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Author Topic: Bit the bullet thickened womb lining and something on cervix (worried)  (Read 1803 times)


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Re: Scan found thickened womb lining and something on cervix (worried)
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2022, 08:04:23 PM »

Hi Roisen,

I had a similar finding last year. I'd come off HRT but was having prolonged extremely heavy bleeding. A scan showed 'something' over my cervix. I was so worried. I dreaded the hysteroscopy after everything I'd read but it was so much better than I imagined (admittedly I've had children). The 'something' turned out to be   a benign endometrial polyp that was protruding into my cervix.  Please try not to worry. X


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Re: Scan found thickened womb lining and something on cervix (worried)
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2022, 09:51:19 PM »

Thank you skylark for the reassurance. I’m glad all was well with you. Xx


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Re: Scan found thickened womb lining and something on cervix (worried)
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2022, 04:53:10 PM »

Any advice. I’ve been here before with the thickened womb lining but was on a cyclical HRT then. I’ve been on sandrena 1.5 and ultrogeston for many years now and wasn’t expecting this again. Sonographer spotted something on my cervix but wasn’t sure what. So now concerned that might be cervical cancer, although 69 now and all my smears have been negative. Is this a sign I’ve been on HRT too long. Close on 18 years but I’m no good without it. I need a hysteroscopy but last time was too hard as never had children so I guess GA for that. I’m right in the middle of study and exams too. I also have low back ache. Could it just be a cyst on the cervix. Lining was 9mm like the last time and that was multiple polyps. Can this happen more than once. Sorry for the ramble. Thank you.

As far as I have read there is no evidence that HRT increases the risk of cervical cancer so whatever the sonographer saw likely won't be due to the HRT. It's easy to see the cervix without a hysteroscopy - I had some spotting and doc checked my cervix with a probe thing - and it turned out to be a cervical erosion and no treatment needed.

Have they said you need a hysteroscopy? If so I presume they will need to check your womb because 9 mm on continuous HRT is thicker than the limit so you don't want it to continue to grow as this can result in endometrial cancer. So I guess the docs will have a look at the lining and then hopefully give you something to thin it? As far as I understand from a quick search - some polyps can recur.

As the others have said - try not to worry and focus on the fact that you are being looked at to check all is well - and hopefully it will only be something minor.

Let us know how you get on and what transpires.

Hurdity x


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Re: Scan found thickened womb lining and something on cervix (worried)
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2022, 10:42:33 PM »

Thank you Hurdity. I’m hoping a hysteroscopy won’t happen but apparently that is what is planned on Monday. I got my appointment for then so will see what happens. I had a normal smear and ultrasound five years ago so hopefully it’s nothing untoward.
Thank you xx
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