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Author Topic: Desperate for support HELP!  (Read 4340 times)


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Desperate for support HELP!
« on: November 10, 2022, 10:55:22 AM »

Hi I am new here and gone past the stage of coping really low sitting here crying and typing with hope that someone can relate. I started feeling extreme symptoms a couple of years ago at 51  I was totally beside myself with trying to cope with the way I felt . My symptoms were so extreme I had to attend A&E many times with what I can only describe as classic menopause symptoms x1000 . Adjitated to a point where I couldn’t sleep or rest my brain down I felt muzzled when trying to think I was  waking at 1am 3am or 4am with night sweats and palpitations and tachycardia anxiety feeling like constant butterflies in my stomach shaking and blood pressure issues it got to a point where I would just go get in my car and drive to a quiet  place and try and sleep and try to relax my body and mind horrendous I truly felt like I was losing my mind and slowly dying  After many many months of suffering and tying to be strong I hit rock bottom as no one was giving me answers of why I felt so ill I was referred  to the mental health nurse at the surgery and she thought it could be related to hormones . My GP put me on HRT oestrogen gel and ultrogestran 100mg nightly and it improved slightly .I have undergone so many tests aswell bloods ecgs scans endocrinologist tests all ok  Last year I lost my beautiful mum to a very traumatic death and I am crippled with grief and cry every day which is another layer of suffering which is hard . About 3 months  ago I changed from oestrogen gel  to Evorel 50 patch with hope that a more consistent administrative approach would help ,but  still struggling with sleep waking at 4am and mood is low horrible anxiety and night sweats also a horrible feeling in bladder area although all these symptoms are  slightly better since on the patch still not good . The last couple of days I have seen my GP and she suggested to top up with the oestrogel 1 pump to top up the patch which I have started to see if this helps  All of this has given me terrible health anxiety I am paranoid about getting Unwell and developed germ phobia and because I feel so unwell I think that I have some strange disease which has been missed and I have lost confidence in myself and body . I just can’t believe that menopause can cause you to feel this Ill . I feel so overwhelmed some days are better than others as I am keeping a diary .At the moment I can’t work or function day to day. Please reply someone I feel so desperately low is there anyone out there who has felt like me ?  . I have a beautiful loving , supportive family and they want their wife and mum back x


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2022, 11:06:17 AM »

Hi Honeybee yes I felt like you and it was awful. I was so ill that I didn’t go out of the house for months. I had to leave my job and I couldn’t drive.

But I’m doing ok now. I had every test under the sun…. Every blood test, heart monitor test, cancer tests,…you name it and I had the test. I was diagnosed with ME / CFS but it wasn’t that.

Once I got onto the right type and dose of hrt I began to function again xxx


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2022, 11:18:20 AM »

Thank you so much for replying so quickly really kind of you  Dotty . It is reassuring to know that you have come out the other side and you had a similar journey and has really given me hope that I one day will feel like me again x


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2022, 11:52:53 AM »

Hi I would suggest increasing your oestrogen. You can increase to a 75 or a patch. x


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2022, 12:27:55 PM »

Hi Dotty thank you for your advice . My plan is to increase the Evorel patch to 75 once I know I am ok with the extra oestrogen which I am sure I will be .I started on half an extra pump on Monday but put a whole pump on yesterday and today as I feel I need to be brave and give my body the extra oestrogen . I am going to use Evorel 50 and of course 100mg nightly of utragestran and do an extra pump of gel for a few weeks and see how I get on . Just praying that it works and the extra oestrogen is what I need and will help me xx  can I ask how long it takes for the body to respond to the extra oestrogen ? X


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2022, 12:42:41 PM »

Hi everyone’s different. Once I got onto the right dose I saw good improvements within a month. x


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2022, 12:55:50 PM »

Thank you Dotty . I have been in two minds about reaching out on here I don’t know why,but so glad I have this morning x


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2022, 12:56:40 PM »

Hello Honeybee. Welcome to the forum. Dotty has given you wonderful advice but I just wanted to welcome you.  :)


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2022, 01:17:27 PM »

Thank you for the nice welcome  Flossieteacake x


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2022, 01:22:51 PM »

Thank you for the nice welcome  Flossieteacake x

My pleasure. :)


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2022, 12:23:43 PM »

Hi Honeybee2,
I don't have any input on your HRT dose, I just wanted to say hang in there. At my worst I thought I was losing my mind, having full on panic attacks at work. Not good as a teacher.
The correct dose of hormones got everything under control.

So hang in there. Many if us have been there and are here to support you.


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2022, 01:20:08 PM »

Thank you so much RJT for replying I am so sorry to hear that you suffered aswell . When you are in the depths of despair it’s such a lonely place but although not nice to hear others have suffered ,it is reassuring me that I am not going mad . Teaching aswell that must have been very hard to cope with. I have increased my HRT dose of oestrogen gradually over this past 5 days and I think it’s making a slight difference already. I am using a combined application of Evorel 50 patch and now 1 pump of gel in the morning.and 100mg of ultrogestran at night. X


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2022, 08:58:09 PM »

Hi Honeybee2

Whilst I don't have specific advise, I just want to send a hug and to say  please always remember that the ladies on this forum give so much support.
I too wrote  here recently in desperation, I seriously thought, like so many that I was going mad. I just needed some calm support, and the people here never let us down. I was in a horrific state.

Am in the weird peri stages, very late at the age of 57. Continue to face every emotion and a stack of ever changing symptoms.
Only been on hrt a few months, mirena coil fitted a few weeks ago to try to stabilise things. It will take time, but honestly, can't do it without this forum.
And an amazing husband, who is as confused as I can be.

Facts, advice and for me the understanding and knowledge so many on are here with us.

Sending love to all



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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2022, 10:00:24 PM »

Hi SarahT
Thank you for the hug and support . It is so strange how so many swim through this stage of life and others are crippled with anxiety and awful symptoms that completely changes their life It is lovely how just a reply from fellow women who understands can be an incredible boost of hope and changes your mindset. I really appreciate you replying and I will use this site more..I feel like my body has been taken over by my hormones. I am very self aware of every feeling in my body constantly thinking inward all the time and living in fear of having a bad episode.
Sending hugs back and Really hope things settle for you xxx
« Last Edit: November 11, 2022, 10:08:02 PM by Honeybee2 »


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Re: Desperate for support HELP!
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2022, 11:02:57 AM »

Hi Honeybee2,

I so agree with you about altering our mindset.  When I was writing here furiously sad and angry  about still getting very very regular monthly periods at the age of 57, a couple of these amazing ladies, whilst understanding, said try to look at it that my body was still protecting my uterus and helping   to guard against osteoporosis. Now, I was in an awful frame of mind then, and did not want to hear that! I wanted someone to tell me this would stop. Haha.
BUT.  The next few days I could agree, and tried to make it a positive. Just needed to seep into my mind on a slightly calmer day.

I have named my hrt patches! That way, rather than a reluctant 'enemy' \ I am so bloody angry about all this, fuming and sad at the thought of needing help, in my daft mind, I see my patches as a friendly support, and welcome the new patch as I change them. Silly maybe, but it  Helps me.

But yesHoneybee2,
It seems so unfair that some women seem to sail through menopause and the there's us in pieces some\most  days. I like to have specific information to learn what the hell is going on, and some days I just need some understanding. I use a lot of humour, which - no one shout at me here!- Is easy for me to say today, as I am having a couple of calmer days. But I know, like you Honeybee2, there  are clashes of hormones and therefore crashes just around the corner. Seems cruel doesn't it? The last day or so in direct contrast to Monday When I was at the drs to make an appt and broke down in a mass of tears. Couldn't even speak, the receptionist was kindly chucking tissues my way and I cried all the way home.

This is a long rambling way of just saying, "yes, I get ".  Thankfully we are all here for each other when we need whatever, info,hugs, humour, whatever,at any given time.

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