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Author Topic: Mirena coil side effects  (Read 2686 times)


  • First Flush
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Mirena coil side effects
« on: September 22, 2022, 09:34:00 PM »

Hi everyone  :)

I’m new to this forum and I could really do with some advice, and hopefully try to get to the bottom of the symptoms I was previously experiencing this year.

So earlier this year my Mirena coil expired and due to Covid I was on a long waiting list to have it replaced.

I’ve used the Mirena coil for over 18 years, never has an issue before, but on last years checkup the nurse said it had moved position, she said it wouldn’t be a problem, so it was left in until it was due to be replaced.

When it expired in January, I started experiencing strange side effects the month after.

I felt strange, sometimes dizziness, brain fog, aches, extremely tired where I would have to go to bed early, the symptoms got worst as I began to have trouble concentrating at work, I was getting heart palpitations and headaches.

I was admitted to A&E twice as I felt out of control like I was going to have a heart attack or pass out ( I was so embarrassed )  all tests were fine, bloods and ECG normal.

I spoke to three male doctors all telling me I was suffering from anxiety and they wanted to prescribe me antidepressants, but I wasn’t anxious or depressed and there was no reason why I’d suddenly start to have anxiety attacks.

It took me two more horrific months of being up and down, until I asked to see a female doctor and she said you need to book in and have your coil removed, but couldn’t fit a new one as the practice nurse is only trained to remove  the coil.
The waiting list at another clinic was a 6 month wait.  :(

She explained as it was past the expiry date I no doubt had decrease/lost the progestin hormone, resulting in a hormone imbalance.

So I booked in with a practice nurse who removed it.
I bled heavy for a month and it hurt, but was I still experiencing side effects.

I honestly felt like I was losing control of my mind.
The female doctor wanted me to take a year off contraceptives and give my body a break to see if I was pre menopausal but I could not cope feeling like this.
How was I meant to work?

She offered me Hrt to try but I decided to go on Desogestrel instead.
After another 2 months I started to feel somewhat back to normal.
The headaches and aching has stopped and I feel more in control.

I’m too scared to come off this contraceptive medication, would it happen again?
Was it the mirena coil?
Maybe I might have benefitted from Hrt but I was unsure at the time.
I’ve never experienced anything like that before and since taking Desogestrel I’ve been ok.
Has anyone had problems with the mirena coil where it expired and they experienced side effects.

UK Em  :)


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Re: Mirena coil side effects
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2022, 09:18:00 AM »

Hello Em. Welcome to the forum. I am so sorry you had to go through this. I understand it was a busy time but they really should have replaced your coil sooner then it was done. The mirena is progesterone and once it expired you would not be getting the dose of progesterone your body was used too. This would explain why you felt so bad.

The brain fog and other symptoms you describe are also symptoms of menopause. I think it is reassuring all tests came back clear so you know nothing else is going on.

It is annoying how women are often told their menopause symptoms are mental health related even if they insist they are not.

Just to let you know, sexual health clinics can also fit and remove the Mirena.

I agree with your decision not to stop contraceptives to see if you are menopausal. A year is such a long time and I imagine you would have felt really poorly. If you feel better with the Destrogestal then I see no reason why you should come off it. It sounds like your body responds well to progesterone as you feel better with Mirena or Destrogestal.

With menopausal women, they usually start to have symptoms of low oestrogen and once having oestrogen they feel better. It seems to be you feel better once you have progesterone. Perhaps that is the missing link for you and you are fine just with that.


  • First Flush
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  • Posts: 2
Re: Mirena coil side effects
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2022, 06:22:04 PM »

Thanks for the advice  :)
I think you’re right, my body may not be able to handle the loss of Progesterone, which is why I felt so strange.
One of my friends had a similar experience and she had to go back onto the contraceptive pill.


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Re: Mirena coil side effects
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2022, 06:34:42 PM »

Thanks for the advice  :)
I think you’re right, my body may not be able to handle the loss of Progesterone, which is why I felt so strange.
One of my friends had a similar experience and she had to go back onto the contraceptive pill.

You are welcome. Luckily staying on it should mean you feel well again.  :)


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Re: Mirena coil side effects
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2022, 08:13:05 PM »

Welcome Emner
Flossie has given you excellent advice, so just wanted to sigh Hi to you

M x


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Re: Mirena coil side effects
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2022, 11:55:58 AM »

Hi Emner,

I have just been referred to this site by my GP and read your post and thought I would share with you my experience of the Mirena Coil.

I have had my coil in for almost 3 years to help with my Adenomyosis, it stop my periods and the cramps within a month or 2.  A few months back I started feeling depressed with memory/brain fog issues lots of other symptoms (that now make sense) but just thought 'well that's just me' ( I have suffered from depression on and off since my 20s)
I eventually wondered if it could be the start of the menopause but thought the coil would take me through the early phases and keep the symptoms at bay. 
We have moved to the Midlands from Kent in April and I didn't have a regular doctor but was called up for a smear test and that's when I mentioned how I was feeling, my lack of interest in sex, anxiety, memory, fog etc and they said it could be because my coil had slipped.
Within 2 weeks they had me in for an ultrasound and a blood test to check my hormone levels.  The coil hadn't slipped but my hormones had changed.  I had another blood test 6 weeks later with the same results.
Yesterday both my partner and I spoke to the doctor relieved that my issues could be attributed to the menopause and she explained that although the level of hormones in the coil for HRT purposes are usually effective for 4 years ( 5 years as a contraceptive) with me it must have worn off sooner. 
So you are not going mad, there is a link between the coil and the way you have been feeling.
Going forward I am going to have the coil replaced, so I can still manage my Adenomyisos and get the necessary progesterone then,  if I need it, have an oestrogen patch.  Fingers crossed things will improve.

PS please excuse any grammar/spelling issues