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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Stomach cramps  (Read 1676 times)


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Stomach cramps
« on: September 01, 2022, 11:29:30 AM »

Hi. I’m Sandra and I turned 60 earlier this year. I went through an awful peri menopause some 10 years ago. HRT worked very well for about a year but I had to come off it because I was having bad headaches. It has been a tough road. I’ve suffered from awful headaches/foggy brain/anxiety/depression/something like fibromyalgia to name a few of the symptoms. I have struggled on as I thought HRT was a no no for me and generally the symptoms have become more manageable. Then 2 months ago I had an awful bout of what I thought was gastroenteritis. However, it just wouldn’t go away and became more like IBS type symptoms. I tried changing my diet until I was eating little other than chicken and rice and the odd rice cracker. It was only when I started getting awful fatigue and my buzzy head (brain fog/headache/disconnection/depression) that I began to wonder if this was some symptom of the menopause. My GP agreed that this could well be the case and suggested amiltriptyline to help me manage it. A week on I have decided that this is no way to live and have decided to come off the amiltriptyline and I have an appointment at a menopause clinic next week 🤞
I have been totally thrown by recent events and wondered if anyone else has suffered such a severe onset of symptoms some years after having “been through the menopause “. Also the awful cramping is a new one for me, can this be due to (lack of) hormones??


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Re: Stomach cramps
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2022, 01:03:08 PM »

Hi senojardas. Hormones (or lack of) can upset our digestive system but I feel your GP should have referred you for bowel investigation as your symptoms were so severe and of sudden onset so long after going through peri. Were you asked to provide a stool sample? Your symptoms could have been food poisoning especially campylobacter which gives really intense pain and diarrhoea but usually no vomiting. This can then give IBS type symptoms for months afterwards. You can also have gut infections which can grumble along for months following the initial bad bout of diarrhoea.  Also any new change in bowel movements, which lasts longer than three weeks, needs investigating.

I think you need to address this as well as finding out about HRT. Don't get fobbed off.

Taz x  :welcomemm:

Mary G

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Re: Stomach cramps
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2022, 05:59:07 PM »

Sandra, I have started taking amitriptyline myself recently for migraine prevention and I'm getting on well with it - it's the go to drug for migraines and IBS.  My guess is that subject to your having had a negative stool test ie FIT and calprotectin, your doctor is treating you for IBS pain and possibly migraines - you mention persistent headaches and the two are connected.   You could even be suffering from painful abdominal migraines.

I'm 61, 15 years post menopause and using HRT but my migraines suddenly ramped up for no apparent reason so yes, things can suddenly change years after the menopause.

From what you have said, you would probably benefit from a low dose HRT regime and possibly amitriptyline for IBS/pain/migraines/depression.   Whatever dose are/were you taking?  Did you have any side effects?

Hormones affect the gut and it is not unusual to suddenly develop IBS post menopause but HRT and amitriptyline can help.



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Re: Stomach cramps
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2022, 06:31:50 PM »

Hi. Thank you both for your comments. I have had a stool test and a number of blood tests which have all come back negative. I have also wondered about food poisoning but the buzzy head thing has been going on for some time so I do think it’s worth seeing the menopause specialist.
I am struggling with the Amiltriptyline, despite only being on 10mg. It sets my buzzy head off for several hours after taking it but I can see that it’s taking the edge off things. I’ve not heard of abdominal migraines but who knows. Mary G you obviously find it ok to take amiltriptyline and HRT? I presumed I’d have to come off one to go on the other

Mary G

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Re: Stomach cramps
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2022, 07:38:17 PM »

You very definitely don't have to choose, you can take amitriptyline and HRT at the same time.

It sounds like you had a thorough stool check and blood tests which is good.  Both FIT and calprotectin tests are important markers which rule out more serious bowel conditions.

10mg amitriptyline is the starting dose for migraines, generic pain and IBS but with all these conditions, you can titrate up to 1mg per kilo on body weight until you get relief.   For anxiety and depression, the dose is much higher I believe.

I would stick with it and persevere with trying to obtain HRT if I were you.   It's best to take it 12 hours before you wake up in the morning to avoid daytime drowsiness.  Amazingly, I haven't had any side effects at all and my improved digestion was an added bonus!   It takes about two months to work properly.


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Re: Stomach cramps
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2022, 09:22:13 PM »

Hi Sandra,
I’m 61, last period 11 years ago. 7 years ago had hysterectomy and ovaries removed, massive life chang8ng complications.  Menopause never acknowledged as doctors felt ‘ I had bigger problems ‘.
Now 7 years on I still haven’t recovered from complications ( perforated bowel ) but I seem to be getting meno symptoms - flushes, confusion, brain fog, exhaustion , irritation down below.  Gp not interested and said I’m over that now,

To answer your question though I definately seem to be having problems many years after last period x


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Re: Stomach cramps
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2022, 08:02:32 AM »

Hi Sandra

I too am starting to think that symptoms from menopause do rear their head after several years of quiet time.
I was 10 years post during lockdown and had terrible symptoms, raging headaches, bad reflux, stomach upsets, urine infections and hot sweats as well as really bad VA. 61 at the time, 63 now. Had several doctors appointments over the phone, blood tests, ct scan, colonoscopy, endoscopy all came back ok. Not at any point did anyone mention menopause. Eventually practise nurse put me on Vagifem, which took quite a while to work but that part seems to be under control. Symptoms gradually subsided after about a year and I was left wondering what it was all about. Then a couple of weeks ago similar symptoms returned along with buzzy head and not sleeping well, given what I know now I am convinced it’s menopause symptoms returning.
I am not on hrt (apart from Vagifem) and wished I had at least tried it.
So to answer your question I definitely think menopause symptoms dip in and out for a very long time, question is do they ever go away?😢


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Re: Stomach cramps
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2022, 08:57:07 AM »

Thank you all for your comments. I was starting to think I was going mad, it’s good to know that others have experienced something similar. I have an appointment today with a GP who specialises in the menopause so am hoping that I can get some clarification/reassurance 🙏 I am getting some relief on the amiltriptyline but feel more fuzzy headed in some ways….
Unfortunately many GPs are not trained in understanding the menopause (I was amazed mine even mentioned it!). Of course it never goes away as our bodies are now depleted of the oestrogen that it needs to function well. Have you ever listened to Louise Newson talk? She believes that all women should be on HRT for the duration. As she points out if you have a thyroid problem you wouldn’t stop taking the medication and be expected to just  ‘get on with it’!
Thank you all for making me feel a bit more normal


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Re: Stomach cramps
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2022, 04:31:20 PM »

senojardnas - I hope you got on ok with the GP today. Let us know how it went.

Shelleyjayne.  - I have a friend of 71 who has just been given HRT due to having suffered from hot sweats for the last twenty years so have you thought about seeing if you can get it prescribed? I'm still using it at the age of 68. I appreciate that it can sometimes be difficult to get it prescribed for the first time over 60 but it's worth a try if it's something you feel would help.

Taz x