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Author Topic: Testosterone causing constipation?  (Read 2838 times)


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Testosterone causing constipation?
« on: June 17, 2021, 09:30:47 AM »

Is anyone else with IBS taking testosterone, and how do you find it affects your IBS? I started Androfeme three weeks ago and, very frustratingly, it seems to be making my constipation and bloating bad :'( I've been on Oestrogel for 7.5 months and have a Mirena, and that's been completely fine, and I haven't changed anything else at all, so know it's the testosterone. I really need to try it, as I have the classic symptoms of deficiency and that's an issue (and had my level checked and it's very low). But when my IBS is constantly bad, I really suffer both physically and mentally and also with self-confidence. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same.


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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2021, 04:56:39 PM »

Hello Berty and welcome to the forum.

I have been using Oestrogel and Utrogestan vaginally for six months and at the end of March I added Androfeme. I haven't experienced any constipation or bloating on this regime so far but I realise that we all react differently even if we are using similar HRT treatments.

Hopefully other ladies will be along soon to help you.

Take care.



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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2021, 08:01:37 AM »

I sympathise with you.  I've had IBS for 30 years. It used to be the mixed type but with meno I started to get bad constipation and bloating.  It was hellish last year. Then my meno specialist suggested a tablespoon of whole flaxseed soaked in water overnight.  I drink the lot every day and it's worked wonders.  Did what 30 years of doctors and medication couldn't do

2 weeks ago I started Androfeme as I've exceptionally low testosterone and ALL the symptoms.  Early days, but desperate for it to work.  Anyway, one thing I have noticed is that I am a little bit more constipated again.  It's nowhere near as bad as last year and I'm thinking my body will adjust to it.  Just wanted you to know you're not alone.

I'm upping the flaxseed, eating prunes and porridge and having a kiwi fruit every day.  I'm avoiding all the rubbish my GP prescribed as it makes things worse.  I take the odd senna tablet if necessary.

Hope you feel better soon


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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2021, 10:44:06 AM »

Thank you for the welcome, Kathleen, and for the reply, Catcc.

Catcc - I'm in exactly the same situation as you. IBS for 30+ years (always constipation side for me). I generally control it mostly ok with a low-FODMAP diet, and also have 2tsp of flaxseed and a kiwi with porridge every morning. I tend to avoid any prescriptions and medications too, as I agree they make things worse, and not a good habit to get into either. (Like you, I also very occasionally take a senna tablet, for example if I'm away).

Started Androfeme coming up to 3 weeks ago, as also have extremely low testosterone and ALL the symptoms, so we sound very similar indeed. Also early days and also desperate for it to work. I'm feeling really down and upset that it seems to be affecting my IBS and stomach - something I always dread when starting something new. The stomach issue is such a fundamental, crucial thing, that if something makes it worse, it's a real problem.

I guess at the moment I feel really worried that the testosterone won't agree with me, but I desperately need it. So am scared will end up having to choose between the two. Between giving it up and my stomach being ok but being left with all the bad symptoms, or keeping on taking it for meno symptoms but having long-term stomach issues. Ultimately, I'd have to choose stomach health first, as can't live happily if that's not ok. Really hoping it settles, but can't help but feel worried and uncertain.

Can I ask for more details about soaking and drinking the flaxseed? I sprinkle flaxseed on my porridge, but is whole a different type? And how much water, and then do you just drink it down in the morning?

Thank you so much for sharing - it's really comforting to know we're not alone. I really appreciate it xx


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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2021, 11:59:31 AM »

Yes it does sound like we are in a very similar situation.  I desperately need the testosterone to work ... for so many reasons. 

Re the flaxseed, for years I'd taken ground flaxseed on yoghurt.  It was healthy but didn't help my IBS.

I just couldn't believe that taking it the way the meno specialist suggested would make such a dramatic difference.  I buy whole golden flaxseed from the local health food store and put one tablespoon of it in a glass with about 200ml of water.  I leave it covered in fridge overnight and then just gulp the lot down morning the next day.  It's not the nicest thing to drink, but it works. I have to try to drink lots of water as well.  I've always drank a lot of water but I have to make sure I don't get a bit dehydrated as it won't work if I do. 

Worrying and stress won't help and I'm sure you know that.  I've had a rubbish 3 years with my health (all meno related) and it's hard not to worry and feel down.  Friends and relatives keep lecturing me about being positive, but it's not easy when you feel rubbish.  Let's hope the testosterone sorts us both out :-)


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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2021, 09:33:18 AM »

Thank you, Catcc - this is so helpful, and it's so reassuring to know that it's not just me.

Everything you say resonates so much. I could've written it myself, it's so similar! Same - I drink tonnes of water. And same about family/friends.

I usually have the ground flaxseed on my porridge, but will definitely get some of the whole golden flaxseed. How different is it? And does the glass need to be kept in the fridge overnight or can you leave it out at room temperature?

 I think I'll give it a few more weeks without trying that, so I can really assess the effect of the testosterone on my IBS, but if it doesn't improve, I will try the flaxseed plan.

Thank you SO much again. Really hope the T works for both of us - I'm the same in that I very badly need it to xx


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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2021, 11:11:12 AM »

Hello again ladies.

I just wanted to say that I add two tablespoons of ground flaxseed to my cereal every morning and I take it for it's many health benefits as I don't suffer with constipation.

I read that it was best to buy whole flaxseeds and then grind them at home, the ground flaxseeds can then be stored in the fridge for six weeks. There are brown and golden flaxseeds but the colour doesn't make a difference. Apparently the problem with consuming whole flaxseed is that the shells are very tough and can go through your system without being digested. Of course if that helps your constipation then eating them whole is the right thing to do!

A while ago my friend was extremely constipated and her Consultant Gastroenterologist recommended two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds daily.

It is clearly worth experimenting with flaxseeds as they are super nutritious and very safe to use. All my information has come from my favourite nutrition site, NutritionFacts.Org and you may want to check it out if you are interested.

Wishing you both well.




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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2021, 01:13:35 PM »

Hi Kathleen and Berty

I still eat the ground flaxseed as, like you say, it's very healthy.  I just consider the soaked seeds to be my IBS remedy.  It forms a gel like liquid when soaked and I believe it's this that helps with constipation.  As well as being recommended by my meno doctor, I also read about this in a book on IBS written by a leading gastroenterologist in Cambridge.  He recommends it to patients who get constipation with bloating as he says most of the prescribed medication in the UK for IBS can cause more bloating.  Whereas the flax seed doesn't.  Somebody on this forum had recommended the book way back.

Re fridge, I leave it in overnight but take it out in the morning and leave at room temperature before drinking otherwise it's too cold for me.  I think you have to soak them for at least 4 hours.  Also I don't think you're meant to take it close to bedtime.

Good luck.  Hope it all settles soon.  Xx



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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2021, 07:47:08 AM »

I’ve been a long time constipation sufferer but I now take a product call Inulin in my morning tea or coffee and I go on a fairly regular can get it from health food stores. Obviously if you have IBS diarrhoea side of things don’t take it. I couldn’t go on keto diets because of the horrendous impacting I used to get but not any more!


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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2021, 09:49:48 AM »

Thanks, Catcc (I will definitely try this if things don't settle. And good luck to you too!, and the other replies xx


  • First Flush
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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2021, 11:16:08 AM »

Hi again Catcc (if you see this) - Was going to message you but not sure if we can do that on here? Just a quick question! Just wanted to check whether you drink the soaked whole flaxseeds before or after your breakfast? Many thanks if you see this! xx


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Re: Testosterone causing constipation?
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2021, 04:31:08 PM »

Hi Berty

I drink mid morning.  Just because it's convenient for me.  I don't think there is a particular time recommended except I seem to remember reading that you shouldn't take it at bedtime.  I drink a lot of water afterwards too. 

Hope it helps. X
