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Author Topic: Desogestrel progesterone only mini pill .. Did it help you ??  (Read 3921 times)


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Hi ladies

Just curious for peri menopausal ladies .. did you use Progesterone only  pill & Did it help at all ?

I’ve been off HRT patches 10 weeks today as when I was on them & since I come off them I’ve had really bad aniexty/panic / jittery/Nervous symptoms

Aniexty took over my life in all honesty but since coming off the HRT after the first 4 weeks of withdrawal being the worst ever .. but now the aniexty is not so intense but still there and slowly but surely I’m doing more … I know can take 3-6 months for the HRT withdrawal to level out in our bodies & I’m much better now than I was back 10 weeks ago

I originally went on HRT because I had , headaches  muscle aches , periods 10 days apart , feeling hot ( not so much flushes ) insomnia & Weight gain , palpitations ..
After starting on HRT I lost weight ( aniexty ) and most of the above went in the first few weeks but then all came back with a vengeance & I lasted 3.5 months then decided to come off it.

I think maybe I had added too much hormone to my own fluctuating hormones and that’s what caused the intense aniexty/panic /jittery/nervous/shakes etc and maybe my body didn’t actually need the added hormones

I sent & paid for an email on here & explained my symptoms & past and explained they was always worse just before ovulating & also before a period was due
& I was advised that I could use Desogestrel  POP ( think I’ve spelt that right )
I can’t have combined pill, due to being on warfarin and having blood clots in past

I was on micronor mini pill for 15-20 years before my 40s and never had a problem with it but this one wouldn’t help as I did ask ..
when I look up Desogestrel I’m just not 100% as I see the word aniexty and it puts me straight off .. I can’t do all that again nooooooo way

I had previously only suffered aniexty once before starting HRT & I didn’t know if it was due to AZ jab or hormones as I had period day after .. but since being on the HRT all became frequent and way too much .. but I wanted to give it the whole 3 months to see if things settled … it didn’t & therefore at 3.5 months I stopped

Any one got any experiences good or bad on Desogestrel POP in peri menopause


« Last Edit: October 05, 2021, 02:01:59 PM by Michelle7474 »


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Re: Desogestrel progesterone only mini pill .. Did it help you ??
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2021, 10:05:27 AM »

Morning Michelle my doctor has just prescribed me desogestrel too! I’ve tried hrt for 13 months tablets, patches & gel but all made me feel worse. We think maybe adding more hormones to my already erratic peri hormones was the problem just like you?! Been off hrt now for 3 weeks & I do feel my anxiety is just levelling off. I cannot start the pill until my next period which from the pain/cramping I’m getting in my ovaries/back/abdomen could be any minute! Have you started it yet. I’m literally hanging on by my finger nails wishing for a miracle  :'(


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Re: Desogestrel progesterone only mini pill .. Did it help you ??
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2021, 10:33:48 AM »

Hi itwillpass

No I haven’t started the pill yet but seriously considering it.
It was menopause specialist who told me about it as in peri .. hormones can fluctuate more .. so years could be fluctuating before the actual losing and dropping of levels
Im 13 weeks off HRT now and started to feel like me again not 100% but so much better , I was told it would or could take 3-6 months for my hormones to settle and to be honest the  aniexty is less now also so is the panic , I think slowly but surely my hormones are levelling out ( thank god ) to how they was before HRT

I also read that in peri the hormone that fluctuates the most is the progesterone and there for the mini pill destrogrel ( spelt wrong I think ) should help
I hope you get on well with it , let me know how you get on
My sis in law and niece and friend all on it for years and have no problem with it. they all said they stopped having periods too which is what this pill is good for ..
I was also told it’s only when night sweats etc get daily and constantly that HRT will be required
You done a long time on HRT ..
I do think also my body didn’t need the added hormones and that’s why I felt worse as was overloading my body with added hormones
I glad you feel like the aniexty as calmed down and I hope this pill helps you.
Before HRT my symptoms would be worse  ovulation and just before a period … when I was on HRT I had it everyday

Joys of being a women

Good luck with the pill , I will look forward to see how it helps you Xx


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Re: Desogestrel progesterone only mini pill .. Did it help you ??
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2021, 10:51:27 AM »

Hi Michelle. I have a friend using it just now and getting on great.

For me, unfortunately It didn't work well. I got terrible terrible pms on it. Everyone is different though, so defo worth a try.

Totally understand your hrt issue. I Felt dreadful when I tried estrogen alone. Also combined pills I've been trying have made me feel quite ill.

In early peri I believe prog alone can be too low. Probably why they suggest the mini pill. I'm about to try bespoke as no prescription hormones are working for me.

Good luck. Hopefully it's the one for you.



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Re: Desogestrel progesterone only mini pill .. Did it help you ??
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2021, 11:00:43 AM »

Hi crispychick

What’s bespoke ? Sorry prob sound thick lol

I’m seriously considering using it .. by PMS did you suffer aniexty ?
I was on mini pill for 15-20 years before Mircronor & never had a problem with it , but it never stopped my periods etc and each month I would get heavy boobs headache and few tummy cramps but passed on day of my period so wasn’t too bad and was bearable .. not like how hrt made me feel that wasn’t bearable but again I think I added it too soon

I wouldn’t want to suffer aniexty again and that’s only thing that’s stops me trying it to be honest

I hope you find some relief in your journey Xx


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Re: Desogestrel progesterone only mini pill .. Did it help you ??
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2021, 12:07:47 PM »

No, not anxiety. Horrific low mood, angry and severe brain fog.

I was on it during my 30s and never had any probs. I never got periods, so that was a blessing. Towards the end of my time on it I was getting spotting which coincided with the end of the terrible pms.

It also didn't stop all my other hormonal symptoms, like nausea avd dizziness. . So really wasn't helping.

Like you, I'm clearly not ready for hrt (off the shelf). Too strong I'm guessing. By bespoke I mean compounded bioidentical hrt. Basically some private specialists will make you a prescription supposedly tailored to your own deficiency, rather than straight off the shelf hrt, which comes in set doses.

It's only done privately, at cost. There is a thread on the forum about it, but a lot of people don't agree with it. For me, I've exhausted all NHS sources!!! And still no help.

For what it's worth, the NHS meno clinic told me to keep trying different pills in the hope one would work. It's definitely worth a try for you. Xx


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Re: Desogestrel progesterone only mini pill .. Did it help you ??
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2021, 12:33:16 PM »

Thank you crispy chick
I appreciate you replying.

I will deffo think about it , if I feel I need it, at the moment all is ok so I’m trying to  crack on without anything .. think once you have a bad experience with hormones then it sets off thinking all hormones products will do the same and so I’m like telling myself last as long as you can without

I was on micronor pill in 30s and came off it at 40 .. I wish I had stayed on it lol
Dizziness I don’t get so often now and nausea I got in waves but touch wood seems to have settled for a while now .. ( I know it may all come back ) the worse I think for me is mid month and also just before period it’s like the Aniexty/panic appears but no where near as bad as when I was on the patches ..

Some people are so lucky to find out what suits them straight away ..
my friend starting patches like me over a year ago and then felt worse
She stopped HRT and basically suffered for a year … she restarted HRT same
Patch 3 months ago and feels fantastic.. so she thinks that she added hormones too soon , which upset the balance

Oh I have read a bit about biodentical , let us know how you get on if you go that route … good luck in finding something that suits .. it’s a long old journey and I’m only at the beginning..age 47 and I went to pot lol … I was only expecting a couple hot flushes 😂


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Re: Desogestrel progesterone only mini pill .. Did it help you ??
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2021, 07:50:21 PM »

Honestly I don’t know what to do for the best, like you say after having a rough time on hrt I’m now worried about adding in more hormones?! My doctor says if this one doesn’t suit there are plenty others to try…….she also said this about hrt  :'( I don’t know if to go another cycle without it to see what’s going on period wise or just go for it! I’m just so desperate to feel  like I did 18 months ago which was healthy happy with not a care in the world. I’ll keep you posted if I do go for it


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Re: Desogestrel progesterone only mini pill .. Did it help you ??
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2021, 08:52:02 PM »

Good luck itwillpass
Everyone I know on this it suits them. But I’m like you and thinking what if .. when really I should just try it as it helps people and it was advice of a menopause specialist…
I hope that you feel better in yourself soon and I know what you mean as in wanting to get back to normal self .. it’s awful feeling crappy all the time.
Good luck with what you decide Xx