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Author Topic: Post meno  (Read 1933 times)


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Post meno
« on: June 08, 2022, 04:04:51 AM »

Hi guys im new and still trying to work out postings anyways im 58 and 4yrs ago my cycle stopped..and ever since ive been dieing inside it feels like..i have heaps of the symptoms i have read on here and you dont know how much
Of a relief its been to know im not going still getting the actual flushing  but its has settled but everything else is killing me mentaly.
Headaches,joint pains,dry sinuses ,itchy ears no labido fatigue neck pain ,cold feet,restless sleep,anxiety which has had me in hospital 3 times feeling like im dieing..its horrible and i dont know were to start ..ive been married 40rs and my poor hubby is nearly at his wits end .i want to try and see if HRT will help but i have know idea about any of it..hopeing for some advise  :(
« Last Edit: June 08, 2022, 05:44:13 AM by Bindi »


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2022, 06:54:53 AM »

Hi Bindi
Welcome to the forum!
Book yourself an appointment with the GP with a list of all your symptoms. See if there is a GP at your surgery who specialises in menopause.
They might try and put you on a antidepressant, but resist this and say you want to try hrt first.
Hopefully other members will be along to advise on the best hrt to start off with. But it’s best to start on a low dose in the main.
Good luck xx


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2022, 08:22:07 AM »

As above you need to see your gp but the more you find out about it yourself the better.


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2022, 12:23:08 PM »

Hi Bindi, you are not alone with this.    I'm the same. Same symptoms.   I'm 59 this week and started with my worst symptoms 6 months ago after 5 years post meno (had been managing things till then, very difficult, but could still function and had clear enough head). I started 6 months ago with digestion problems (diagnosed acid reflux and GERD) and slowly other meno symptoms crept in as well.  Had loads tests, blood tests and scans and all normal.   But all of it has led to dreadful anxiety which I have never had before and can be overwhelming.   You seem to have recognised what is going on and that it is meno.  Suggest you go to GP and talk it through and look at options. Can also look at any other health issues that may be causing problems as these do arise as we age.     Take care.  x


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2022, 01:13:33 AM »

Thanks guys for the replies
Yes now that ive seen nearly everything ive been going thru posted in the forum from other women im feeling more postive..Were i live regionally in oz we dont have easy acess to meno clinics or Drs parsay but i have a apt for 2wks and i defiantely will not be doing anxiety meds been there dont you guys ive had sooo many scans and blood tests all normal its ridiculous .My reflux and tummy issues have been going for awhile lol im seriously ready to throw out my meds bar the bp,vitmin D as it seems to help abit as im over them just saying  ok take this like i havn't said anything about could it be meno lol i get NO you are to old for im trying a younger dr to see how i go ...being honest id like to go natural but im thinking hrt might be the way even tho it wrys me alittle about what may happen on fun fun hey ..hopefully this will be a begining to a hopeful end and i will get some sort of the old me back  :)


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2022, 07:33:22 AM »

Wish you well Bindi.   Good luck.   Keep us updated.


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2022, 08:06:20 AM »

Thankyou ange63 i need my mojo back lol so going to see what happens..i so miss play time with hubby he never pushes the issue but i want to do this for us not just me


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2022, 07:02:25 AM »

Hi Bindi, same here.  want to get some level of normality back for both me and husband.   Poor devil is putting up with so much and its taking it toll on him too - but he is understanding and tries to support me.    Lets hope we get there......


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2022, 03:22:09 AM »

Hi guys well i have spoke to my dr after another hospital visits and tests again were fine so my dr wanted to send me for a MRI i said no and that i wanted to try some jormone treatment as thats what im thinking it is i dont think she liked it but agreed to give me some ovestin creaml 4 days in and already feeling better no neck pain ,headaches have lessened,peeing not as much i also have a bit more energy its early days but its encourageing for now  so fingers crossed.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2022, 12:51:49 PM by Bindi »


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2022, 11:46:16 AM »

Ange63  dont give up hun im struggling to..ovestin is helping im 6days in ..little things are kicking back in but i do feel alittle the ladies here say its a journey sadly one we would all perfer not to take..i was gd but now on the 3wkwait to talk to honestly i know nothing about my hormonal things ..have a blood test monday just wait  and see i guess xxhere if you need to chat sry i think we different time zones im in australia..but are women and all buit with the same equipment lol that is going haywire sadly xx


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2022, 07:35:21 AM »

Hi, having a bad time currently.    Digestive problems and constant knot feeling in stomach. - not like usual anxiety.   Oddly anxiety I have managed to keep under control.      Think its the acid reflux/GERD playing up but creating bloating and its right up to my sinuses and pressure behind eyes now.   Tired HRT again recently and after initial good few days all took a dip and I felt so unwell I stopped.       Back to GP to see if other types I could try.   Bindi, have you followed up on HRT route at all ?  how are you doing?  x


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2022, 10:31:47 AM »

Hi angel 63 went and had the bloods done today so will hear if they are off if not my next appt is the 11th.Had a bit of a shitty day yesterday joint pain wise and stomach was also off but i have noticed im a wk into ostevin and my reflux seems a bit better sinus issues have def settled and the mucos i was getting in my throat has also settled.and not bloated all the getting some niggly little kidney and liver pain i think but its tolerable and after i have my hrt it seems to settle so im not overly concerned at the moment i am looking forward to only haveing to use 2xweekly when it happens lol.the one thing im thinking about is trying to cut down to 1x wkly as im not sure but some days i feel really gd then when i have hrt i seem to feel ive over stimulated lol..but it is early days ..but do have a lot of questions..specially as im reading that i should be on progesterone to with the ovestine because i still have my bits just no cycle and i really dont want one lol..hope you start to feel better yto soon hun meno defiantly sucks hugs hun .


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2022, 06:20:47 AM »

Hi BIndi, how are you.... how are things going with the Ovestin gel?  I've tired to find out abit more about the gel but info is mainly about the obesting cream.     I have had a bit of rough time with insomnia but that has settled a bit now.    I am using Vagifem weekly now and some things feeling bit improved.   Hope you are doing ok x


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Re: Post meno
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2022, 01:09:31 PM »

Hi angel63 i did reply to ypur other msg but i think it went into your private msgs lol im still getting used to working the site hun ..and im not on the gel im on the ovestin vaginal cream far so gd a hiccup on the weekend and a another little episode at work on friday but no hosp visit thankgod..i decided i would miss my doses on sunday and monday and start my matinence dose tues (today)which i think was a gd idea as little aches and pains were comming back.aodaynd im hopeing i can get thru till fri for my second dose ..but im thinking im going to use it in the mornings because ive noticed when i do get my episodes which feel like vertigo but with a headache and my bp drops..its always in the will speak to the doc next week..
How have you been hun