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Author Topic: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT  (Read 2106 times)


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Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« on: August 25, 2022, 06:38:58 PM »


Since being on HRT I have become almost anemic. My iron level is down to 11. I think it should be somewhere near 50...

Anyway, to be fair, before HRT my iron levels were on the low side, it was always mentioned in routine blood tests but nothing was ever done about it because I guess it was not low enough. (Although I was turned away from giving blood because it would reduce my iron level below a safe level I think. I digress sorry).

Anyway, I became poorly in Jan 2021 and felt really ill, no energy, tight chest and shortness of breath. I though I had covid or long covid. Anyway, it turned out to be low iron levels. I was put on the regular iron tablets, Ferrous Sulphate,  300mg per day and bingo I got constipated in a blink of an eye. I was moved on to Ferrous Gluconate and they were fine and no constipation and I started to feel better, much, much better.

Anyway, the tablets worked, I was fine on them and then a locum decided I had to come off them after 6 months. I was quite annoyed because my levels only got up to 22 I think. Anyway, after some fighting to get back on them after about 4 months and plus the fact that I started feeling terrible again.  This time I had a huge skin reaction to the same Ferrous Gluconate, the very same ones I had been previously taking. So I was taken off them.

Long story short, I was moved on to another tablet a slow release of Ferrous Sulphate and that gave me constipation too. My doctor is rubbish and I think we have almost run out of prescription options. I am caught between feeling better with the taking the iron but feeling awful for being constipated.

I am fed up with constipation. Nothing gentle works either. Stuff like Spatone is only 5mg a day and Floradix is too low too. I was on My tablets are 300mg per day.

Not sure what to do. Doctors wont look into why I have low iron absorption. They put it down to heavy periods.

So bored of all this and just wonder if anyone has any suggestions of iron that works for them and does not cause constipation.

Sorry if this sounds like a bit of a rant. If anyone has any suggestions, I would be very grateful.

Thanks :)


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Re: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2022, 06:45:07 PM »

It is appalling the locum took you off the iron tablets! You are anaemic and entitled to iron tablets. Is it possible to change your GP to one who is not against helping you figure out your low iron?

It is unfortunate iron causes constipation. I assume you have tried fybrogel?


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Re: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2022, 06:58:46 PM »

It is appalling the locum took you off the iron tablets! You are anaemic and entitled to iron tablets. Is it possible to change your GP to one who is not against helping you figure out your low iron?

It is unfortunate iron causes constipation. I assume you have tried fybrogel?

Hi Flossieteacake, I think I am just fed up that noone really knows enough about anything. I expect the gp has no in depth understanding of iron issues. I am sure there are people that do know, but I would imagine that would mean going privately. Yes I am on something similar to Fybrogel called Lepicol. I drink 2L+ of water per day and eat Linseeds, prunes etc!  ;D ::)


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Re: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2022, 07:08:09 PM »

It is appalling the locum took you off the iron tablets! You are anaemic and entitled to iron tablets. Is it possible to change your GP to one who is not against helping you figure out your low iron?

It is unfortunate iron causes constipation. I assume you have tried fybrogel?

Hi Flossieteacake, I think I am just fed up that noone really knows enough about anything. I expect the gp has no in depth understanding of iron issues. I am sure there are people that do know, but I would imagine that would mean going privately. Yes I am on something similar to Fybrogel called Lepicol. I drink 2L+ of water per day and eat Linseeds, prunes etc!  ;D ::)

If you cannot change your GP practice then how about asking for a referral? I was once on an antidepressant that gave me constipation. I could only go to the bathroom once a week and my stomach was an odd shape. Despite this I was told to carry on and just take laxatives. They did not work either. I ended up insisting on trying something else. I know with HRT that is more difficult.


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Re: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2022, 10:00:13 PM »

There was relatively recent research on taking one 80 mg tablet every other day which led to better iron absorption. I’ll try to find it for you. There’s a hormone that actually blocks iron absorption.

I couldn’t handle the tablets. Awful ibs. Then it fell back down within a few months. I had an amazing Gp who suggested coming off them, trying a FODMAPs diet and testing again in a month. I had two periods.

I actually also took x2 spatone with a vit c tablet during that time and my iron went up by the same amount as it had been on the tablets for 3 months. (Iirc around 30 points)

I followed the instructions extremely carefully- no food for an hour either side, especially caffeine, milk or any calcium. Morning is ideal as you absorb more but I took in afternoon as I take thyroxine then.

It doesn’t feel like it should work but it really does. And may be due to the hormone I mentioned above. I also think I tend to drink too many milky drinks all day to absorb iron from food.

I  wonder if mirena would help you too?


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Re: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2022, 10:04:02 PM »

This was the earlier study with 60 mg (sorry!)

And a later study with higher doses

It might help your constipation?


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Re: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2022, 10:11:15 PM »

The astute Gp was working on assumption that ibs was causing issues with absorption in me - hence try gluten and lactose free FODMAPs- I’d already noticed onions were causing issues but now I also know it was high histamine issues such as mince.

It did help the stomach issues hugely and I later could resume eating most things but regarding absorption it was tacking the milk consumption timing in me. It could be worth ruling out coeliacs though. But you need to eat gluten for a test.

I believe oestrogen helps absorption of iron. Post menopausal women don’t want iron over load so body dials down the absorption rate. During pregnancy you need all the iron you can get so high oestrogen helps this.


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Re: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2022, 10:48:11 PM »

Hey, I know about this area of stuff because I have low-ish iron too (ferritin was 44 at last testing).

So, two things:

1) Research shows that taking iron every other day (not every day) IMPROVES absorption. If you google 'taking iron every other day research' or something, you'll get the papers up for that. Basically there is something that happens when you take iron which then makes it hard to absorb more afterwards until it has subsided again. I didn't totally get the ins and outs of it, but for sure - take it every other day. That will also help with less constipation...

2) I take Garden of Life Raw Iron. You can google it. I'm really prone to constipation and it doesn't cause it for me. It's iron bisglycinate and advertised as being 'gentle' and not causing constipation.



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Re: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2022, 10:00:21 AM »

Hello Honeybean.

 I have paid privately for an iron infusion and I wonder if that is something that  would help you. The specialist mentioned  Spatone as a maintenance treatment  but said that it should be taken every other day as this increases  absorption.

Hopefully  this is helpful to you and take care.



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Re: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2022, 03:26:24 PM »

Personal experience is that spatone is very well absorbed as it’s in water especially if taken with vit c and even at a lower dose than a tablet.

The tablets appear to work better alternate day dosing.


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Re: Iron Supplement & Constipation Advice since being on HRT
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2022, 06:38:50 PM »

Just seen this on another post - very useful advice regarding other products including a patch for iron!