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Author Topic: Piles having a meltdown  (Read 7491 times)


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Piles having a meltdown
« on: February 26, 2022, 11:35:07 AM »

Hi Ladies,

Not been on for a while as been managing my menopause symptoms quite well with vaginal estrogen,  also had another period over Christmas (another flipping gap of 10 months)  and now I think I'm about to have another one.  So after disappearing for periods of up to 11 months at a time for some reason my cycle seems to be kicking back in again.

Anyway,  piles is my latest worry,  well the Dr says piles but obviously with my HA rearing it's head I'm not convinced.

Just wanted to get some advice from other sufferers to see if this does indeed sound like piles, before I send myself completely insane.

I was diagnosed with internal piles about 12 years ago,  following some bleeding and have gone through periods where they would feel a bit sore but on the whole the symptoms would only last a day and then disappear.

However,  I've noticed that I'm having probems with my BM's on occasion and have been getting an awful dragging sensation/aching and been having trouble emptying bowels.

I was also finding this would occur after the Gym and so I went to see the Dr who felt that my rectocele was to blame but did an internal and said to just keep motions soft to try and help with the BM's. After this visit I had a break where symptoms seemed much better and settled down.
However, over the last few months on the odd occasion I've thought there's been a bit of bloody mucus in my stool.  As I say my BM's have been a bit up in the air but I also have IBS so that's not unusual.

For the last couple of weeks I've had full on IBS and the sensation of not going completely,  pressure,  soreness inside and on occasion a really horrible dragging sensation that feels as if I need to keep opening my bowels.

I called the Dr on Wed as I went and there was definite blood down one side of my stool.  Over the phone they prescribed strong suppositories and said sounded like piles due to the pain and discomfort but to go back if still bleeding after a week.

Well me being my usual anxious self called yesterday as I'd had two clear movements without blood,  then went again yesterday and pinkish blood all down one part of the stool.  I saw the GP who still thinks piles,  did an internal and couldn't feel anything but said not uncommon with internal piles as they can't always be felt.

However,  I'm still not convinced and have spoken to bupa and have an apt with a consultant on 9th March as I'm worrying it's something sinister.

I'm in a right state,  can't sleep,  feel sick,  shaky etc and just wondered does anyone have experience with internal piles and if so does this sound like normal symptoms?

According to the GP,  pain and discomfort with bleeding is less worrisome as it points more towards piles and fissures and the description of the bleeding she feels again fits with piles but I can't stop worrying.

Honestly,  I just wish I could be rational about things but I've taken advice from Dr Google who has reaiably informed me that this fits with the symptoms of the Big C and I've also read horror stories with people thinking they've had piles only to then find out it's actually been Cancer.

Sorry, having a bit of a panic.  I should also add my mum has internal piles and apparently my Nan also had horrific piles so there's definitely a hereiditary link.  In fact mum has also had a fistula and said she only ever used to treat piles with creams and suppositories and the only time she visited the Dr was when they were bleeding constantly.

If anyone has any experience of this or similar symptoms I'd be really greatful to hear.



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Re: Piles having a meltdown
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2022, 05:37:34 AM »

Hi Sara,
I’ve have years of external piles (about 13) internal piles (about 3, it went away by itself), and now sadly coming up to two years of fissure. Last couple of years clear of external and internal piles. And I have IBS too.
Have your doctor done a blood test, felt your stomach? Have you had a colonoscopy? External piles are easy to know you have it, because you can feel them with your finger. Internal a lot harder, I’ve had a doctor done an internal, I wish I never did that. I was only in a small bit of pain, I knew something was off, couldn’t see my doctor, so saw another. She asked me if I was bleeding, I said no. After she examined me, I went to the toilet and I was bleeding. In horrible pain for a month, I think that might of been a start to my fissure problem. Now my internal pile, after a colonoscopy, was found to be to high to band, not to have a operation, just put up with it. And it did go away.

Your doctor is more then likely right that it is a internal pile, but yes it is scary when you google up as the symptoms are very similar. But also look at the other symptoms there, like unexplained weight loss.
After living years with piles and fissure there’s a lot you can do to help yourself like spritz bath, in America they have a thing they put over the toilet. But I’m from Australia, so I just sit in the bath, warm water about 5cm high (enough to cover your bottom) with half a cup of salt. Soak for 15 minutes, do this after a poop. I’m currently doing this three times a day, before I insert my finger up my bottom with Rectogesi to treat my fissure (life not great at the moment). Spritz baths will help you heal. I just buy a bag of salt from the supermarket. Fibre, fibre and more fibre is important to keeping your bowels soft. Metamucil (not sure if you have that in the UK) is great for keeping the poops soft too. Both the spritz bath and soft poops will help with the bleeding. I also make my own treatments but that’s more for external piles.
I’m currently seeing a surgeon for my fissure (2 years)and will try Botox next, if that doesn’t work then surgery, even though they are telling me to live with it. I hope you never experienced a fissure, it’s like pooping out glass. Good day is pain after I poop and I have to lie down for ten minutes to let the pain pass, then I’m fine for the day. But lately it becoming more of a problem. Last week it felt like I had glass up my bottom all day. So I’m back using Rectogesic until I can see the surgeon again. The funny thing is no family history, my mum just looks at me blankly and has no idea what I’m talking about and the pain I’m in. Sorry got sidetracked, my recommended to you if your worried is to have a colonoscopy.
You would no for sure then if’s it’s a internal pile, because they will make a note of anything they find. I have questioned my doctor before, like could it be cancer, she not concerned because of colonoscopy, blood test, and with the fissure and external piles she can see them.
And yes I do bleed on and off over the years, I noticed it mainly on the toilet paper as I wipe. But when I had my internal pile along the poop.
Let me know how you get on, and ask any other question you think of, or I missed. My life is definitely a pain in the ass right now ;D


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Re: Piles having a meltdown
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2022, 09:46:03 AM »

Hi Lyn,

Thankyou for your reply,  that really helps and I am so sorry that you are having to go through this,  it sounds awful!

I had a fissure many years ago but fortunately,  it resolved fairly quickly with some fybogel and keeping my stools really soft.  However, I can still vividly remembery the awful eye watering pain it caused and how I used to dread using the toilet whilst it healed.

GP did feel my tummy and said everything felt normal.  I haven't had a blood test this time as when I first went to the Dr about this I'd recently had a blood test and if anything my levels were slightly high, so they weren't concerned.

No weight loss, although I think that will come as I'm stressing so much and it's affecting my appetite!

I'm really hoping I might be able to get a sigmoidoscopy at the initial appointment as I feel like all of my symptoms are in the rectal area,  so if they could at least do that I'd feel happy.

My mum has actualy been under the consultant I'm seeing for her fistula and said he is lovely and very reassuring,  she also said he did a sigmoidoscopy on her there an then and just got her to use an enema at her appointment.

I did say to the Dr that I don't have blood on the toilet paper, just along the stool and she said that's common with internal hemmorhoids.  She said blood on the TP or when you wipe is common with external piles and fissures but internal piles usually bleed as the stool pushes past on the way out which is why you end up with a stripe along the side.

Really hope my GP is right,  the consultant appt can't come quick enough!


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Re: Piles having a meltdown
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2022, 02:47:59 AM »

Your GP sounds like she knows what she talking about.
I’ve made another doctor appointment for tomorrow, as this morning making my bed, I felt something come out of my bottom. I didn’t fart as there was no noise, I thought “ oh god I’ve probably poo myself, better have a look”. And I did, but it was bright red blood. So seeing my doctor, see if she concerned and she I make my hospital appointment earlier. Which I can only do with her writing another letter.
And another thing that worries me no pain?
I will let you know how I go.


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Re: Piles having a meltdown
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2022, 02:50:05 AM »

On the private life’s part of the forum, I have started a piles and fissure post there for anybody who got these problems. It only seems to be me complaining but I have had a couple replies  :)


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Re: Piles having a meltdown
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2022, 12:53:58 PM »

Hi Ladies,

Not been on for a while as been managing my menopause symptoms quite well with vaginal estrogen,  also had another period over Christmas (another flipping gap of 10 months)  and now I think I'm about to have another one.  So after disappearing for periods of up to 11 months at a time for some reason my cycle seems to be kicking back in again.

Anyway,  piles is my latest worry,  well the Dr says piles but obviously with my HA rearing it's head I'm not convinced.

Just wanted to get some advice from other sufferers to see if this does indeed sound like piles, before I send myself completely insane.

I was diagnosed with internal piles about 12 years ago,  following some bleeding and have gone through periods where they would feel a bit sore but on the whole the symptoms would only last a day and then disappear.

However,  I've noticed that I'm having probems with my BM's on occasion and have been getting an awful dragging sensation/aching and been having trouble emptying bowels.

I was also finding this would occur after the Gym and so I went to see the Dr who felt that my rectocele was to blame but did an internal and said to just keep motions soft to try and help with the BM's. After this visit I had a break where symptoms seemed much better and settled down.
However, over the last few months on the odd occasion I've thought there's been a bit of bloody mucus in my stool.  As I say my BM's have been a bit up in the air but I also have IBS so that's not unusual.

For the last couple of weeks I've had full on IBS and the sensation of not going completely,  pressure,  soreness inside and on occasion a really horrible dragging sensation that feels as if I need to keep opening my bowels.

I called the Dr on Wed as I went and there was definite blood down one side of my stool.  Over the phone they prescribed strong suppositories and said sounded like piles due to the pain and discomfort but to go back if still bleeding after a week.

Well me being my usual anxious self called yesterday as I'd had two clear movements without blood,  then went again yesterday and pinkish blood all down one part of the stool.  I saw the GP who still thinks piles,  did an internal and couldn't feel anything but said not uncommon with internal piles as they can't always be felt.

However,  I'm still not convinced and have spoken to bupa and have an apt with a consultant on 9th March as I'm worrying it's something sinister.

I'm in a right state,  can't sleep,  feel sick,  shaky etc and just wondered does anyone have experience with internal piles and if so does this sound like normal symptoms?

According to the GP,  pain and discomfort with bleeding is less worrisome as it points more towards piles and fissures and the description of the bleeding she feels again fits with piles but I can't stop worrying.

Honestly,  I just wish I could be rational about things but I've taken advice from Dr Google who has reaiably informed me that this fits with the symptoms of the Big C and I've also read horror stories with people thinking they've had piles only to then find out it's actually been Cancer.

Sorry, having a bit of a panic.  I should also add my mum has internal piles and apparently my Nan also had horrific piles so there's definitely a hereiditary link.  In fact mum has also had a fistula and said she only ever used to treat piles with creams and suppositories and the only time she visited the Dr was when they were bleeding constantly.

If anyone has any experience of this or similar symptoms I'd be really greatful to hear.


Bit shocked that you haven't been offered a colonoscopy. My husband has had piles since his twenties but was fast tracked when he had your symptoms.  Luckily the procedure Confirmed piles and no cancer, but it was a weight of his mind.

Good luck with the consultant.


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Re: Piles having a meltdown
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2022, 06:29:31 PM »

Oh no Lyn,

Yes definitely keep me posted on how you go.

Aprilflower,  I may well be offered a colonoscopy when I see the consultant next week but if I'd stayed on the NHS then I wouldn't have even got a referral.

I'm hoping he may be able to do a sigmoidoscopy at the first consulation as they only taken a few minutes and I do feel my problems are just inside the rectum.


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Re: Piles having a meltdown
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2022, 06:13:07 AM »

Hi Sara
Saw my doctor and explain all that happened and she’s not concerned. She said we know that I have a fissure and that can sometimes happen. We talked about fibre, and she said if you have a fissure your poop should look like porridge. Which I told her mine is, she said I doing all the right things
I asked her why does it her some days more sitting then being active. She explained how the bone above your bottom can press against the fissure while sitting. The last two days I’ve been comfortable, but then again I’ve been busy.
Keep me updated on how your going


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Re: Piles having a meltdown
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2022, 07:13:37 PM »

Great news Lyn,  really pleased to hear that.

For me,  things seem to have calmed down a bit by using the suppositories and my IBS has subsided since I started taking Buscopan so that has made me feel a bit better but I still have this stinging sensation inside after I go to the loo.  It's almost like a burning and just feels like the skin is really sore.

Not sure what is going on so will be glad to get to my appointment next week and find out.

Take care and will update after the appointment.