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Author Topic: HRT and Histamine issues / Urticaria / DHEA and Cortisol  (Read 27582 times)


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HRT and Histamine issues / Urticaria / DHEA and Cortisol
« on: June 17, 2022, 07:29:18 AM »

I realise this is a bit unique so no worries if no feedback!

I've been on Lenzetto since April 2021. In Dec 2021 I started suffering with extremely itchy eyes, for which even the strongest prescription antihistamines did nothing. It would last for about 2 weeks and then dissipate. This happened periodically throughout Dec-April, and then straight after Covid in April it got much worse, with the addition of asthma type symptoms. It resolved again briefly after about two weeks, but then at the end of May I started suffering with angioedema (where parts of your face swell up) and for the last two weeks I've had this plus severe urticaria (hives). I'm covered head to toe in angry, red, itchy weals and I've been signed off work for at least 3 weeks. The steroids I've been prescribed only work for a few hours.

I had allergy blood tests done in April (food and typical external allergens) that showed up nothing and I've got another set of skin **** ones next Friday. I've been told by my specialist that when an allergy is this severe it is almost always either a food allergy or drug allergy - something internal.

I'm super confused as I haven't changed either my medication or my diet since it all started in December, so whatever it is has suddenly developed. In terms of drugs I've been long term on two antidepressants for years, and aside from this the only other thing it could be is my Lenzetto. I was just curious to see if anyone had ever had an allergic reaction to one form of HRT and been fine with another? I suspect I'll need to start eliminating things out if the skin **** tests show up nothing, and the thought of going through the rigmarole of changing up my HRT is a bit daunting as I finally feel stable on my dose of 4 sprays.

If anyone has any tips or recommendations of where to potentially start with switching from Lenzetto and equivalent doses, I'd really love to hear of them! Or feedback on any similar allergy things!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2022, 03:34:21 PM by Gilla999 »


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2022, 07:32:58 AM »

I don’t have any experience but just wanted to express my sympathy, it sounds absolutely awful. I hope you resolve this soon.


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2022, 07:45:22 AM »

Thanks ATB, really appreciate the good wishes - I look and feel a frightening state! Hopefully it isn't connected to the HRT because after finally feeling I am stable on a dose it'll be a bit of a drama to have to change to another product (I'm not even considering the possibility that I could be allergic to HRT in general as that's just too frightening!!)

Just seen via a search that I'm not the only one who seems to have suffered from urticaria and a possible connection to HRT or hormones, but doesn't sound like there were any resolutions  :(


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2022, 08:38:37 AM »

I think there is a leaflet on histamine intolerance on Newson Health website. Certain foods are known culprits, might be worth taking a look. Do antihistamines help at all?


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2022, 08:46:11 AM »

Oh I do wonder… I woke up the other day, I have covid right now, and had what sort of looked like razor burn all over my pubic area and top of my legs. It was quite widespread. The first time I got covid I got this strange almost like eczema but bumpy and on my toes rash thing. It lasted ages. I was looking it up and it’s quite common with covid. You obviously had some sort of itchy issue before, but I wonder if the hives and things are covid related? It worsened by it? It’s be horrid if it was the HRT.


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2022, 09:07:41 AM »

Gnatty even steroids aren't working, let alone antihistamines  :(

ATB I have definitely wondered that myself, and adding to the confusion the original itchy eyes problem started the day after my Covid booster in December - which could totally just be a coincidence, but you just don't know do you. I know that Covid seemed to turn the volume of it all up to 100 and I haven't felt right since (I don't have any "long covid" symptoms though, just the horrendous autoimmune / histamine type stuff).

It just feels really odd to have suddenly developed such a severe allergy to something (which they tell me will be food or drug, not external) and yet I haven't changed anything. I know they do say allergies can develop at any time, I suppose it just feels odd and does lend weight to the Covid theory! I can't share pics here to show you the rash but it is frightening, my body looks like it's being poisoned. (Sorry - bit 'drama queen'!)

Really appreciate the replies - feeling a bit sorry for myself! You know when you get over one hurdle (the hormones) and then get hit by another!


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2022, 11:22:28 AM »

Gilla!!! I just came on to search for your allergy post, and saw this.

So... How did it go with the utrogestan phase??? Maybe you updated on the other thread, I'll go look.

You're clearly in a bad way. So awful.

The only thing I can add, avd the reason I came looking for you today, is my nose pressure issue us back. The connection - increasing my progesterone cream. It happened on my last trial too. It also happens on the pill. It is meant to be estrogen that increases histamine... Possibly my prog is still making my estrogen receptors pre sensitive - but its odd.

Not much use to you - but I'm now 100% sure mine is hormonal (aster my nose op too).

I do think you'll probably need to try elimination. I feel for you.

I am very allergic but the only time I've had proper hives was due to decaying blue flowers in a room - sprayed blue I think. Was weird. I wasn't anywhere near them.

Hope you get some answers from the **** test xx


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2022, 11:26:39 AM »

Diamine Oxidase (DAO)

I'm just away to research this - as a, supplement it may help with histamine issues. Not researched yet. But thought I'd share.


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2022, 04:19:02 PM »

Interesting about the Progesterone Crispy - I also recall you talking about the nose symptoms when you were on the Prog dominant contraceptive pill. I'm pretty sure mine isn't Progsterone related though - I had initially thought there might be connection with the timing in my cycle but there isn't, at least not now. The Utrogestan phase made no difference either good or bad. I really hope the specialist next Friday can shed some light on it - I still can't help feeling it's all connected to my hormones and linked in some way, possibly also with the extreme weight gain and the chronic constipation that all arrived around the same time too, but who knows. Feeling a bit low with it all - would just be nice to be back to being the me I was in 2018 and for the 37 years before that!

Thanks for the kind messages ladies, really appreciated it today x


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2022, 06:11:35 PM »

Ah, that's a shame gill. I thought the utrogestan phase may have been enlightening. Obviously not.

Suppose, progesterone or not, it could still be the additional estrogen. I really hope not. But whatever it is you certainly need it identifying.

I can totally understand you feeling so fed up. I have a lot of those days. I just hold on to the fact that one day this might all lift.

I'm sure you'll get to the bottom of this xx


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2022, 08:04:27 AM »

I know I keep repeating myself, but thanks again for the kind words Crispy - it really does help  :)

I hold on to that thought too - there are times when it all feels a bit overwhelming but most of the time I try to focus on just dealing with one aspect of it at a time and hoping there will be a day not too far away when I don't have to think about my health every day! It feels like early menopause for me created a domino kind of effect. It's at least reassuring to know that other women out there are also experiencing it (I look at my other 40 something old friends who are living life to the fullest and feel so envious!) xx


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2022, 02:07:22 PM »

Any improvement gilla????


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2022, 02:14:38 PM »

None  :(. Finally got to see the allergy specialist today and he was very good - he said something this severe will be an auto immune condition and not an allergy to a food or substance. So it's a case of trying two types of heavy dose antihistamines and if it hasn't cleared up in another 2 weeks it's considered chronic and not acute and then the next line of treatment is (v expensive) immuno suppressant injections  :-\

He said the cause will be either my thyroid or the covid, possibly combined with the fluctuating levels of hormones in Peri which makes women more susceptible at this age. He's ordered some more blood tests (thyroid and histamine).

I'm still thinking of switching my Lenzetto to something else just in case, but not until the urticaria is more under control - it's still really severe at the moment.

Thank you for checking in Crispy I really appreciate it. Still signed off work and living a bit of a shadow life at the moment  :'( X


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2022, 02:27:07 PM »

Awww man. That's awful  :( poor you. It just all keeps coming at us...

Still, at least you've now seen the expert and made some progress. Hope the heavy duties help.

Immunotherapy I thought was offered on the nhs in eng. Maybe something to check. I was recommended for it a few years ago as I have endless allergies - but I was declined by NHS Newcastle as I'm scottish. Scot don't off it. Charming.

Hmmm interesting they recognise hormones can be the cause of allergic turmoil. Unfortunately for me, my nose issue has returned. Gutted. But I'm 99% sure it's hormonal. For example today I have bad hay-fever... But not got my nose prob. Plus I've identified differerent doses of prog are triggering it. Still none the wiser as to how to solve it.

So, yip... If u can stomach it, I'd defo try eliminating the lenzetto spray. At least then you'll know. 😬 X


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2022, 05:29:42 PM »

Interesting on the Prog and your nose prob Crispy...  do you think it's sinus pressure or a referred headache or something else? Is it when you increase your Progesterone?
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