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Author Topic: New rider on this rollercoaster  (Read 1615 times)


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New rider on this rollercoaster
« on: September 13, 2021, 09:33:47 AM »

Hello Ladies,

Sorry, long read but hoping you can share some of your wisdom / experiences.

Firstly, several months reading your posts and realising I'm not going mad - thank you. I'm 46 years old, I started HRT 12 weeks ago (Oestrogel 2-3 pumps and I've had the Mirena coil for a number of years now).

5 days after my A-Z vaccine and the peri symptoms started to switch on one by one over a 3 week period; tinnitus, dizziness, brain fog, night sweats, onset of allergies, dry skin and the main one being crippling anxiety and palpations. I'd never suffered from anxiety (other than the usual nervous tension most people get before a driving test of something), it was like a complete personality change and very scary for me and the family. I had my first panic attack during this time, although I didn't realise it was a panic attack, and thought I was slowly dying. It's been hell.  Following a number of visits to A&E, GP and numerous blood tests / ECG's to all come back fine. I was prescribed various meds including Ad's and Propranolol which I did use for a few weeks and they helped take the edge off and I had, and still have, weekly CBT sessions via my works health insurance, which has helped from a day to day, but no amount of mantra's or breathing techniques removes the fear when in midst panic.

I cant' remember the point when I considered this could be perimenopause, but at the same time I was prescribed the AD's, hence I did not start these until I explored HRT having read that Ad's do not help hormonal triggered anxiety. I'd not suffered PMS before. I had no idea hormones could do this to you. I'm ashamed to say, I thought it was all hot flushes, irregular periods (I have the Mirena and no periods) and more ranting at the kids / hubby.  In hindsight and after research I had subtle signs last year. I decided to go private in the end as while my GP eventually agreed it could be perimenopause, knowledge was limited and they asked me to do the research and advise what I wanted. I had no idea, and getting appointments would of added further delays to get treatment. My bloods showed low oestrogen (123?) although this showed normal when taken at the GP's - in fairness, my GP did say it was likely to come back normal, and they would base it on symptoms.

12 weeks on and I'm struggling and very confused. I've had a few good weeks, but I'm not there yet, it's been hit and miss. I've recently started to get the anxiety back and this has resulted in panic attacks, more than before with what I think are severe PMS symptoms (sore boobs, rage, headaches and intense tension, chest pain with palpitations) and started to bleed, but I'm sleeping ok, and other symptoms of low oestrogen have not reappeared, so now I'm thinking I may have high oestrogen / unbalanced with other hormones as it feels different, although I get moments when it feels like it's low oestrogen. When I increase, it makes me feels worse, like I'm having a surge. dropping back helps, but a few days in I feel the low E symptoms start. Not sure what is going on. I have contacted my clinic and had more bloods, now waiting for the results. I felt quite poorly last night, very tired, very sore breasts, racing heart and very anxious with the physical symptoms (tingly skin, chest pain etc). Last night I decided not to use the gel and this morning I just feel jittery, bit heady, but calmer than last night.

To add to the mix, I may have been caught up in the estrogel / Oestrogel debacle that's been in the press. I started to feel like this 4 days after starting my new pump, which is the one in question and could be this type / batch is not suited to me. My NHS GP prescribed sandrena over the phone when I was going through the GP and having a meltdown moment, but after bleeding on day 2 and not being able to speak to the GP for 2 weeks, I stopped it -  another reason I went private but I still have these in the drawer and wondered whether I should use this in the meantime

Any advice or similar experiences shared would be appreciated. I'm not sure whether to continue with the gel or stop and wait until i speak with the meno GP.

Thanks in advance..


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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2021, 10:14:16 AM »

Hi - I hear panic ? which is probably normal as getting information can be Trial and error.

What does it say in the leaflet in the box, i.e. to expect bleeds.  Sometimes this can happen until the hormones in the product and your own, 'gel'.

At least your GP is being honest!  This could be a learning curve 4 you both.  Anxiety levels can rise when hormones begin to rise and fall.  If it is unbearable, then a suitable anti-anxiety medication until HRT is sorted, may help see the wood for the trees.  I know that NICE insist that ADs should not be the initial route but they obviously have no idea how it can affect ladies nor how long it might take HRT to settle symptoms.

mayB keep a mood/food/symptom diary. 

I used Propranolol every night for many years, to ease the acute early waking anxiety.  I also have 'valium' to use the evening B4 events that I was unable to get out of! 5mg enabled me.

MayB decide which symptom you would like to ease first?  If it's anxiety, then discuss appropriate medication. If you would like to pursue HreplacementT then perhaps continue with the HRT?  The body doesn't usually get where it is suddenly so it stands to reason that it will take a while for it to accept/utilise help. 


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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2021, 10:14:52 AM »

Also: put the product name into the search box on the Forum 2 C what pops up?  Make notes ;-)



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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2021, 10:35:06 AM »

Hi Terri,

I can’t advise on the HRT I’m afraid, but I can totally relate to the anxiety. Mine has gone to a whole new level since stopping HRT. The symptoms are pretty scary, and it really feels like something is very wrong.

This forum is amazing for support. .. and great to know you’re not alone x


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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2021, 10:54:48 AM »

Thank you CLKD, Suzysheep

I’m not against ADs or beta blockers, it’s about quality of life and what helps you function. It may mean I need HRT alongside anxiety meds. It’s definitely hormone driven so I wanted to give the oestrogen supplement  a good  run before considering that. I’ve never had to use either before. I’m scared of ADs and side effect if I’m honest and coming off it.

The BBs helped before I started HRT, especially with the scary physical symptoms which I never knew were associated.  I was getting better on the HRT after week 9, and recently the anxiety has hit another level 5 days on this new pump. Thankfully I’d taken a week off from work as I had to use my holiday up. Not sure how I’d would have coped. Hoping to have it on track, or the road to before I go back. It’s a proper s**t show this. I read someone describing it as going from Joan Collins to Mavis Riley! Hit the nail on the head in terms of describing me. I think I’d rather any other symptom then this. Massive empathy and respect to those that have suffered this for a number of years for whatever reason. X


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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2021, 11:07:52 AM »

To answer your question CKLD, when initially given sandrena over the phone by my GP, the leaflet said expect bleeding, but also STOP using this treatment and contact your doctor if you experience unexpected bleeding. I hadn’t bleed for 18 months with the mirena. It was confusing. Since learned, and from the meno GP, spotting is to be expected, plus the leaflets are very out of date. Ive been spotting on / off for 3 months and I’m ok with that.


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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2021, 11:25:54 AM »

Could it be that you need either an increase or decrease in your pump regime?   Some find that they need an 'extra' pump twice a week ...... it's really Trial and Error.

Why worry about stopping ADs?  I have to take a low maintenance dose for Life, I kicked against it initially  ::).  If medication works ?  If U were diabetic or diagnosed with heart disease?  Of course, HRT does help protect bones and heart ;-)


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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2021, 11:58:04 AM »

Hi Terri

Sorry to read your having a rough time .. but I can only relate to the aniexty and panic ..
i trialled HRT for 3.5 months in which my aniexty had sky rocketed & then I stopped taking HRT ( I was on everol sequi )
The aniexty/panic as been worse thing I’ve experienced too .. because you don’t know if somthing actually is wrong because the feelings that become overwhelming whilst experiencing this lead you too believe that there is somthing wrong ..
I came off hrt & Aniexty/panic skyrocketed every day , I tried proponol and it did take away the feelings somewhat but I couldn’t function or sleep on them ( which Made these feelings worse for me ) this was daily and constant , I got to a point I stopped going out .. over took my life in all honestly because I was sure it was something more.
I Was also given AD .. but I haven’t taken them, it’s definitely 100% hormones and I was like you expected few hot flushes, no periods… how wrong was i

I have been off HRT now 7 weeks tomorrow and first 4 weeks was rough , the 5th week was best week I’ve had since all this fiasco started , 6th week I can feel aniexty but it’s not intense as it as been & also not so much panic
I still get jittery feeling & aches and pains but I’ll take that over aniexty/panic anyway .. I’m awaiting a period and I think that’s why this week I can feel it in the background.
I have started to do daily things again just like local shops and few short walks as I’ve never been afraid of the outside .. just when these physical feelings took over my body was in panic mode .. bloody awful

I hope you find a regime that works for you & I hope things start to ease for you.

I believe I put too much hormone into my body when maybe I didn’t need it & made my hormones go into over drive & maybe I shoulda started at a lower dose
Pharmist said could take 3-6 months to level off

I do CBT and find it interesting but as you said in the middle of panic that wouldn’t enter my brain the panic over takes ( luckily for now mine have calmed down a tad where the panic isn’t setting in so much )

Let us know how you get on , I hope you have better days and I hope you get answers what you need

Us women go through so much it’s unreal
I’m 47 so not much older and I’m prob a year into this switch symptoms .. I’ve not missed a cycle yet .. BIG YET as I know this one is late kinda thing but could be hormones

Don’t ever think your going mad because your not .. you got this :)


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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2021, 02:13:22 PM »

Hi CLKD, thank you for replying. I understand what you are saying. I know this is hormones or the jab - apparently it’s happened to a lot of women. Literally woke up 5 days after, felt off balance and I've not been right since. Life was good before that. I’ve had high stress periods in my life and got through it.

I know from others HRT got rid of peri anxiety, and know of those where ADs didn’t help hormonal anxiety but did improve when estrogen was replaced and then spent months tapering off the ADs, hence trying the HRT route first. Ive also been given diazepam (2mg 3 times a day) as a result of this latest episode to try for 2 weeks to help  relax me as it’s kicked off / acid reflux and inflammation in my chest, caused by the anxiety no doubt. I’d been on lansoprozole for 8 weeks and things had started to improve. 

 I tried increasing the gel but felt worse (like an over surge feeling),  lower and other symptoms came back but I was calmer. I think the new gel is faulty or my body simply doesn’t like HRT.  This being the case I’m not ruling out ADs. I just think I need to give HRT try and a different type,  else I will not know what is working. Plus, as you say there are added benefits being on HRT. Anxiety is crippling but ADs won’t solve the fog, joint pain, new allergies etc. I can’t afford time off work. X

@michelle7474, thank you for your message. It means a lot. So sorry you’re having to go through this too. Hope you turn a good corner soon. X


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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2021, 02:39:22 PM »

You too Terri
I really hope you find something that helps xx


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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2021, 03:09:33 PM »

It is unlikely that the gel is faulty or that your body doesn't 'like' HRT - it's replacing what your body was producing so it won't be an overnight cure.  It can take 4-8 months B4 the body begins to feel better.  Which is why 1 should continue with a regime for at least 3 months to enable the uptake by the body.

I know we all want it cured overnight, but it won't happen.  It's The Change - does what it says on the tin  ::)

Some ladies did find that they had a bleed following the vaccines so it is worth reporting this on the Yellow Card system.  Research is about to begin I believe.

HRT will protect heart and bones and may help with brain fog but it won't happen overnight. 


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Re: New rider on this rollercoaster
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2021, 11:41:04 PM »

Hi Terri! Your symptoms sound pretty much exactly like mine!! 

I have dizziness, brain fog, bad bad anxiety attacks/panic attacks, hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, brain fog,  worse tinnitus ( i had it already) chills/shakes, diarrhea at times, palpitations and racing heart. I am 49 and it started with night sweats a few years ago followed by hot flashes, and like you I was assuming that was it.. but NO!! Fast forward to May and all the other symptoms kick in with the anxiety being the worst. And like you the worst anxiety I had ever had before that was before a major work presentation or driving test. Then in May I have 3 days of crippling anxiety with racing heart and I thought I was dying and was crying for my mum (who lives an hour for here not dead). Like you said, total hell. I am currently middle of tests but suspect (hope?) nothing else is wrong. But its the worst.

I have good days and bad days and evenings are the worst. During the day my brain is distracted but at night, all hell breaks loose and now I live in fear of the next episode. My doctor wanted to put me on ADs that you guys dont get over there (Pristiq) but i am not convinced I want to deal with the side effects or impact of those , so he agreed while my good days are more than bad, that i dont need to go on them. So I am trying coping mechanisms for now.. i am eating healthier, drinking less booze and coffee, meditating 20 mins a day, working out more.

But you are right, mid attack none of those things help. I have tried deep breathing (not sure it helps) and since the anxiety has become daily the last few weeks I am trying other methods to deal with the episodes as they happen. I find being very distracted can help but not always as my brain gets in a loop. Last night I was very bad and i tried tapping which actually helped reduce it a bit : I also try chamomile tea, or a shot of port (yeah i know booze but whatever works). And these may help too. I have downloaded the calm app and watch the leaves and listen to the scenes. And its early but this may be helping.

We can get through this together, you are not alone! X