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Author Topic: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...  (Read 2274 times)


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Re: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2022, 01:11:42 PM »

Thank you  :)

Early days (only day two of Amber gel as opposed to Green gel) and I do believe my symptoms are improving?

Is this even possible?

I think I’ve had too many occasions now where I can see a link between feeling bad whilst on the Green gel that it surely can’t be a coincidence?

I’m just shocked at how much my internal anxiety has subsided and so quickly?

I’ll see how the next few days go… still feeling wiped out though so I’ll take it easy again today…

Ali x


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Re: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2022, 04:12:02 PM »

Hi alibeau

Just read through this thread and I’ve been the same.  Been in 3 pumps Oestrogel and Utrogestan for 12 nights for 18 months now and recently I’ve been having high anxiety and low mood, and terrible insomnia during the Oestrogel only weeks.

What is the amber Oestrogel?


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Re: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2022, 04:40:37 PM »

Hi alibeau

Just read through this thread and I’ve been the same.  Been in 3 pumps Oestrogel and Utrogestan for 12 nights for 18 months now and recently I’ve been having high anxiety and low mood, and terrible insomnia during the Oestrogel only weeks.

What is the amber Oestrogel?


Last December I went through a rough spell whilst not knowing about the Amber/Green Oestrogel situation.

You can read up on here but basically there are two different batches of Oestrogel being manufactured. One has an amber square on the bottle, one has a green square on the bottle.

During my last rough spell, I was shocked when I popped on here and read up  about the different batches as this seemed to tie in with my symptoms worsening whilst using the green square bottles.

I used Amber for a while, felt better but then my pharmacy started to supply the green square again.

I felt I might have become too fixated with the whole Amber vs Green situation and so when I started to feel rough again in August I increased my Oestrogel (green) to 3 1/2 pumps from 3.

This seemed to help a little but then gradually I have felt worse and worse. At my lowest, fatigued, really quite down. I didn’t want to put it down to the green/Amber situ.

Perhaps it’s all in my mind but I did try a blind test earlier this year and that suggested that I felt better on the Amber square also.

Sorry for waffling, I will need to ask my pharmacy if they can supply Amber rather than green to give myself a good stretch of time on Amber again but feel like a bit of a fool asking given that I believe the two gels are identical (I think)…..

Hope this makes sense, my brain is still a little addled  ;)


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Re: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2022, 08:42:10 PM »

I think the Amber square bottle is manufactured in Belgium whilst the green
Is manufactured in France.
The ingredients have to be the same, so
The changes must come about from the bottle/pump dispenser or storage conditions.


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Re: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2022, 09:22:00 PM »

I think the Amber square bottle is manufactured in Belgium whilst the green
Is manufactured in France.
The ingredients have to be the same, so
The changes must come about from the bottle/pump dispenser or storage conditions.

Bottle/pump seem identical to me, I find the green gel slightly runnier than the amber? Seems crazy to me that the whole green/amber thing could be effecting me which is why I keep dismissing it, more likely my own hormones messing about in the back ground?

Anyway, I will stick with this amber bottle and see how the next few weeks pan out! Fingers crossed I feel better soon!

Thanks everyone xx


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Re: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2022, 07:22:39 AM »

Let me know how you get on with the Amber bottle?
I doubt we will ever get a confirmed answer from Besins about this which is a shame.
The worst thing for me on the green bottle was that it was giving palpitations and anxiety a few hours after application which I’ve not had before. Then at night,i started waking with night sweets, again not something, I’ve experienced before.


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Re: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2022, 09:29:17 AM »

 Hi alibeau and everyone,

Thanks for replying, yes it all made perfect sense.

You’re experience sounds similar to mine.  It can be really confusing when doing okay and then things change.  I have checked my current bottle and it has the amber square.  I’m unsure if I’ve had any green squares.

I hope things settle for you soon.

Take care  :)


Anne G

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Re: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2022, 01:29:56 PM »

I'm reading this thread with great interest.  I'm the same - on oestrogel and symptoms (anxiety) have got much worse in last few weeks.  I'd been doing well on 2 pumps per day up to about mid October.  That coincided with me getting strong pain killers from the Dr for another issue and I blamed that for the upset and came off them, but nothing is improving and I wonder if the real issue is as you suggest with the oestrogel. 
How are you getting on now?


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Re: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2022, 02:02:24 PM »

Hi Anne G,

My internal quivering has pretty much gone.... major improvement.

My underlying mood is ok but still not quite as good as it once was but I do have a number of personal issues which I have to take into account i.e. may be getting me down a bit.....

I've been having mild headaches but no migraines which is an improvement.

I'm still lacking slightly in the energy dept but when I do actually pull my finger out and get moving I feel ok.

So yes, generally I am doing better and have been using the 'Amber' bottle for almost a month.  I am due to go and collect my latest prescription later today so I hope they are able to supply 'Amber' again.

I still feel foolish for 'claiming' this is all connected to the 'Amber/Green' issue but do feel I have established too much of a pattern for it to be a coincidence!

I'm off on holiday shortly so I am hoping the break will give me that final boost that I need!

Take care.

Ali x

Anne G

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Re: Recent changes in symptoms.... Oestrogel...
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2022, 06:49:48 PM »

Thanks Ali,

That's good to know.  I'm glad you are picking up.
My bottle has the green square - it does seem like a bit of a coincidence doesn't it.  I've just phoned my GP to ask if I could maybe switch to patches for a bit to see if that makes a difference.  Worth a try.
Anne x
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