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Author Topic: Off balance/woozy head  (Read 4887 times)


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Off balance/woozy head
« on: February 18, 2022, 07:08:21 PM »

Hi, is there any of you ladies that along with all the lovely symptoms the menopause throws at us have issues with feeling off balance, woozy head, nauseous, feeling disoriented & just not with it. I find these symptoms really hard to deal with & make me feel quite panicky which I know won’t help. I feel as if I’m sometimes walking to the left & have to keep myself in line. I’ve had bloods done a CT scan done & they were both fine, I have an appointment with ENT in May. x

Amazing grace

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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2022, 07:33:09 PM »

Hi poppy, yes unfortunately I have all those feelings, it was one of my first symptoms in peri menopause, I have had all the tests and been to ENT, couldn't find anything wrong with me, hrt hasn't really helped with it either, I also get blocked feeling in my ears too, like they are full of something, and I feel like I'm drunk and walking on a trampoline really odd sensation, I was given steroid nasal spray for bunged ears and sturgeon tablets for lightheaded feeling but it did nothing, it comes and goes, I get months of it, then it disappears only to return again, hate it as I don't feel safe going out or driving, it also causes anxiety to rise, as my mind starts thinking I've got some terrible illness, sorry I don't have an answer to the cause or anything that gets rid of it, but just wanted you to know you are definitely not alone with those symptoms, unbelievable what hormones can do to our bodies, good luck with ENT, hopefully the can offer you something to ease the symptoms.

Turkish delight

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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2022, 08:22:53 PM »


Yes I have had a mix of both of yours and Amazing graces too. So, off-balance leaning towards the left. dizzy spinning feeling in shops funnily and blocked ear feeling plus ear-popping like on a plane. Feels like you've had a cold and bunged up, only you haven't had a cold. I have heard the ear thing is a meno symptom, that and tinnitus but I haven't researched it yet. Just chucked ear blocked it into google, see link under here.

Something I've learned is that basically any sort of symptom you have, no matter how unrelated to menopause it seems to be, you can bet your bottom dollar it is that causing the issue.

As for dizziness. having your b12 checked is worth doing, my GP suggested it when I told her so I had mine done and it was slightly low. I take b12 now, whenever I can remember(brain fog)and the dizzy spinnyness has improved.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2022, 08:39:24 PM by Turkish delight »


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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2022, 08:55:27 PM »

Thank you both for replying. It’s not nice to know that you also have it but a comfort for me to know that I’m not alone with these horrible feelings. It’s the first thing I feel & think about when I open my eyes in the morning & I am staring to avoid doing things and going places because of it. I’ve had this now since last June most days & feel that because I fear it so much it’s just in a loop of fear feeding on fear & I can’t break it, it’s so frustrating. Oh the joys  🤪

Amazing grace

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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2022, 09:01:37 PM »

Hi Turkish delight, thanks so much for that link very interesting and definitely relates to me, made me feel less anxious, and totally relate to that feel like you've had a cold, but haven't had a cold, I'm already on b12 injections every 3 months done by my gp, but you are absolutely right dizziness is a symptom
Thanks so much for taking the time to post the link, was very helpful and thoughtful of you x


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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2022, 09:21:45 PM »

Oh my goodness ladies. This is totally me!!!

I've been on this forum for 4 years, avd never found folks with similar symptoms. I think I find it hard to put into words and describe. In fact, I was just beginning to wonder again if my symptoms are not perimeno. ... But tonight I've read this and feel much more relaxed about it.

I get the dizzy, woozy feeling. At my worst at the beginning I got vertigo. I also get the full ear feeling... It is so weird. Like my ears are full, but no pain. I've got that just now. And at my wurst I feel sick and vile. Absolutely awful feeling.

So I'm 4 years in with these awful symptoms. Had all the ct, mri, heart tests, blood pressure monitor in my first year. The last 3 years I've spent trialling contraceptive pills - many of which take down the symptoms, but all give me other side affects now.

I'm now in the 'alternatives' thread as I'm trying progesterone cream.

Geez, I'm glad to find you guys.

What stage are you all at??? I see hrt hasn't worked for you amazing grace  :'( Im 45. My progesterone is rock bottom, but my estrogen is fine. So I'm assuming estrogen surges are causing my problem. But I might be wrong.


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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2022, 09:26:43 PM »

The B12 theory of only needing it every three months is a farce. One primary function of B12 is to support metabolism to release energy. There is still this ridiculous notion that B12 is stored and that therefore "too much" is dangerous. Excess B12 is passed out in urine. If it's an issue for you, in terms of feeling your quarterly allocation insufficient, you could always top up with a sublingual tablet. You can read up on B12 on Dr. Sarah Myhill's website. I think B12 plays way too underestimated a role in the medical profession. Like HRT, there's a lot of ignorance around its benefits, particularly delivered transdermally. (Apologies, but personal soap box of mine!)

Turkish delight

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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2022, 09:32:11 PM »

Anything for you AG  :-*

Poppy are you on any HRT? The symptoms you describe can be due to hormone imbalance.

Lifted this off google search 'dizziness menopause'

"Hormones play an important role in balancing your blood sugar levels. Hormone changes during menopause affect how your body responds to insulin. That makes it hard for your body to keep your blood sugar stable. Changes to blood sugar levels can make you dizzy."
Theres a lot more on it where that came from.

CrispyChick, we found each other  :D We're the dizzy blocked ear chicks. It's not funny I know. So your in Perimenopause, that's the stage when you lose progesterone and end up at zero. The estrogen will follow also down to zero, which is where I'd be if not for HRT.

Postmeno3, Preach it sister! Just to add for those taking to make sure they buy the "b12 methylcobalamin" as the body absorbs better.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2022, 09:50:31 PM by Turkish delight »

Amazing grace

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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2022, 11:37:18 PM »

Hi cripychick, I too felt the same as you relieved to find others with the same symptoms especially the full ear thing, I too have had this for almost 5 years, I'm 48 at 43 I had a hysterectomy but retained ovaries so absolutely no idea where I am but at 7 months post op, when I went to the doctors complaining of constant light headed feeling, and a whole host of other delightful symptoms, he agreed to test my hormones which showed I was menopausal, even though I brought this up with my consultant at a post op review after my hysterectomy he totally disregarded me and said no, you have your ovaries so it's not menopause, I thought really!, so I'm on estrogen only, but definitely hasn't done much for me other than control hot sweats, I actually brought progesterone from the USA but haven't tryed it yet, I know I don't need it as such because of hysterectomy but in the states they do and wonder if I would feel better using it, to be honest I find the whole hormone thing confusing and very frustrating, it probably is estrogen surges for you, at least we know we aren't crazy with these symptoms, definitely comfort in knowing others are struggling with the same thing.

 Hi Postmeno3,
I agree about the b12, , I was diagnosed with prenious anemia 10 years ago, consultant at the hospital said b12 injections every 3 months although I did having loading doses in the beginning of 3 a week for 3 weeks, when I bring up some of my symptoms with my gp and mention it not being enough b12, they say that's the most they will give , they used to test my levels every 12 months, but now they don't, thankyou for recommending the website I will read it, and thanks also for the advice to top up with a sublingual b12.

Turkish delight, thanks for the tip to take methylcobalamin b12 x


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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2022, 01:44:00 AM »

Hi Turkish Delight, no I’m not on HRT but have an appointment with my GP next week to discuss my options (again) as I can’t go on like this with day & night symptoms it’s just so exhausting & debilitating. I’ve been off work 9 months due to it I’ve so far been given Antidepressants & Beta Blockers x
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 02:58:50 AM by Poppy »


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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2022, 08:50:15 AM »

Poppy. What stage are you? Age??


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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2022, 09:06:28 AM »

Amazing grace - yes!! So comforting to find folks with same symptoms. It's a very lonely place this.

Like u say, I was actually starting to think again that there is something else wrong with me... After years of buying into the hormonal idea... My own conclusion after all other tests. Plus, I can see changes in my symptoms on the pill.

So, I'm under a private bhrt clinic now. Exhausted all my NHS help. They certainly treat with prog only or in combination, not just for endometrial protection. You're right - the states and many parts of Europe swear by prog treatment. UK seems all about the estrogen.

That said, I've not found success with the progesterone... Yet. And, it's not looking too likely at present  :(

I felt poisoned when I tried estrogen.   :o


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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2022, 09:22:29 AM »

Hi CrispyChick, I am 57. As for what stage I am at I’m not too sure. I have felt symptoms on & off for about 7 years all of which I have coped with. Then 3 years ago I was period free for just over a year but then started to bleed ( horrendously) so I was fast tracked for a scan & to see a Gynaecologist. It was found that my lining had still be growing over the year and measured 20mm. The lining was removed plus 2 polyps & a biopsy taken ( which was non cancerous). Over the last 2 years once again I have been period free & menopause  symptoms becoming more severe & daily I thought I was well on my way to moving from peri into menopause but 2 weeks ago the same thing has happened I have started bleeding, been fast tracked & my lining is 16mm ( anything over 3mm isn’t normal) so I am going to have it removed again this Friday. Not to sure I need to ask the doctor that because I have started to bleed will I have to be a year free bleeding again to class myself as into menopause. I am fed up of this roller coaster I have a history of anxiety & depression & this certainly isn’t helping I feel I’m hanging on by a thread. Sorry it’s turned out to be more like an essay rather than a short reply to your question xx


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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2022, 09:37:38 AM »

That's OK Poppy, my story would be an essay too.

I'm probably no help to you then as I'm very much in peri and it seems like my progesterone being rock bottom could be a factor in my constant wooziness and motion sickness.

Have you had any blood tests???

Amazing grace

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Re: Off balance/woozy head
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2022, 12:50:02 PM »

poppy, good luck on Friday, hopefully this works to reduce your womb lining, I feel the same as you that I'm hanging by a tether, I'm sick of riding this roller coaster too I want to get off and stay off, I too have a history of anxiety and depression and all this menopause misery makes life really difficult, be nice to hear what ENT say when you have your appointment in May, I'm interested in what they conclude about the unbalanced, woozy feelings, post an update if you can after your appointment.

I couldn't of put it better myself, about feeling poisoned on estrogen, its perceived as the wonder hormone that makes you feel happy and gives you energy and progesterone is the problem hormone, definitely not the case for some of us unlucky ones, it's all about finding the right balance I guess, almost 5 years for me and still trying to find it.
Anyway thanks to poppy for posting about the, balance and woozy issues I think at least we can conclude after us all having various tests and weather peri or post it's likely these symptoms are yet another menopause curse, at least I can stop obsessing about ms, thanks to all you lovely ladies that posted, sharing experiences is so helpful and reassuring,
If any of you find anything that helps or better still keeps the symptoms away please post and share.

Take care, I wish you all better, healthy, happy days ahead.
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