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Author Topic: Hi  (Read 806 times)


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« on: July 08, 2022, 10:38:19 AM »

 Good morning everyone, i started the menopause about 10 years ago, but periods stopped 2 and a half years ago. Ive been ok till now the night sweats are that bad its like ive just got out the shower. And broken sleep due to this im 48 nearly 49, i went to see my gp he other day has my mood is very low at the minute to the extent where i just break down in tears and cry like a baby. I feel horrible in myself and even think my husband dont want me anymore and he is playing away. He is supportive and always has been but doesnt stop your mind from wondering bad thoughts when you feel so low. My gp has sent for blood tests before he gives me anything. Do any of you guys recommend anything and hows it been for you any one else felt unattractive and not wanting to be here and ugly. Thanks for listening xxxxx


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Re: Hi
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2022, 11:26:01 AM »

Oh bless you. Sorry to ear about your husband …. Do you know he’s playing around or do you just suspect that? Feeling unattractive/invisible at this age (I’m 46) - oh yes ! It’s up h a big adjustment to make in self image. I am still struggling with it.

At your age you shouldn’t need any blood tests, you should be able to try HRT if that’s what you and the doctor decide. That will help with the mood and sweats.

However if you can get the blood tests done quickly, may be best to go along with it….depends how you feel about getting a new doctor - is it a big practise ? Could you ask to see someone who specialises in womens health maybe ? If you are 2 years post menopausal I’m sure the blood tests will show that HRT will be of benefit.



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Re: Hi
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2022, 11:27:11 AM »

Your GP shouldn't run blood tests before prescribing HRT, since there are very few contraindications (and none that would show in bloods).

The NICE guidelines state that HRT should be prescribed on symptoms alone and not on blood test results. Even if he says your bloods are 'normal', that does not mean you don't need HRT - since hormones fluctuate greatly during this time and he might just happen to have tested when they are normal.

You might want to try a different GP if possible, since it doesn't sound like he is very clued up on HRT and the menopause.

All your symptoms are classic for menopause and should easily and quickly resolve with HRT.


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Re: Hi
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2022, 01:11:58 PM »

Thanks guys and no i dont think he is playing away i know he loves me and we are selling our house and buying a new build house in he process now so no i dont think he is im just very insecure and this is not helping matters like i say broken sleep and the night sweats have got worse iver the past 6 months or so and just feel really low in myself. I have a condition called purego its spots that fill with yukky stuff and they scar me like fag burns i had thrm when i had my kids and as soon as baby was born they went until now they have come back really bad i have to banage my arms with wet bandages just to make them heal so again another symptom. I am having my bloods done on monday and then will make another appointment if i can and i do think hrt is going to benefit me but its just all the stuff thats said about it puts me a little less at ease. But thanks guys xxxx


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Re: Hi
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2022, 01:42:48 PM »

Hi Clair.l and welcome.

Really feel for you, you’re going through a really tough time. The blood test is a good move, I hope you get the results, your HRT and start to feel better ASAP.
Sending hugs.x


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Re: Hi
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2022, 02:22:13 PM »

Welcome clair.l and I am sorry you are going through such a rough time. I'm a bit surprised that the GP didn't offer HRT based on your symptoms but it seems it can be a bit of a lottery as to whether they do or don't. Hopefully he will prescribe when the bloods come back, otherwise you could consider switching to another one.

I'm same age as you, in perimenopause and on Evorel 50 patches. I'm not far into this journey myself (just under 3 months) so not sure I would recommend them as such but I can say they are easy to use and I've not had difficulty getting them from chemists. I went on HRT to try and control hormonal migraines and because I was also having night sweats and brain fog and feeling quite angry and emotional. I wouldn't say they were an instant miracle but I felt quite a lot better emotionally quite quickly and I haven't woken up in a sweat for at least a couple of months. Jury still out on the migraines and brain fog but it is quite early days - they recommend you stick with it for at least 3 months to give it time to work. I had a few mild headaches when I started but they settled after a few weeks.


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Re: Hi
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2022, 03:23:12 PM »

Thanks everyone i think i am going to try the hrt as i dont know how much longer i can feel this way its just those little things that start me thinking bad things and it also the little things that make it better. I never felt this low when my mum passed away when i was 15 years old i hate feeling this way and doubting my husband one minute i can be happy then the next i hit rock bottom, i am finding reading some of these posts helpful and i really hope i can get myself sorted. These last 6 months have definitely taken its toll on me but i hope i can sort my head and body out. Thanks for all the advices everyone it is much appreciated. Xxxx


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Re: Hi
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2022, 06:32:00 PM »

Hormones can play with the mind!

What has your GP sent blood away for?  He may well be testing for low VitD levels and thyroid function.

In the mean time make a list of worries to discuss with him, take your husband with you to the appt..  Keeping a mood/food/symptom diary can be. useful.

He shouldn't prescribe anti-depressants unless you request them, as many symptoms are related to hormonal upheaval.

Let us know how you get on. 


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Re: Hi
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2022, 07:34:07 AM »

Thank you he is testing me for thyroid and full bloods and liver function and haemonglobin. I have had a good couple of days then yesterday i was fine until i texted my husband and he had no signal i knew that cos of where he was working but then wham fell down into a low cos things went through my head. Its a horrible feeling and i really hope i can get it sorted. I dont think it helps i have to look after my 93 year old great aunt who has been really poorly in the last six months so with everything its really got to me. I spoke to her last night and she told me she had has 2 falls yesterday and had to eat her lunch on the floor so the worry of her and hormones and moving and selling a home its took its toll. She lives alone and we have other family who could help but choose not too  thanks for all the advice everyone and i will keep you all posted xxx


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Re: Hi
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2022, 08:33:05 AM »

So your Gt Aunt needs support.   She can have a free Social Services Assessment to see what aids around the property can be fitted to keep her safer. 

If she has been poorly, is she being supported by the District Nurses etc., R they aware of her falls?  R U in touch with her GP to report the falls?  Is she stubborn?  There is a thread "caring for the elderly" I think we named it ..........  ::)

Did she have the falls or is she asking for help?  Is she savvy with a phone, in which case suggest firmly that she needs to get in touch with Paramedics who will help her: it won't necessitate a hospital visit unless she has injured herself.  When Dad got stuck in the bath  :-\ they were very good - Mum let them in and they helped Dad, stayed with him until he was warmed through thoroughly.

Does she cook for herself?  Mum had Wiltshire Farm Foods and Oak Foods delivered straight into the freezer = microwave as required.

You need to take care of you as there is help out there for your Gt Aunt.  One can only help others when one is healthy!