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Author Topic: Larger dose of Lenzetto  (Read 9924 times)


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Re: Larger dose of Lenzetto
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2022, 07:42:49 AM »

Hi Wrensong,
Thanks for replying. I have only just started thyroid medication in August. My thyroid was 6 and when I had my last test 5 weeks ago it was 2.6… so it has responded well to my 0.25mg of thyroxin. But then I started HRT (3 sprays of Lenzetto and the urtogestan) in November. I have been on it for 4 weeks now.

My palpitations are quite bad still and I am not sure if that’s my thyroid meds or if it’s perimenopause. I am also sleeping very badly. Only manage a few hours each night and had even thought of trying CBD oil but I am worried that might interfere with my thyroid meds. I’m just not sure where I am right now. I have this horrible anxiety that started in august and as I was tracking my symptoms I could see it was particularly bad at certain times of the month.

Right now I have to use a mild sleeping tablet which gives me about 4 hours of sleep a night and so that’s why I had considered CBD oil.



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Re: Larger dose of Lenzetto
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2022, 11:22:05 AM »

Hi dibradley, that's very encouraging that your TSH was considerably lower for the small dose of Thyroxine.  The 2.6 TSH shows you were not overmedicated.  Let's see what it is this time, then we'll have a better idea of whether the anxiety is menopause related, though as it's worse cyclically that does seem to make menopause the likely cause.  I found all my symptoms were worse in the 2nd part of my cycle, especially palpitations, insomnia, flushes & night sweats, however long the cycle & they stretched to many months as peri progressed.  But I wasn't on HRT until a few years post, so you should fare better once your HRT & thyroid meds are balanced.

I had very bad palpitations throughout perimenopause & for a few years post until I started HRT & also had a change of thyroid meds within a few weeks of that.  I do get palpitations still with changes of either type of medication (up or down), but they tend to be short lived, gone in a couple of weeks once the body settles.  On the wrong dose of thyroid medication they can be persistent, but tweaking dose is relatively easy on Thyroxine alone so you should have no probs with that. 

Palpitations are also quite common in menopause & there are many threads discussing them on here if you are concerned & want to do a search.  They can be extremely unnerving & more so for women on thyroid replacement I think, because of the added uncertainty as to which condition is behind them & whether medication needs changing, should they be investigated etc.  As mine persisted & were really quite extreme (in episodes of an hour or more 24/7 for several years, especially bad overnight keeping me awake) they scared me terribly & I was sent for the full range of cardiac tests, like many other women on here, which only showed benign ectopics.  I later learned from my first menopause specialist who had previously worked in Cardiology, that many women are plagued with them in menopause & they are very rarely any cause for concern.  It would have been reassuring to know that in peri when none of the docs I saw seemed sure of the cause, but better late than never!  If you are worried about them do please speak to your GP as it's always a good idea to get them checked out & that should reduce any understandably related anxiety.  Controlled breathing exercises are simple to do & can really help to calm palpitations when they strike, so if you haven't looked into that it's well worth doing.  Meditation is also excellent for resetting body & mind to a calmer default state when practised regularly, if you have time & inclination.  Exercise in moderation & other forms of R&R you enjoy also become more important than ever at menopause when our bodies are struggling to adapt to hormonal chaos & need a lot of tlc to help them manage this.

Insomnia is, I'm afraid as I'm sure you know, another common feature of menopause, but many women find a good HRT fit resolves that for them, so there's no reason to think you will not be among them once your HRT is optimal.  I sympathise wholeheartedly as my sleep is still rubbish, but I'm far from typical so please don't worry about that.

I'm sorry I can't answer the CBD-thyroid meds interaction query.  There seems to be conflicting thought on it, with the bottom line that not enough is known for anyone to be sure.  I haven't used it myself, due to another condition in my medical history that makes it inadvisable for me.  If you can hang on without it for now that potential complication won't come into the equation.

Let us know what your bloods show if you want to share.  You can always PM me if you don't want to post them here.
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