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Author Topic: Oestrogel but with green sq on bottle instead of orange sq, Like water to me?  (Read 9317 times)


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Hi girls, i have been using the Oestrogel with the orange square for months, perfect for me and I go betwen 1.5 pumps to 2 pumps. Now same box same bottle bar the bottle has a green square on the lft hand corner. I am now having to use 5 pumps to get some relief from sweats, its like water to me. I have been able to get 2 more bottle with the orange square tg but my question is how many other people feeling thi??? and why is there differnt logos, with different colours. What do they mean?


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Hi Molly, there's a discussion on Instagram about it. Search for #oestrogel. Apparently the latest version is the one with the green square 🟩 and many women are having the same return of symptoms like you. I suppose it's just a matter of tweaking the dose until your body gets used to it, but it might take time. Many users are swapping to Sandrena or patches.


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Hi Molly,
I had exactly the same problem in December, ended up feeling very poorly on the bottle with the green square. Night sweats and palpitations combined with crippling anxiety and the worst depression i’ve ever felt.
I went to the Gp but they just said that some people don’t absorb it well, even though I’d been fine for months on the amber bottles!
I switched to patches 2 weeks ago and started feeling better from the first day. I’ve not had a night sweat since changing and my mood is much better.


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thank uptick ill do that now xx

Hi Ches15,  Delighted to hear that you are doing well now.

everything you described there is what im going through now. I use to use the patches but felt i always got a surge of adrenaline when i changed the patch, almost felt high like if you get me. I managed today to find 2 bottles of the orange square bit of luck in boots so these will get me through a few more months, until I decide what to do then thanks a million xx


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Hi ladies , I’ve noticed a massive return of symptoms since using green square bottle and my blood test results reflect this! Can I ask would this also affect my T levels as they have dropped from T: 3.5 to 1.9 - SHBG: 180 to 187 and FAI: 1.9 to 1

Turkish delight

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Blimey, this is news to me :o

I've had a massive slide back of symptoms in December, and spent much of January crying no joke!
I had to add more gel to get back to a level, which takes a couple of weeks to kick in for me.

I haven't heard or read anything about this and obv wondering if I've had the same issue. Going to check next time I get some,
not that you can do much about it as a chemist isn't offering a choice especially with a waiting list of people wanting the gel atm.


« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 05:06:09 PM by Turkish delight »


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Hi there’s lots of discussions about it going in at the moment although Besins say it’s the same thing! Check out peri and me on Instagram! Its to do with the batch numbers ! It’s definitely a thing for some and looks like it is for me unfortunately! Thinking of changing to a patch m, I have a Newson appt tomorrow so will see what she says and keep you posted x


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Hi ladies,
Thanks for posting this, just checked my bottles and they have the amber square. Is there a difference in the consistency of the gel, thinner/ more watery please?
I can’t access Insta but want to know more!


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Hi, the green square gel is definitely more watery! Most ladies are not having any problems so try not to worry too much, it’s just some women are experiencing the same problems like me so it’s worth mentioning so that if symptoms return it’s worth looking into


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Hi ladies,

Here you can see all Oestrogel/Oestrodose packaging versions currently available in the UK.

They are supposed to contain the same gel, but it’s obvious that they come from different manufacturing faciliites (different labels, codes, colours and batches) and minor differences between the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient or fillers may be felt by very sensitivie users.

I suppose the ones with the green square are produced by Laboratoires Besins Internacional in France and the ones with the amber (orange/yellow) square are produced by Delpharm in Belgium.

The important thing to keep symptoms at bay is to pay attention to the batch/lot number and ask your pharmacist to dispense you either the ones beginning with 10… or 70… If you have one and then the other, some of you might feel the difference.

Unfortunately the coloured squares can only be seen on the bottle labels, so you won’t be able to see them on the carton packaging.



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That’s great Uptick! So many ladies are seeing symptoms return there must be something in it! Unfortunately for me it’s knocked everything off course which had all improved prior to the change! I think patches maybe the way to go but yet another change which makes me nervous! If not I will call the pharmacy prior to ordering! I have 2 orange square bottles now but I’m off on holiday next Sunday ( I only booked as I was feeling so much  better) and I want to save them for that! Thanks again ladies


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Funnily enough mine with green squares are thicker than the last lot of yellow squares and so far touch wood no problems. Which would be good, maybe just a small batch of green squares are dodgy.

Turkish delight

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Hia Gals,

I upped my dose bcz I thought my natural estrogen must have suddenly dropped and finally left the building so to speak, not bcz of a batch/squares issue. I didn't know about it then to watch for it. Felt better once upping. My current one is yellow, but I understand from online threads that green is going to be the new normal.

This is becoming a joke! Having to yoyo with doses up and down depending on the batches. It's a moving target as is getting to the sweet spot with how much is needed, this has complicated things by 100 fold.  ???


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I agree I’ve just had my appt and I’m swapping to patches! Nervous about the swap but hopefully it wil take the stress away from the changing bottles and even out my fluctuations a bit more with a steady dose! That’s the plan anyway! Time will tell!


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Holy cow!

This is a revelation! I felt really dreadful all obpber Xmas and for weeks into the new year.

I have started to feel better in the last week or two. I just checked my bottles and I am currently using a bottle with an amber square. I have two more bottles waiting to be used, one has an amber square but the other has a green square….

I wonder which I was using over Xmas and January or could it just be a coincidence?

At least I can keep an eye on this now I know, thanks so much!

Ali x
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