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Author Topic: Tender Breasts  (Read 3297 times)


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Tender Breasts
« on: September 04, 2021, 09:46:14 AM »

Hello ladies.

I happened to read an article describing Pre Menstrual Syndrome and  the symptoms are the same ones that I am experiencing as a post meno woman on HRT! The mood issues are exactly the same and I have even developed very tender breasts.

 My HRT regime is 5 pumps of gel plus Utrogestan and Testosterone and my meno doc tells me that my blood levels are good so why the tender breasts etc which indicate low oestrogen (back in the day my main PMT symptom was sore and tender breast).

Have any of you lovely ladies experienced similar issues and have any words of wisdom for me?

All comments appreciated as always.

Take care.



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Re: Tender Breasts
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2021, 10:12:45 AM »

I always had tender breasts when using progesterone so could it be the utrogestan that's causing this symptom? Is it listed as a side effect?

Taz x  :-\


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Re: Tender Breasts
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2021, 10:34:37 AM »

I get it from progesterone (not just hrt, from my own too). If you had it before your period that's when your own progesterone is high so perhaps you are the same.


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Re: Tender Breasts
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2021, 11:55:04 AM »

Confusingly, seems it can be either oestrogen or progesterone to blame (or an imbalance between the two), but if you have swelling as well as tenderness, I'd say more likely high oestrogen, especially as like me you're hypothyroid & we have a tendency to fluid retention, which can be exacerbated by exogenous oestrogen.

I was never sure what was causing my breast tenderness in fertile years as some months it was cyclical i.e. mostly in premenstrual phase, some months it persisted throughout the entire cycle & for consecutive cycles.  As a long term breast clinic patient for fibrocystic breasts, needing scanning, aspirating etc, prescription Evening Primrose oil helped to some extent.  When it was discontinued on the NHS I bought it privately then changed to Starflower oil, but later found fish oils (& regular rowing machine sessions) gave me the longest pain-free stretch I'd had.  Swimming is said to be helpful & I did that regularly for years but tbh it didn't seem to help. 

In the few years postmenopause before starting HRT, my breasts were blissfully pain-free for the first time in 35 years.  Starting HRT was when I discovered that high/imbalanced oestrogen seemed to be the culprit in my case - my menopause specialist added Sandrena to my combi-conti HRT (Evorel Conti) to try to get my oestrogen levels up & the pain & swelling increased markedly, to a degree I found unnerving & which was too much to tolerate.

Maybe have a look at the following links & extract from the first.  The 2nd link isn't that helpful, simply confirming the validity of the differing experience among those of us who've replied on this thread - i.e. it can be due to either prog or oestrogen!

"The most common hormonal breast soreness comes from an increase in the level of oestrogen before a period. This causes milk ducts and glands to swell, trapping fluid in the breasts. Many women have tenderness or pain in the lead-up to a period, and sometimes right through it."

I hope you can get it sorted - the pain can be considerable.


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Re: Tender Breasts
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2021, 04:29:13 PM »

A very helpful post Wrensong. Thank you.

Taz   :)


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Re: Tender Breasts
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2021, 11:16:39 AM »

 Thank you, Taz  :)