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Author Topic: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?  (Read 3893 times)


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2022, 08:00:04 AM »

Thanks Gilla.  How exactly are you feeling atm? I’m sorry you are suffering so much!
Since covid I am suffering again with anx and low mood, having fluctuations so getting headaches too.  Such an awful time….had all this post vaccine!
 I don’t appear to have allergies as such but was thinking antihistamine cud help in some way? X


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2022, 05:10:27 PM »

So today has been the first day since pre covid where the horrendous eye allergy has been manageable by taking 2 Fexofenadine a day. I tried the steroids yesterday but they kept me awake all last night (a known side effect) so I won't be taking those again! I am hopeful that the fexofenadine has finally started to kick in and am also wondering if the horrendous palpitations / irregular heartbeat (which I had put down to covid) are actually a side effect of the fexofenadine itself, as I read today that it can be. So my current thinking is that I had some initial allergy (not hayfever as it's been going on since Nov... I had wondered if it was connected to my HRT...) which was then made 100 times worse by the immune response of covid and it's taken a while for the Fexofenadine to really take hold and dampen it down (ie. about 3 weeks at least). Hopefully I'll eventually be able to stop taking the Fexofenadine and the horrible palpitations / racing heart will go away and the eye allergy won't come back!
My blood test result is due back on Tuesday too, so I'll know then if covid did actually lower my E level or.not!


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2022, 09:36:21 AM »

Have u had any nausea ost covid? I seem to have this past few days especially in the mornings x


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2022, 12:09:58 PM »

Hi Sweettooth

I remember on another thread you said your folate levels were low. Low folate causes nausea. If you supplement with folate you must make sure your vitamin b12 levels are good as well, but I think I remember you saying they were high, so that’s ok.
Another  cause of nausea is low choline. The main food sources of choline are eggs (great for breakfast), liver, fish, chicken (not too much meat but just enough so as not to get to much histidine).
It’s difficult for vegetarians and especially vegans to get enough choline in their diet. Vegetarians should eat a lot of eggs but vegans would probably have to supplement with choline and/or phosphatdylcholine (not too much as it can make you feel low and depressed).
It’s a minefield! Personally I always have eggs for breakfast, try and eat greens for the folate and now and again take a 1/2 folinic acid lozenge in the morning if I feel nauseous.
Hope this will help.


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2022, 12:18:33 PM »

Thank u v much Marchlove.  It’s so hard to know.  My gut feeling is it the after effects of covid, I’m fatigued as well and covid certainly doesn’t help hrt!
I will look into the lozenge.  At present I’m taking a good multi vitamin with 400iu folate in it. X


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #35 on: April 20, 2022, 12:50:37 PM »

Hi Gill,

Sorry to hear about all of the challenges you are facing on top of peri. I feel like after catching covid it did amplify all the symptoms and bring new ones. I caught it in March 2020.

Sorry I haven’t been on the forum much..I’m still working on optimising my HRT which is tough. 8)

Just wanted to send you a big hug and to everyone on this thread.

Angela xx


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #36 on: April 20, 2022, 01:09:20 PM »

Hi Hilla, just wondering how you are now and if your bloods came back? I’m hoping you’re feeling a bit better overall🤞🤞
I’m still low on energy but small steps xxx


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #37 on: April 20, 2022, 01:19:56 PM »

Hello ladies.

I just wanted to say that when I was doing some research on my Ulcerative Colitis I learned that choline can be very harsh on the intestines. This was over a decade ago but I remember it because my friend gave me some eggs from her hens and I ate a lot before my gastro appointment. I assumed they would have a binding effect (sorry if TMI). There is also the problem of cholesterol for some people.

I rarely eat eggs now and I am not aware of a choline deficiency but I will keep it in mind.

Take care ladies.



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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #38 on: April 20, 2022, 01:31:40 PM »

Tks Kathleen, Iv no probs with eggs etc anyway.
  Iv been watching your posts and hoping your decreasing will help you, it’s all we can do is try and wait, wait and try! Good luck xxx


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #39 on: April 20, 2022, 05:48:17 PM »

Hi Sweettooth - I have started feeling SO much better in the last 2-3 days, back to my old self. Two weeks ago I started taking a whole host of supplements after doing a lot of research into what was recommended from functional doctors for post covid inflammation. It's probably just a coincidence but I thought it might be interesting/useful to someone so I've listed them below (obviously best to do your own research before taking anything!).

I finally got my blood test back today and my E was 606 which I realise sounds high to some people but is actually lower for me than it was for the last two months. And 606 is when taking 3-4 sprays of Lenzetto vs 2 sprays in March and Feb when it was circa 700-800. So I feel pretty sure that Covid either lowered my Estrogen level or interfered with the HRT in some way. I'm now on 3 sprays of Lenzetto and seem to be fine so plan to stick with it unless anything changes.

The Fexofenadine seems to have finally kicked in for the allergy symptoms too - my guess is that the immune response of Covid (which I am certain goes on for longer than you have the cold symptoms) just ramped the allergy up several notches. The palpitations have lessened considerably and the coughing and chest problems have gone.

Supplements I've been taking:
Vitamin A,C, D
Coenzyme Q10
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
Resveratrol (Japanese Knotweed)
Magnesium Gylcinate (evening)
Taurine (evening)
Liquorice root
Green Tea extract



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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #40 on: April 20, 2022, 06:56:02 PM »

Hi Gilla, thank you so much for such an informative helpful post!

Iv been so tearful today and sweats are back among other meno symptoms.  I tested positive on 30th March and was ok mood wise until a week after, like you first week cold etc symptoms.

I think it has further affected my estrogen which was affected anyway by vaccine last year but now clearly worse!  I wonder will yours go back up again as time goes by?

Can I ask re the supplements was it a GP recommended those or alternative practitioner? I take good vitamin supply at the mo but I’m interested in repair of cells, am I right in thinking the knotweed may help? Of course I’d have to ask medically first👍 X


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2022, 07:40:37 PM »

My experience sounds similar to yours - had a bad cold for a week but mood wise was OK... improved for a couple of days and then WHAM hit by all the meno type symptoms (and more). Interesting your point about the vaccine as I had my booster in Dec and had big problems with my E level dropping afterwards but I assumed it was down either to my natural E dropping or because I was temporarily taking Metformin and the doctor didn't bother to tell me it can affect your E level. I hadn't considered a possible connection with the booster.

You would think it would go back up again but who knows and it's annoying to keep paying for blood tests every month to see where you're at. I would really like to now just stick on the 3 sprays and have a full stable cycle where I'm a normal human being  :-\ If I don't start to feel bad I'll just stick with 3 sprays.

The supplements were just what I decided to take after doing a lot of online research and reading of scientific studies etc. They all to some degree have proven benefits in reducing inflammation though of course not trialled like proper drugs.
As I say who knows if it did anything - could well just be a coincidence and potentially too soon for it to be that working - but I find it impossible to sit and do nothing about it when I'm feeling so poorly, I need to feel proactive!

Have you had a blood test recently to check your E level? Do you know roughly what it was before the covid/vaccine made you have a dop?


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #42 on: April 21, 2022, 10:07:06 AM »

Hi Gilla and thank you for reply! It’s good to know one is not alone not that we want others suffering but I have heard from several ladies whom Covid has affected hormones and all have said it’s about a week after initial symptoms…. let’s hope it’s temp🤞
Yes I had bloods done few weeks back so I wud know if I get them done again.  I increased a tiny bit last Monday and had a good evening yesterday and a much better morning so praying we both continue that path!!
My hormones went crazy after my vaccine a year ago, I could not get a second as I was so bad! It happened a few days after 1st and Iv been to hell and back unable to find a balance again but it was happening slowly…just sooo sensitive🙄 we women that are affected easily suffer that’s for sure!  Always light at end of the tunnel though😁

Thanks again for the supplements info👍❤️❤️

My experience sounds similar to yours - had a bad cold for a week but mood wise was OK... improved for a couple of days and then WHAM hit by all the meno type symptoms (and more). Interesting your point about the vaccine as I had my booster in Dec and had big problems with my E level dropping afterwards but I assumed it was down either to my natural E dropping or because I was temporarily taking Metformin and the doctor didn't bother to tell me it can affect your E level. I hadn't considered a possible connection with the booster.

You would think it would go back up again but who knows and it's annoying to keep paying for blood tests every month to see where you're at. I would really like to now just stick on the 3 sprays and have a full stable cycle where I'm a normal human being  :-\ If I don't start to feel bad I'll just stick with 3 sprays.

The supplements were just what I decided to take after doing a lot of online research and reading of scientific studies etc. They all to some degree have proven benefits in reducing inflammation though of course not trialled like proper drugs.
As I say who knows if it did anything - could well just be a coincidence and potentially too soon for it to be that working - but I find it impossible to sit and do nothing about it when I'm feeling so poorly, I need to feel proactive!

Have you had a blood test recently to check your E level? Do you know roughly what it was before the covid/vaccine made you have a dop?


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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2022, 11:40:08 AM »

Hello ladies.

I haven't had COVID but every six months I have some blood tests as part of my Ulcerative Colitis care. These tests include two markers for inflammation, the main one being C Reactive Protein (CRP).  The amount of this
protein increases with any inflammation so even a simple cold would cause the level to rise.

This may be routinely measured in post COVID patients but I assume anyone can order this test. It would be a good way to see how well supplements or other treatments were working.

Take care ladies.




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Re: Has anyone experienced Covid worsening their symptoms?
« Reply #44 on: April 21, 2022, 03:49:20 PM »

Thanks K that’s really good to know! Xx
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