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Author Topic: New member hello 👋🏻  (Read 1438 times)


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New member hello 👋🏻
« on: July 28, 2021, 09:48:42 AM »

Hi ladies

I’m new to the forum and new to HRT. I’m a bit late to HRT as I had most of my symptoms ‘up front’ during peri. At times I thought I was going totally insane. Anxiety was the worst which raged everyday and coupled with no sleep and night sweats/flashes. I went on to lustral which abated my worst symptom of anxiety. I just feel it was a shame no one clinical listened soon enough. It took out most of my forties in a sense.
I am now 52 ( turning 53 in October) and I am down to one period a year... she normally shows up for my birthday 🥳. Last year was a bit of spotting and so this year may be the year for pass for being in menaopause not peri. Symptoms that have pushed me to try HRT are my energy levels and motivation are non existent. I have no libido whatsoever and I feel overwhelmed and angry and in a short fuse. My face is also aging like the clappers 🤣
I’ve started evorel sequi 50 and am only 4 weeks in.
Interesting what some( few stories I have read so far)  have mentioned about another set of problems stemming from beginning HRT regime.
Mine are currently bloating- feel like a bloat fish already , sleep is worse, IBD ( although at least I can go no as another symptom has been the opposite).
I haven’t had blood test done but I am already contemplating whether to persue or abandon.
Am also contemplating going private.
Can I ask are any of you getting your regimes for HRT via nhs or have any of you sought private consultations ?
Sorry for the long post! Just helps to hear others stories for me.


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Re: New member hello 👋🏻
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2021, 10:21:17 AM »

 :hbday: 4 October - menobrain here will forget  ::)

 :welcomemm:  browse round.  Make notes.

Have you had a thyroid function and VitD level blood test recently as these can cause similar symptoms 2 what you describe.   Hormone blood tests are reliably unreliable!

IBD = irritable bowel?  Certainly hormone upheaval can slow down bowel transit, we have threads on that too!  I've had IBSyndrome for years.  Eventually my bowel almost stopped working, my GP gave me appropriate medication which eventually gave me back a rhythm.  Bloating is awful  >:(

How supported do you feel with your GP?  HRT can take months B4 the body notices any difference, it usually doesn't get where it is in a hurry so there needs 2 B an aborption time to raise levels.  Some ladies find that private appts. are preferable if their GPs won't acknowledge that they are in fact, in peri menopause.



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Re: New member hello 👋🏻
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2021, 10:30:44 AM »

Hi Mandopause, welcome to the forum! I'm post-menopausal due to complete shut down of ovaries due to chemotherapy - I've been thru some really severe mental health problems due to the menopause but am now finally stable on a combination of HRT and psychiatric drugs. I'm on Evorel patches, 125 at the moment, plus Provera 10mg on days 14 to 28. I did see a private specialist, but to be honest she wasn't much help apart from confirming my symptoms were down to menopause and not just mental illness. I've since been in a psychiatric unit after taking an overdose, and am also on Quetiapine and Duloxetine - together this regime has put me back on track but it's been a rocky road. I think whether to go private all depends on how lucky you are with your GP - if she/he is knowleable about the menopause you might strike it lucky and get sorted out that way, if not there are NhS menopause clinics but patchy according to your location.


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Re: New member hello 👋🏻
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2021, 11:10:49 AM »

Thanks for the hello both
Racjen so sorry to hear what you’ve been through . I have a friend embarking in chemo now and it is a hard and arduous  journey which clearly does not end at the final treatment 🤗

CLKD - funny you mention thyroid and vitamin D. Had bloods done today to rule out thyroid as I have had bouts of vertigo over last few weeks .
I have begun taking Vit D3 combined with  K2 instinctively just in the last week as I suspected I could be low vit D. I literally feel as flat as a pancake but have begun to feel better but not by leaps and bounds .
GP was willing to listen but the issue I have is it’s difficult to see the same GP each  time . I guess I’m not sure if I’m too late to the HRT but I definitely want to explore for the longer term benefits of bone , heart and any other protection it offers .


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Re: New member hello 👋🏻
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2021, 11:26:03 AM »

HRT - 'replacement' - is the word that is often missed ;-)

4 me when I suffered low VitD levels: I would do 20 mins weeding then have to sit for 2 hours, unable to move for a complete lack of energy.  Capsules helped.


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Re: New member hello 👋🏻
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2021, 09:08:40 PM »

Hello Mandopause, I am also new to HRT and to this website so just reaching out to say hello and converse with regards to where we can get help. I'm in North Wales and have made several unsuccessful attempts to have a 'meaningful conversation' with my GP for the past few years. One visit being told I was 'overweight' and might feel better if i shed a few pounds!! Obviously the Covid-19 pandemic hasn't helped but after watching the Davina programme i managed to telephone a GP who was at least open to ideas and instead of feeling unhappy just told her what i wanted (HRT) and she prescribed it to me and i'm now in my 2nd month. I have so many questions but trying to access a doctor who are only available during working hours when we are at work I am looking here. I don't even know what a private consultation would be? I would like to think that we can help each other. I was wondering if more experienced ladies further down the line could advise how long it takes for HRT to 'kick in' ? Sending best wishes and a happy weekend. xxx


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Re: New member hello 👋🏻
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2021, 01:14:03 PM »

Hi Wendy

Sorry I missed your post as I haven’t been back on here for a bit.

So for me I have struggled with symptoms for a decade and I wished I had sorted HRT sooner but there has been and still is a lot of negativity around HRT.
 I think we are only now speaking more freely and sharing more openly about it . Thanks to TV programmes and media and advocates like Davina ! She’s an inspiration.
I went to the GP and stated what I wanted . The issue with this is if you don’t have a GP well versed and with an actual interest in HRT you are at best going to be prescribed a standard treatment which is first line according to their formulary -
You can google on line and see what that is for your area in some instances .
At worst - it can be detrimental to your health if they aren’t switched on to the nuances of safeguarding your health whilst choosing the right dose / oestrogen type / levels .
In terms of private I have only explored Alva health - which is an online service where you answer questions. It then advises you on your options and you can then opt for a free 30 min consultation.
They won’t give you the RX without you providing your latest BP reading.
My issue with this service is ‘follow up ‘- I need to be able to access for reassurance and advice throughout my treatment and especially at the beginning. They charge follow ups at £90 for an hour and £50 for 1/2 hour.
The other option I am looking at is - there is a waiting list though if 3 months . Appt is £30 but you have 2 follow up emails and they insist on follow up within 12 months max. Even if you don’t go this route there is a wealth of info on there and also an app. ( free).
I’ve been on eveorel sequi Rxed via the Gp coming up to 6 weeks this week and I have to say I am beginning to feel a whole lot better.
It has given me issues with side effects but I believe some will simmer down and any symptoms left over will be because my Prescription needs to be tweaked. There is a limit on how much that can be  achieved with sequi as it is an all in one dose. But who knows maybe there is something the GP will suggest.
I have therefore one foot in both camps - I will continue on this and revisit with my GP but I have also signed up to newson ( long wait)  - I don’t think HRT is the answer for everyone but nor is it a one size fits all and I want to have an approach specific to my needs.
The best thing you can do is avail yourself of as much info as you can.
😥 long post ! Hope it give you some help and or food for thought 💭