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Author Topic: Sweats  (Read 3098 times)


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Re: Sweats
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2021, 05:59:45 PM »

Ah, Ana21, you may have a way to go yet then in terms of best fit.  Yes, I think most of us hope a transdermal regimen will be the one, but if you find you feel well on oral & stabilise on that it will give your body a chance to recover, so you'd be in a better place to move on & try something else then perhaps.  More resilient.  Or you may find you feel so well that you don't want to rock the boat.  Time will tell I guess.

To answer your question, I'm still trying to find a really good HRT fit.  I used it for 2+ years a few years postmenopause then had a longish break, then started again 2.5 years ago.  I'm better with HRT than without, but increasingly struggling with progesterone in all its forms & having a cycle also seems difficult to combine with my thyroid regimen, which is atypical & complicates matters.  I need to persevere with HRT for QOL as I have other chronic conditions, inc osteopenia.

I'm currently arranging bloods about every 6 months, but also depends on whether my HRT or thyroid replacement doses change, or symptoms suggest something needs adjusting.  Depends on what we're concerned about as to what endocrine bloods I have tested but usually full thyroid function, oestradiol & testosterone.  I've had oophorectomies & testosterone is important for me.

I sympathise with your rock bottom oestradiol level, mine was also <44 when first tested postmenopause, when I still had ovaries.

However, I just read that, in rare cases, Estradot can cause carb intolerance!!!!!!
  Can I ask was that Estradot specifically or oestradiol replacement in general?  If the former, can you post a link please?   Seems odd if Estradot in particular.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2021, 06:43:26 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Sweats
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2021, 06:57:23 PM »

Yes, it was specifically for Estradot and came from a pharmaceutical company. I've tried to send you the link, sections of which you might have more skill than I to put up here, if relevant. Thanks!


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Re: Sweats
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2021, 07:45:42 AM »

Hi postmeno3

I've had a quick look at this thread. Sorry to hear about your sweats. I have no complex analysis to offer....

First though - my own experience - I have tried Estradot (many years),  and then when the shortages began, Estraderm (briefly), then Elleste Solo (for a year or two?), and the last few months was put on Evorel. I have never noticed the difference between any of them ( apart from size and stickability).

In terms of sweats - and patch types - the only time sweats have returned has been when I have reduced the dose of whichever patch I am using. Also a while ago when I increased patch dose too quickly I also had the return of sweats/flushes.

When I changed to gel for a few months I also had the return of flushes/sweats but didn;t stay long enough to tweak the dose because I knew that patches worked.

In addition - some women - me included sometimes, can get increased flushes and sweats on the progestogen phase of their cycle if they are on cyclical HRT - and some women take an increased dose to counter this. Not applicable in your case.

Remind me whether you have your ovaries?

Also other metabolic issues re thyroid function ( apols if this has already been covered elsewhere - I've not been on the forum for a few weeks)? Have you had blood tests to rule out this?

However, I just read that, in rare cases, Estradot can cause carb intolerance!!!!!! These sweats, only on waking at those two times, could be linked to that rare side effect. Blimey, this is fascinating but a zillion piece jigsaw puzzle!

It would be unlikely that only Estradot would cause carb intolerance and I'm not sure what they mean by this? If it was reported by the pharma it would be as a consequence of their studies into their own product. All patches release estradiol and don't contain any different active ingredient.

In terms of types of sweats and overheating - many women experience these differently at different levels of oestrogen depletion eg women may report some degree of overheating during peri-menopause and ask (on here for example) if this is the start of hot flushes. Only later do they develop into flushes and sweats. This is what happens with me - eg if I reduce oestrogen dose - I start to overheat at night, and toss and turn as a result - but not sweats as such - but eventually these and flushes, return.

My normal intuitive reaction to your situation (having ruled out other causes for your sweats) would be that you need higher oestrogen - because your own oestrogen has fallen or the dose is too low). However at your age (approx similar to mine) I would want to know your history a bit more (Sorry I've forgotten!). ie ve brief rundown of what hsppened when eg hysterectomy, age, HRT tried, when your symptoms ( flushes etc) started.

Yes I gather from reports on here and from Louise Newson that ME may be wrongly diagnosed - and may well be due to hormonal issues - notably insufficient oestrogen or tesosterone, or thyroid problems.

I would also have sympathy with the blood sugar issues. Blood tests may not show anything. I always have normal blood sugar but I definitely have blood sugar problems - severe "reactive hypoglycaemia" at times - which to all intents and purposes is like true hypoglcaemia in terms of symptoms.  I almost always wake hungry, but I have a sleep issue too in that I sleep very heavily now  - so it doesn't wake me in the night. I often have a small bowl of yogurt or something before I go to  bed as I'm often hungry at bedtime too!

My suggestion if you haven't done so already is to see if your sweats are caused by anything else (thyroid notably), possibly eat something before you go to bed ( slow release), ensure your diet is healthy (reduce quick relase carbs and sugars), and then think about increasing the oestrogen dose? Also depending on your past history.

Hope that helps though I have not come up with anything concrete nor have I read any secientific papers for months!

Hurdity x :)


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Re: Sweats
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2021, 08:01:13 AM »

Perfect, Hurdity, thanks. Yes, thyroid tested very recently, all ok. I have one remaining ovary as a result of a hysterectomy nearly thirty years ago. I think you're right that the oestrogen is dropping off and for some unknown reason at those times. Otherwise, at 69, very healthy BP,  bmi etc. Only resumed HRT in May of this year after being forced to come off it, as many on here in that misinformed period were, about 15 years ago. Thanks again! Very much appreciated! 😊
P.S. Yes, I had become aware that Dr. Newson is bringing to awareness the misdiagnosis issue and in a recent survey I was asked to complete, the team got back to me to say they were abreast of "countless" women in this "sad position".....BUT, that's a whole other thread (hence the P.S.!).
« Last Edit: October 04, 2021, 08:22:36 AM by Postmeno3 »


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Re: Sweats
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2021, 10:15:12 AM »

Hi Postmeno3, thought you might be interested in this extract from the link below as it talks about night sweats starting after awakening (as per your recent experience) rather than as cause.  As mentioned earlier, I seem to get both!

"Multiple previous studies have found an association between hot flushes and subjective sleeping disturbances, leading some researchers to conclude that hot flushes disrupt sleep; however, several laboratory-based studies using objective measures have documented that hot flushes and night sweats tend to follow, rather than precede, arousals and awakenings from sleep.33,34 Rather than being a cause of sleep disturbances, therefore, hot flushes may be a comorbid symptom of menopause that shares common underlying triggers."



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Re: Sweats
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2021, 10:43:27 AM »

Yes, it was specifically for Estradot and came from a pharmaceutical company. I've tried to send you the link, sections of which you might have more skill than I to put up here, if relevant. Thanks!
Postmeno3, thanks for the link.  Here it is, with the extract I think you were referring to, in case anyone is interested:-

"4.8 Undesirable effects

The following adverse drug reactions have been reported from clinical trials and from post-marketing experience with either Estradot or oestrogen therapy in general:

Metabolism and nutrition disorders

Very rare: Decreased carbohydrate tolerance."

As it was the SmPC for the 75mcg patch you sent me that's what I've posted here, but I did check the one for the 37.5 mcg patch (which you & I both use) to be sure the very rare carb issue they mention wasn't a result of the relatively high (75mcg) dose.  The wording is the same for the lower strength we both use.  I thought I'd remembered reading somewhere it could be an issue with all oestrogen products & from what they say above, this finding may not be specific to Estradot trials.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2021, 11:04:58 AM by Wrensong »


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Re: Sweats
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2021, 05:18:31 AM »

Thank you for the info, Postmeno3, Wrensong and Hurdity.


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Re: Sweats
« Reply #37 on: October 05, 2021, 02:08:46 PM »

You could have written this post for me. ;D  This is exactly what is happening to me. I've been on Estrodiol gel 4 pumps and ultrogestan 200mg daily for 6 months.
I feel so much better apart from the sweats which just won't stop but as you say only after I wake up they don't wake me up!!!
I'm so glad to have found someone else that has the same problem.

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