Author Topic: Testosterone blood results advice needed  (Read 927 times)


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Testosterone blood results advice needed
« on: December 14, 2022, 09:08:15 AM »


I’m under a private menopause clinic and also have HRT prescribed by the NHS.

I’ve been prescribed testosterone by the private clinic and they require a blood sample to see where my levels are with testosterone.

I did a private one myself and as per the advice.  Making sure for the two weeks leading up to the test I used gloves when applying it, and , stopped any vitamins that may interfere.

I only take the testosterone 3 times a week at 0.5ml instead of daily.

 It was prescribed for my memory loss and lack of libido.

It did help, but,  I don’t feel as sharp with my memory anymore and my sex drive is zero.

However,  I’ve had a new lovely menopause presents of vaginal atrophy which I’m trying to deal with.

Im shocked at the results as I’m over range.

Testosterone taking 7.30am

258.00 nmol/L range: (0.29-1.67)

The comments from the Medichecks GP are to test again in two weeks as hormones can fluctuate.

Obviously I don’t think the clinic will allow me anymore testosterone, based on the results.

The only thing I can think is that I applied my HRT gel without gloves.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Best wishes


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Re: Testosterone blood results advice needed
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2022, 10:09:09 AM »

Hello Peanut 31

How confusing for you.

I see that you have used Medichecks and I wonder if that was a finger **** test? I am also with a private menopause clinic and the blood tests that they arrange are always for venous samples which I presume are more accurate.

Am I  correct in thinking that despite your level of testosterone you still have problems with memory and sex drive? Those symptoms would indicate that the testosterone is no longer working which is odd given your test results.

Perhaps contact your clinic and see what they
suggest for blood tests, there is no need to mention your Medichecks result.

I hope this helps in some way.

Take care.



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Re: Testosterone blood results advice needed
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2022, 10:31:22 AM »


Yes it’s a finger **** test as I don’t live local to the menopause clinic.

I could arrange a venous one locally as that will give me a more accurate result maybe?.

The clinic are aware I’m arranging a blood test as they have requested this.

I’ll contact them and see what they say,  but unfortunately every time you do, it costs money 💰.

Yes memory isn’t great, I couldn’t even remember the word “hinges”the other day, when dealing with a customer. Sex drive out the window but I’m suffering with the start vaginal dryness at moment.

Thank you for your help.

Best wishes


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Re: Testosterone blood results advice needed
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2022, 10:48:45 AM »

The results are so far out it's likely the sample has been contaminated. I agree a venous one would be the way to go. If you look at the medichecks website I think they can tell you where to go? Do you have other signs of low oestrogen? I believe if you're oestrogen deficient testosterone will be converted.


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Re: Testosterone blood results advice needed
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2022, 11:10:18 AM »


Yes I’m beginning to think they are not accurate. I’ve looked on medichecks website and I can have a sample taken at the local hospital, I’ll look at that.

Really the only symptoms I’m struggling with is, memory loss, no libido and this vaginal dryness.

I think that due to my vaginal dryness being so bad at the moment I’ve maybe not noticed other symptoms.

Thanks to everyone on here I’m on some treatment for this I’ve tried ovestin cream, but it has not helped.

I’ve finished the cream, as in apply daily and now on three times a week.

I’ve swapped to vagifem last night, and using the YES moisturiser.

I’m still trying to find a way to try and not think I always need the loo when I get into bed though.

Best wishes


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Re: Testosterone blood results advice needed
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2022, 05:59:32 PM »

Hi Peanut31
Thank you for your post. I have had a very very similar experience to yourself.
I had a full hysterectomy 4 years ago and after 3 year's of trial and error I had found some stability in my hormones using evorel 100 and a blob of  testogel every morning.
Like you, I needed a blood test for my private menopause GP for a new Testosterone prescription. And they recommended Medicheck.
I took the blood from the hand that I don't use to apply my testogel.
My results came back yesterday. (14th Dec)
Testosterone is 52 (should be between 0.101 and 1.42)
My Oestradiol is 11,010 (should be below 500) just to confirm that is not a typing error!
My SHBG (sex hormone binding globin) is pretty perfect at 85 (should be between 27 and 128)
My LH is normal at 16.4 (normal range for post meno is 7.7 to 58.6)
My protein results came back normal but none of the thyroid tests I requested worked.
Medicheck have suggested a retest and then a venous test if still having issues.
I have had no symptoms to suggest that my hormones are this out of balance if anything I feel really great apart from forgetting the odd word!
Very confused indeed.
Please can you post how you get on with your next test so we can compare?
I am wondering if its something to do with the medicheck end or if using blood from the fingers messes things up.🫣
My initial reaction was to stop all hrt but I don't want to go back to feeling so awful as I did before.
Good luck with your next test. 🤞


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Re: Testosterone blood results advice needed
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2022, 06:11:43 PM »



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Re: Testosterone blood results advice needed
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2022, 09:38:25 PM »

Hi Peanut,
I think we are on a similar VA journey right now. I had mild symptoms so was on 3x a week vagifem but still developed severe symptoms suddenly 8 weeks ago. i have now been on the ovestin cream for three weeks. I tried to reduce it but it didn't work and so I stayed on daily. Went to my GP yesterday and she's ok'd it for me to continue daily and put it on repeat. I say this because if you're still struggling with your VA you dont really need to reduce from daily and if thats what you need, thats what you should have. I am sticking with ovestin as my problems are both external and internal but you can use vagifem daily too if you need to.
Hope it helps.


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Re: Testosterone blood results advice needed
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2022, 10:06:09 PM »

Thanks for your reply. Yes I’m definitely going to re take the test.

Best wishes