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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏  (Read 1080 times)


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Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« on: June 05, 2022, 11:17:52 AM »

Hi All
Been on Novofem for getting on for 3 years, eventually had a review with GP a few weeks back as felt it was not controlling hot flushes especially at night and also I have been having v bad PMT type symptoms before the bleed with some heavy bleeding
GP was great and I felt really listened and wanted to help, she prescribed Oestrogel and 100mg utrogestan but the Oestrogel is not in stock 
I have one pack of Novofem left and am considering stopping HRT now, mainly as I have symptoms anyway and also not sure whether I would still be having periods without the Novofem  so wanted to stop and see hoe I cope and where I am up to with my cycle etc
I’m obviously very worried about this as felt pretty bad without HRT but not great with it either!
Should I just stop after my last tablet or take one every other day, or half tablets etc?
I would really appreciate any advice and thanks in advance for any replies


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Re: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2022, 11:41:53 AM »

Hi. I've tried both ways of stopping and there was no difference in the return of symptoms for me. If you are going to withdraw slowly then it can take around three months of gradual cutting down. This seems too long for what you had in mind? I stopped mine dead and it was a couple of weeks before I began to experience a return of the hot flushes. Vaginal dryness was back within a month and all symptoms fully back after three months. It did take at least six months when I restarted it (I never intend to stop again) to get back to feeling ok again though.

Taz x


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Re: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2022, 12:04:21 PM »

I don't think there's a recommended way so perhaps just stop. If it was me my first choice would be to find something that did work rather than to stop. Many symptoms take a build up of ostrogen so if you go back on it in the future you'll be starting from nothing instead if the insufficient amount you're on now. Completely up to you of course and I wish you best whatever you decide but you could try a patch until gel is available.


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Re: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2022, 03:13:54 PM »

Thanks Sheila and Taz.
Maybe I am being a bit hasty! I am worried about stopping so maybe I should go back and ask for a patch until the gel is back in stock
One thing I am wondering is how you know when to stop sequential and go onto continuous? Is there an average age you should change to continuous?


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Re: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2022, 04:18:41 PM »

Most GPs seem to swap you over from around the age of 54 I think

Taz x


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Re: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2022, 05:50:37 PM »

Dr Louise NEwson recommends that you try continuous after you've been on sequential for 6-12 months. ALthough you can often start it right away if you like. I'm only 44yo and on continuous because I have a history of mild endo.

I would really suggest you try to find a HRT that works for you. If you are still having symptoms, it's likely that you need more estrogen. You will be more flexible with taking utrogestan and either the gel or patch as you'll be able to increase the estrogen without altering the utrogestan until you find the amount that works for you.


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Re: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2022, 07:04:54 PM »

You can't normally tell when you're meno when you're on hrt bit to be without it for a year to find out may not be much fun. Can you tell when it's your own cycle and when it's an hrt one? For me the hrt ones are a washed out version, short and light and absence of pmt and pain. If you use conti too soon you can get breakthrough bleeding unless you use a mirena.


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Re: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2022, 08:28:38 PM »

Thanks so much Taz, Joziel and Sheila
You have helped me to decide to persevere with HRT
If the Oestrogel isn’t in stock soon I will ask for some more Novofem to tide me over
I’ve not found the HRT cycles much different to my own, in that I am still suffering with PMT and, sometimes quite a heavy bleed
Hopefully if will be better on the new regime
Thanks so much 😊


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Re: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2022, 09:46:13 PM »

Starshell, if you are suffering PMT and a heavy bleed, you could try a Mirena coil for your progesterone. This would mean you don't really have any systemic progesterone going into the rest of your body - because it stays localised to your uterus and is just a tiny amount in the right place. So you shouldn't get any of the progesterone side effects which some people can struggle with (like PMT). And the Mirena will also stop the bleeding, that is one of the things it is known to do excellently well. (After the first few months.)

So then you would just use estrogen in a patch or gel and forget about the progesterone as the Mirena is doing that. And you can expect not to bleed at all after a few months.

You might not want to use a coil though, and I totally get that - I can't bring myself to try it(!) - although I might if I were struggling and it was that or stop HRT.

The other thing is you could try moving to a continuous regime of utrogestan 100mg every night. You might get some breakthrough bleeding if you are still peri but it would probably be lighter than a full on bleed on a sequential regime. You could also increase the utrogestan to 200mg every night on a continuous basis. If even that doesn't help the bleeding, you might be better with a synthetic progesterone as they are known to help more with bleeding. There are some combined patches (Evorel Sequi and Femseven something or other) - they each have a different progesterone in them.

Basically, don't give up. It is just that HRT often has to be tailored to the individual and we're not all sausages in a sausage machine. Everyone is different, reacts differently to the hormones and has different needs and priorities. There is the right HRT for you out there, just experiment (without changing too frequently!!) and you'll get there!


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Re: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2022, 06:53:53 AM »

Thanks Joziel
I did try the Mirena coil, think it was about ten years ago now but I didn’t get on with it very well, I broke out in boils on my face and felt very down with it, I am hoping the Oestrogel is back in stock soon and I am actually looking forward to trying it now! Will also try taking the utrogestan every night and see how I get on
Your advice and that of the others has been invaluable
I love this site! X


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Re: Advice for stopping HRT please 🙏
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2022, 08:15:32 AM »

If you still get these progesterone issues with utrogestan you can take it vaginally instead - that can help avoid the systemic side effects. 👍