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Author Topic: Twitching / muscle spasms  (Read 9264 times)


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2023, 09:06:05 PM »

Hi Jjumper,

I couldn’t have put it better myself.

I really hope things settle for you soon 🤞


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2023, 01:14:18 PM »

Hello again, I am back again regarding the muscles twitching.  :(

I am wondering whether anyone else who has experienced this has managed to find any relief? As i said previously my right eyelid starting twitching in November last year. It moved to my left calf muscle in december and now I am literally twitching 24/7 in both calf muscles as well as my feet and behind my knees and my thighs. I also have random pops in my abdomen, pelvis, sometimes in my shoulders and arms.

As anyone who has similar knows, it is terrifying and google brings up some awful diagnosis. I was in such a state at the start of the year that I paid to go and see a neurologist who actually did an EMG to test my nerves and muscles. She said the test came back perfect and that my issue was benign but it is so hard to believe that to be the case. There are some benign fasciculation facebook groups which although there to reassure and support people, actually sends me down the rabbit hole thinking that this is something very sinister. i wonder if i went to see the neurologist too early etc. It is an awful situation to be in.

I have tried taking magnesium, vitamin B, drinking more water and cutting out sugar. I have also been trying accupuncture but I am not sure whether this is actually making the twitching worse! I also went back to see my GP who was concerned that my twitching had progressed and spread which hasnt helped my anxiety! She may send me to see another neurologist which has upset me as she thinks this is something to be concerned about. She did some blood tests and they all came back normal, including thyroid and magnesium levels. I also asked her to check my hormone levels and I should have those results next week. But I am at a loss as to what is causing this.

I would love to hear from anyone who has managed to get a handle on this symptom. 


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2023, 08:43:22 PM »

Hi KatMB,

I’m so sorry to read this, I really feel for you. I still have the twitches, but not as bad. I have spells when they’re worse than others.
Last year, like you, I got myself into a real state over them. I had them all over with little respite. It was horrendous, tbh I thought I was cracking up. All of a sudden after literally months and months and months they eased in severity. I don’t know why. I’d stopped taking all vitamins etc a while before as I felt I was spending lots of money for no real benefit. At the moment I’m having bother with my right lower eyelid twitching / spasming. I’m just trying to ignore it as I do now with all the other twitches I get - which are random and can be literally anywhere. As I type my leg’s started twitching! It is a nasty, awful and frightening symptom, but I do believe its changes in the body caused by hormones. I’ve also been to counselling this year because of the twitching - cognitive behaviour therapy, but it didn’t really work for me if I’m honest.
At the moment I manage them purely by ignoring them. It’s been hard to get to this mindset though I’ll admit. I’ve had hormone bloods done which are normal. Please be reassured that you’re not alone with this symptom. Xx


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2023, 08:12:56 AM »

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my message Cat. It means a lot as I have been in a bad way over this symptom.

I do think there may be a hormonal link to this symptom as the twitches really ramp up when I am due on and when I am ovulating. I think the fact that no one else around you seems to be suffering in the same way makes you feel really alone though. So thank you for responding and for making me feel like I am not alone in this. X


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2023, 06:36:49 PM »

No problem at all, glad to try and give a little reassurance 🤗
I do know what you mean, I didn’t know anyone else who suffered this symptom which was causing me more stress. I googled as well which is the worse thing any of us could do!
Like I said, my right bottom eyelid is tingling / spasming numerous times a day at the moment, and I’m also seeing floaters when I walk outside. I’ve had spells of seeing floaters before, so trying not to get agitated about it. It’s like a continuous cycle of random symptoms, some last a long time, others not so. I started with all this bother when I turned 40. I’m now 43 and it’s still the same. I’ve not long since had my 3rd mammogram in 17 months due to breast lumps - all cysts thank god. I’ve forgotten what it feels like to feel well!! X
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