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Author Topic: Omeprazole for stomach issues  (Read 3268 times)


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Omeprazole for stomach issues
« on: September 30, 2022, 01:37:19 PM »


I know a lot of you ladies have/do take Omeprazole.

I had what I thought was gastroenteritis about a month ago, vomiting and diarrhea,  which laid me up for nearly a week. It's most unusual for me to vomit but I recovered and was fine until on Monday, I ate something at a buffet which immediately bloated me. Since then I've had the same again, it started with vomiting and diarrhea, with extreme tiredness, although in the past 48 hours it's changed to pain and bloating, no sickness etc.

I was in so much pain yesterday I called our surgery and was seen by our lovely Nurse Practitioner today. She was very thorough and I have Buscopan for the bloating/cramps but she also suggested a 28 day course of Omeprazole to soothe my stomach area.

I'll admit even taking a tablet throws me into a panic but I want to feel better so took the first Omeprazole a few hours ago. Something must be happening as I'm very gurgly/windy already.

The only thing that bothers me is that the instructions were to take daily or as required so I asked the Pharmacist if that was daily - or when I felt I needed them, and she said daily for acid reflux - but I don't know if I have any acid reflux symptoms. Or is bloating/nausea a symptom? Has anyone had Omeprazole to soothe their tummy after a couple of tummy upsets - I've only got a 28 day course but am still worried about taking them, I think because if I get any side effects I won't know if it's the Omeprazole or my original tummy upset.

In all honesty I'm just so flipping scared of taking tablets :(




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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2022, 01:55:13 PM »

The gut can become upset if the good bacteria is voided.  It can also continue to spasm = vomiting.  My dog always had to have an injection to stop the reflex.

I take omeprazole to ease acid reflux - every morning.  As well as Milk of Magnesia when required.  We used to give our dog Buscopan as he would get a kind of knot in his gut and that would enable him to burp. 

If this recurs your GP should ask for stool samples in order to isolate the bacteria causing the episodes which may require a course of antibiotics or other meds.. Sometimes after certain spices/foods may well be rejected.  NASTY  :-X

I also eat LIVE yoghurt when my gut is upset.  Fortunately I'm not a sicky person but LIVE does help layer the digestive system from top to bottom.  D U have rehydrating sachets ? 



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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2022, 02:12:18 PM »

Thanks so much CKLD. I appreciate your reply.

I provided a stool sample a few weeks back which was clear. The NP has also given me a bowel screening kit.

I thought the original upset was a one off and am really concerned now it’s happened again in case- well in case it happens again, I’ve never spent so much time in bed. It’s been a shock as, like you, I am not a sicky person either.

I have got some rehydrating sachets.

Thanks again.


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2022, 02:52:12 PM »

 :tulips2: :tulips: :foryou:  there's nowt worse  :-\


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2022, 04:09:24 PM »

It takes a month for the Omeprazole to start working. Taking it for two months won't harm you and at least you will know whether they are working or not, but you won't know until at least two months. 

It's a well prescribed med and nothing to worry about, if you have to take it long term it's advisable to take supplements, you can research this on Google. Believe me the world and his wife are on these meds, welcome to the club  :)


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2022, 05:29:49 PM »

Thanks for your reassurance Ayesha.


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2022, 07:36:49 AM »

Hy Lynda07,  I have tried Omeprazole for stomach issues, (bloating, gurgling and a burning pain at top of stomach), but they did nothing, in fact my symptoms got slightly worse but didnt know if it was the tablets themselves causing this.  My digestive issues were also associated with palpitations and bad wind, (burping and the likes!) Medication was changed to Lansoprazole, which is just a similar type of drug.  They worked a lot better, but I was starting to get slight dizzy turns so got the dosage lowered. (I really dont know if that was the tablets or not).  My symptoms started to wane so I never started them. I really dont like taking tablets unless I have to because of side effects.  (I think sometimes my side effects are all in my mind because I study the accompanying leaflet for hours before I pop the pill!!!)  However, like you, I have been suffering the past couple of days, everything has flared up again with bloating, gurgling, palpitations and after tea last night, I had excruciating cramping and terrible diarrhea.  Have you ever thought if might be a food intolerance?    It's exhausting trying to find a cause and cure, but I now believe my eating of certain foods could be the culprit.  Making a food diary is an idea, just to see if the symptoms come from certain things.  I'm stopping wheat for a bit to see if that helps which I know is easier said than done.   Hope you feel better soon.


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2022, 09:04:04 AM »

I got an intolerance test done. Showed I was intolerant to gluten.
My stomach was so bad, bloating, cramps, wind, diarrhoea, I even went to the GP who done tests for different things, but they all came back ok.
I went gluten free, and everything settled down. I’m not officially diagnosed with being celiac, because I felt so much better not eating gluten, I wouldn’t go back on it for 12 weeks I think it was, just for a diagnosis.
I know if I eat gluten my stomach starts up again.


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2022, 11:51:59 AM »

I never read the leaflets in the boxes 'cos they cover everything under the sun, including issues that might be nil of note  >:(

What about 'Rennies' or good old Milk of Magnesia liquid?


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2022, 06:09:14 PM »

Thank you holidaylover. I am exactly the same as you. I hate taking tablets and always read the leaflet and then, personally, I panic about the possible side effects. I have started to keep a food diary as I don’t think that these two episodes are a coincidence. The symptoms we are suffering are awful aren’t they, I have only been out of bed one day in the last 7 and that’s unheard of for me.
As it happens I still felt that ill that I saw my GP today. He didn’t seem overly concerned-thinks I am fighting off something like gastroenteritis- but I did mention I wasn’t keen on taking the Omeprazole and he was fine, said I could stick to Buscapan and Rennies. I hope that you feel better soon too.

Jillydoll, that is interesting- and so this type of thing (gluten intolerance) can happen to us later in life then? Do you mind me asking where you got your test done?

CKLD -I took my first Rennies last night.

Lynda xx


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2022, 06:21:03 PM »


Yes, apparently.
I’ve never had anything like it in my life before, used to eat everything and anything.
It’s not just the gluten I can’t eat, but it is the biggest one, but also it’s onions, peppers, apples, celery, and broccoli. Garlic is hit and miss.
The place was called, Intolerance Lab. and I sent off hair samples, sent off in a plastic bag, that’s it.
They were quick, and told me what I couldn’t and probably had issues with. Kiwi being one of them.


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2022, 08:53:24 PM »

Jillydoll thanks very much for that, if this continues I would definitely look into something like that test.


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2022, 08:36:35 AM »

Jillydoll, I'm going to look into Intolerance Lab.  Definately something going on regarding my digestive system.  I was also tested a long while ago for celiac, but to be honest, I think I had maybe stopped eating as much wheat by the time I got the test done so dont know how accurate the blood test could have been.  I am waiting an endoscopy appointment (since December 2021 believe it or not) but may ask for another blood test for celiac.  I also am like you and think there are various foods that are my trigger.  Trying to stop eating bread, so have just have an orange for my breakfast.  Palpitations have started, along with bloating and a sharp pain at top of stomach at centre of breast bone. Lynda07 have you been offered an endoscopy or a celiac test?  Its so flipping exhausting isnt it.  I do find I can have bad diarreah for a couple of days and the cramps then I am constipated, then it starts over again.  !  I might have to start the lansoprazole again, but I'm off on holiday and dont want to risk the side effects of the meds on top of the other symptoms. 


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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2022, 09:29:50 AM »

Your welcome.
Definitely worth it.
My doctor said, if going gluten free is working, then stick to it.
My test showed I was intolerant to wholemeal, kiwi, molasses, ( which is true, because I used brown sugar in coffee, and my stomach went into meltdown, I didn’t even know what molasses was tbh) 🤷🏼‍♀️ obviously gluten, & bee stings,  :o
There were other things too, like grasses, and trees.
So yeah, a good test, from just hair.  :o

Good luck, hope you find what’s causing your troubles. HolidayLover & Lynda07.



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Re: Omeprazole for stomach issues
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2022, 02:40:26 PM »

I have acid reflux / GERD ... terried pain in stomach, bowels and radiating to back.  Have tried the PPIS and serious side effects so cannot take.  Just tried Famotidine (H2 Antihistamine) that does same thing - day 1 great and worked... Day2 serious anxiety as side effect then agitation, restlessness and could not calm down at all.    I'm day 3 now and off it and still got side effects.  Hoping it settles soon.     My GERD causes me anxiety anyway as I feel so restricted and unwell.   Its a nightmare.   
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