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Author Topic: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch  (Read 3370 times)


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2022, 01:01:36 PM »

i am also seeking advice because i got the symptoms that ive never experienced until Saturday, i just wanted reassurance from him and you ladies that it was of the dosage upping and downing. I know one lady private messaged me then gave me her number to say tats exactly what happened to her on the patch. and that it settled. Just shows it can happen, and Consultants dont always know the answer


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2022, 01:13:13 PM »

Gnatty, please don’t tone police me. I’m not telling anyone off. This is a forum. People are entitled to their opinions. You use the words you want, and I’ll use the words I want.  I’m encouraging Vicky to listen to her doctor so that she gets better and learns more about this. Constantly questioning the treatment before you give it time to work, is just going to make this journey harder.

Vicky, sadly we do indeed often get a new symptom, which may seem out of nowhere, but is a part of this horrible thing. It’s more complex for you because you also have mental health issues you’re addressing through treatment. Your doctor really is the one who understands this best right now. Doctors are busy and can seem abrupt or even rude, but it’s because they are busy and matter of fact. My GP rang me for something last week and it was the same. I in fact didn’t get everything I wanted out because I then got flustered. But it’s just because they are focussed on the most important thing and then they have to get back to other patients. You’re lucky to get a specialist phone call, my private doctor sends a message as she’s too busy to call. Nobody here can tell you with certainty what caused it. It might be the dose change, it might be what your doctor thinks it is and he will know more than us. That’s all I’m saying.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2022, 03:24:44 PM »

Thanks GNATTY - Sorry ATB i have to agree slightly. I am new to all this and feel as though i am getting "told off" by yourself quite a bit. I do value your advice though, but its the way you put it across.
I am asking opinions from all angles as im very lucky to work where i do. The only reason i am on Sertraline is because we didnt know it was Peri at that time, so i just stayed on it i guess.

No matter how busy they are they should listen to you fully, especially when its private.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2022, 03:36:59 PM »

Ok then I will ignore your posts and any PMs you send. I’m not going to have people say I’m telling them off because I’m saying things they don’t want to hear. I was polite and as helpful as I could be  but I shan’t waste any more time. Please don’t PM me again.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2022, 03:49:26 PM »

ATB - You have the patience of a saint!! xx


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2022, 04:43:14 PM »

ATB- that's absolutely fine I would rather you didn't message me. I'm not the only one that finds your tone quite aggressive. I'm glad yiu said you won't message or reply to my posts thats what I want . Best wishes


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2022, 04:46:03 PM »

I don’t message you Vicky, you message me, over and over about the same thing. I’ve reported your last comment as a personal attack. Completely unnecessary.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2022, 06:34:41 PM »

Vicky I've just looked up what can interfere with Sertraline and found this

"What can interfere with sertraline?
Avoid cola drinks, chocolate and caffeine containing food items with sertraline since the combination can result in a condition called serotonin syndrome with symptoms of high fever, agitation, vomiting, nausea, rapid heartbeat, trembling, sweating and weird movements on the muscles."

The reason i asked you earlier if you had had any alcohol is that my dd inadvertently/was persuaded/? amongst company drank alcohol while taking sertraline and it knocked her back a fair bit.  A lot of trembling, anxiety and low mood.  It took a while for her to readjust.

I know you've had a lot of willpower re the alcohol but could any of the above have caused a blip in the sertraline action do you think ?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 06:36:15 PM by Minusminnie »


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2022, 08:47:48 PM »

Serotonin syndrome is something that’s very overlooked in mainstream medicine and can have awful symptoms.
Easily done with over medication, be it AD’s or even some supplements. Especially when not properly monitored by ONE doctor.
Through hormones into the mix and that will make it even more complex to monitor. X


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2022, 08:32:46 AM »

thanks both, hope you are well?

I have looked at serotonin syndrome and i dont think its that, but i do agree people do overlook this so much. I am only on 150 sertraline and havent had any side effects from this (very lucky i know). Until Saturday......up until today. Shaky, jittery, head foggy, not quite with it. I am waiting for my GP to call me this A.M as i do think my dose of HRT could be too high. I have this for 5 days now... feel out of it, horrid.

Minnie - thank you so very much for taking the time to look that up for me!! You could be right about the choc as i love a good bar of cadburys!! Luckily, i havent had fever, agitation, rapid heart beat, vomiting etc.
Just i said above really, the HRT has deffo brought this on. xxx



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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2022, 02:14:52 PM »

Hi Vicky81
Just to let you know I have been experiencing awful anxiety, jitters, headaches, dizziness for several weeks now and I feel sure it is my HRT oestrogen levels causing it.  I got to speak with my GP yesterday and have been for blood tests to test my oestrogen levels and  have general bloodwork today.  Wake in the night with a jump with the most awful anxiety/panic its vile and feeling really jelly legged and jittery and light headed all day.  I am on Lenzetto and am very keen to see the blood results as to whether my levels are too high or too low.  Do hope you can get some advice that will help you very soon but just to let  you know you are not alone.  I experienced the same as this also last year when I was swopped from Oestrogel to Lenzetto.  Take care xxxx


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2022, 06:54:36 PM »

Hi pippa thanks so much for your message.
Yes its so awful that feeling isn't it?
I too had a blood test yesterday so shoukd get this back by Friday. Let me know how you get on with your test too ....
Tonight after speaking with gp reduced patch to il see what happens!
Keep in touch hun I'm here if yiu need  me xxxxx


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2022, 09:29:36 AM »

Hello ladies.

Pippa52 and Vicky81 - I am sorry that you are both experiencing the dreaded jitters and as a fellow sufferer you have my sympathy.

Can I ask a small favour ladies? When you have your blood test results would you kindly post them on this thread for all members to see and learn from (though I expect that you were planning to do this anyway).

On a personal note I need to have my levels tested before my next clinic appointment in June so I am waiting until nearer the time before I arrange a blood test. Anything you ladies learn about your own circumstances would be very helpful and much appreciated.

Wishing you both well.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2022, 05:06:53 PM »

Hi vicky, firstly I just want to say, once you've been diagnosed with anxiety the automatic response is to put everything down to that, which simply isn't always the case, I too suffer from anxiety and know the difference between that and new symptoms, I also had those feelings of being spacey, lightheaded and the jittery shaky feeling when I first started patches, I also had it when my dose was too high, it's hard to describe the feeling, I also had an internal shaky feeling and my hands looked like I had a tremor, you are right to seek advice on it, you only have to do a search on here to see lots of women get that jittery feeling on hrt, hopefully it will settle when your body gets used to it, when I lowered the patch it went away for me, also if you want to post a question every day then that's your right to do so, we are all just looking for reassurance when we are new to this and desperately trying to feel somewhere near normal again, I feel for you, because I was you a few years ago so I know how tough this is, hang in there, things will get better in time, hope those side effects ease for you soon xx


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #29 on: May 05, 2022, 05:21:42 PM »

Awww that's so lovely of you.....and quite right.
Made alot of sense to me.
The dose was too high so gp has put me on 75mg see how that goes,, will stick with it for 3 months.
Yes with bad anxiety you need reassuring....its difficult.
Thank you for your support hun xxx
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