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Author Topic: Mirena Coil  (Read 1002 times)


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Mirena Coil
« on: August 14, 2022, 03:55:35 PM »

Hello, looking for some advice.

I am on my third type of hrt regime, having started in May 2021. I most recently moved from elleste sequi to estradot + utrogestan. I take 2 x utrogestan for 12 days. This has been since late Dec 2021.

Mood seems much improved on this (albeit with blips, and has taken a long time). Also, work has been quieter over the summer, and I have dropped some hours too. So this perhaps also affected better mood.

The one downside to this is that every month I now get excruciating pain for a few hours, 2 days after I stop the 12 days of utrogrestan. It's crippling, am doubled over, can't stand straight + often laying on the bathroom floor for a few hours.

Hrt nurse strongly recommending mirena coil, says it's the gold standard, along with estradot.

I obviously want to stop these monthly pains but not sure about a return to progestin as opposed to micronised progesterone ie on mood.

Just wondered if anyone has any advice?


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Re: Mirena Coil
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2022, 06:20:58 PM »

Have you continued with the utrogestan, to see if the pains diminish? Maybe a continuous regime is the way forward? Then you will have no withdrawal effects ?

Are you sure the pain isn’t caused by anything else? Cyst? Fibroid?

Re: the mirena coil. Gold standard, I'm not so sure. It takes some settling in and you need a ton of patience. I think it’s probably best for heavy periods and post menopausal bleeding issues. Think marmite- you either love it  or hate it!


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Re: Mirena Coil
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2022, 10:13:45 PM »

I am now on my second Mirena and am of the love it brigade! But i had first one when i was a year post meno, i did spot daily for 4.5 months but glad i put up with it as i have no side effects from it. I use Oestrogel as can't tolerate the adhesive in patches.


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Re: Mirena Coil
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2022, 03:10:29 PM »

Hello thepopsie

I initially had utro and gel and really struggled with bloating, feeling very spaced out and just not me with the utro element so had a coil fitted 18 months ago. All was good for me initially, but I’ve now started with bad bloating and really low mood which is bothering me more. I can’t directly blame the coil at this stage, so I’m going to have it removed in early September  to rule it out.
In terms of ease, it’s perfect. I don’t have periods anyway but I believe they pretty much stop with most eventually. I agree in that it might be worth a request for a scan to rule out fibroids etc first.
I’d hoped my GP was going to suggest this with my bloating and discomfort (I know previously on a scan I have fibroids) but he just booked me in for the removal.
It is marmite I agree!
I’d scan first then decide. You can always have it removed if things don’t suit, but lots do love it.
SQ x


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Re: Mirena Coil
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2022, 03:13:59 PM »

Are you bleeding at all, with these pains? Or just getting the pain?

As someone else says, you could try a continuous regime of 100mg daily instead. Especially if you're not bleeding anymore, that could work well for you.


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Re: Mirena Coil
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2022, 08:32:12 PM »

Thank you for the comments everyone !

I have a doc appt in a few weeks so she can do an initial physical exam for anything untoward. So I will suggest the continuous utrogestan and also see about a scan ... although not sure how long that might take!!

Thanks again!


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Re: Mirena Coil
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2022, 08:46:29 AM »

Thank you for the comments everyone !

I have a doc appt in a few weeks so she can do an initial physical exam for anything untoward. So I will suggest the continuous utrogestan and also see about a scan ... although not sure how long that might take!!

Thanks again!


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Re: Mirena Coil
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2022, 11:24:29 AM »

Hi Thepopsie,
The pain The one downside to this is that every month I now get excruciating pain for a few hours, 2 days after I stop the 12 days of utrogrestan. It's crippling, am doubled over, can't stand straight + often laying on the bathroom floor for a few hours.

you describe is exactly what I had with fem 2/10. I switched 15 days ago to Estrogel (2-3 pumps)& utrogestan (100 mg for 25 days, then 3 days off). I'm booked in for mirena coil in about 2 weeks but think I might cancel and give utrogestan another while. I was hoping I might avoid the pain and am now scared given your comment, but I may be different. I get it day 1 of the period. I got it 2nd year on fem 2 /10 and put up with it for 4.5 years. Taking Ibuprofen a day before helped a lot and I mostly avoided if it I did that. I worked from home so could manage with it. I'm 53 in Bovember and have always had light to medium periods lasting 4 to 5 days.

I was bloated for the first 7 days and from reading here it seems that was caused by Utrogestan. My recent question post on moving to the coil and taking testosterone is here:,63193.0/topicseen.html

I will update if I get the horrible pain with utrogestan
