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Author Topic: AstraZeneca and night sweats  (Read 7037 times)


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2021, 06:42:38 PM »

...I too put up a thread earlier in the month about this as many of my friends noticed an increase/return of sweats, anxiety etc after the jab...we were discussing it one day as each one of us thought we were the only one...and then realised that all 5 of us had had return of night sweats/anxiety etc.  3 haven't been on HRT but thought they were done with all the symptoms as had been free of sweats etc for a few years, and the other 2 are on HRT and thought it had stopped working or something.  Seems it all it did for me...with the covid jabs although I know at least 4 of us had AZ one.  But...I would think they work in a similar way as all trying to lessen the effects of catching covid.  However, I would still have the jab I think having seen the devastating effects of long covid, being ill with covid, or dying of it...and I wouldn't want to pass it on to anyone either.


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2021, 06:45:43 AM »

Hello Sweetooth

I completely understand how you are feeling. It is completely rubbish isn’t it?
I’ve been in and out of work since June and not working at the moment. I’m still really struggling to get my life back. I wasn’t on hrt and had been managing the menopause naturally and was the fittest I’d been in years. I started on hrt in August but really struggling to get a balance and feeling quite horrid at times. I really hope I’m not making things worse and often wonder if fresh air, exercise and a good diet wouldve been better! Debilitating fatigue, headaches, muscle aches and palpitations are my symptoms. My initial focus was to get my palpitations checked out so that took a couple of months and I’m lucky to have private healthcare through my husbands work. The palpitations are the one thing that have improved.
If ever you need to just chat, please feel free to DM me
Sending lots of love xx


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2021, 11:26:43 AM »

Appey I have sent you a pm x


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2021, 02:21:00 PM »

I think the vaccine as a lot to answer for , but we will never know for sure if it was the vaccine or is it infact hormones

Personally I think vaccine ..

Emm225 are you and your friends all ok now or still suffering after effects ?

I had my first jab end of March ( first aniexty for me was 3 weeks later and coincided with a period the following day ) so I wasn’t sure was it jab or hormones

I went with hormones and started HRT beginning of May

I had second jab in June .. and 12 days later had really bad aniexty also a very heavy Period and literally since then things got worse

Aniexty/ palpitations/ feeling hot / insominia / digestive problems ( coulda been from aniexty ) lost weight and so on

I thought was HRT making me feel worse and took off the patch … I’m 8 weeks off patch now and still can feel aniexty ( not as intense as it was ) I still get jittery panicky and aches and pains have returned
So I’m not sure was it the jabs that made me start getting aniexty as I did worry about the jabs to be honest as reading all the news and hearing about blood clots .. I’m on warfrain as I suffer with them already … so maybe that coulda been my trigger

Or was it hormone related .. I’m just stumped as until this Year I’ve never experienced this at all
And was obviously worse after 2nd jab which i was indeed on HRT

15 weeks since last jab .. so if it’s that I’m hoping the last bits are on way out my system …
8 weeks off HRT .. so hoping if it was that , that it will also be coming out my system ..

We will never know

I hope everyone who did suffer after jabs are ok now .. xx 


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2021, 02:59:40 PM »

Hi Michelle,

I’m still suffering similar symptoms to you straight after my jab.

I’m hoping it all settles soon xx


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2021, 02:45:52 PM »

Hi Michelle...yes exactly the same as you...I increased my HRT as was on a low dose.  Was perfectly fine before the vaccine tho and thought HRT was best thing ever.  So in answer to your question...I had my second dose in May but upped my HRT at the end of August as couldn't manage the anxiety, low mood and sweats any longer.  Was also soooo tired...probably cos not sleeping well.

 I am sleeping a little better and only waking once or twice with hot sweats, BUT we have had a new mattress (Simba) which we have decided isn't for us even though it's a hybrid and not make to make you hot it makes me a VERY hot..and not in a good way, and even makes my husband warm.

Still a bit anxious but a lot better than I was.  Whether it's the HRT or natural I don't know...I will reduce HRT again in a bit if I feel I want to but my doctor's view is the dose is no riskier...the only risk is if you are on HRT ...or not.
Not seen the friends I was discussing it with but seeing them next week so will report back.  Was also talking to a younger colleague at work who after the jab had a few breakthrough bleeds ( on the pill and hadn't been having periods) and when I mentioned the jab said it was after that.  I don't know, it's a difficult one to decide....and I imagine to research too.  I have filled in a yellow card re the symptoms; if enough people do that/contact BBC etc perhaps research will be done.

Don't get me wrong I am not an anti jabber/vaxer (!) and would have it again , and will have my booster, as I wouldn't want to catch covid or pass it on to anyone.  My sis works in hospital and her tales were heartbreaking.  My friend had covid at the moment and is q poorly, although double jabbed, she was due for her booster this week. I think she would have been hospitalised without a vaccination.


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2021, 06:19:44 PM »

Madness how many people are noticing things after jabs

I’m happy I’ve had mine as I had covid in January and I wouldn’t want it again
But I won’t have the booster … if indeed the jabs caused this I wouldn’t want it back so intense again no way on this planet

My aniexty is still but not as bad as it was as in not so intense.
I long for the day that it dissapears for good.
I want me back
I will never know if it was jabs or hormones or just a mixture of both

I also reported it .. let’s hope more people have too

Sorry to hear about your friend , hope she as a speedy recovery xx

Look forward to reading how your friends are now .. hopefully you get less anxious as time goes on ..


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2021, 01:55:59 PM »

Hi ladies

Just would like if any of you have an update on your symptoms from this was posted.

I had increased my Estrogen but am now reducing as I think as vaccine is weakening I’m needing less🤞

Still not back to myself yet but some light at least!

Would love to hear any progress from those that were affected x


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2021, 06:47:40 PM »

Very interested in reading this.  I had both Pfizer jabs and suffered the worst anxiety and panic attacks in my life which started 2 weeks afterwards along with insomnia, feeling freezing cold and total fatigue.  I ended up twice in A&E due to a fast heartbeat which would not slow down and it kicked off a week after the second vaccine.  I will NOT be having a booster jab!  It was all horrendous - I still get very fatigued nearly 6 months later. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever it was caused by the vaccine and my GP agrees.  I reported it on the Yellow card system and on ZOE.


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #39 on: October 16, 2021, 07:32:20 PM »

Pippa I could have written your post myself!  I have never been through such a hard time in my life! 

YES YES it was the Pfizer jab for me! I was abs fine before it and within a matter of days it all started.

Has your other symptoms apart from fatigue improved at all? X


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #40 on: October 17, 2021, 02:56:32 PM »

Hi sweetooth
I’m just about back to normal now 4 months after the AZ vaccine, very slight anxiety only when I first wake up and bladder/dryness issues all fine but had to up the Vagifem for a few weeks,I stayed on the same dose of HRT as I didn’t want to mess about and maybe make things worse. No booster for me thanks!!


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #41 on: October 17, 2021, 03:57:34 PM »

Hi Mars so appreciate your reply!’im so glad u are feeling much better as it gives me hope!

Was your anxiety bad?  Did u have racing heart and palps etc?

I did increase and I think it has messed things up more!  I am now having to slowly reduce.  I get surges of anxiety it’s just awful☹️yes


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #42 on: October 17, 2021, 04:11:57 PM »

I had my first AZ vaccine in mud May and I remember how distraught I was as 2 days after I had it it was all in the news about the blood clots and I was distraught. Like others who have posted, It was all I could think about. I then have developed health anxiety ever since, it’s been debilitating. I’ve tried two lots of ADs and have been on HRT since late July in the hope it would help….and it’s still to kick in 😞 I’ve been to A&E many times, like others….since my anxiety heightened. I constantly feel tense and full of sadness.

I had insomnia for weeks to begin with but the HRT I think has helped and sleep has improved, I’m pleased to say. I do wonder if it is the vaccine….and after reading these posts, it does seem to point to that. I’m really scared of getting the booster. I’m no way out of these feelings yet though and I don’t want to take it into 2022  :-\


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2021, 04:23:23 PM »

Yes sweettooth my anxiety was quite bad, it would start as soon as I woke up, my heart would race and I’d feel very shaky and unsettled, would last a few hours but would be ok by the afternoon,also after the vaccine I got a few days of depression which is I feel one of the worst symptoms but it was only a few days unlike at the beginning of meno where it could last for weeks.
I’m sure things will settle soon and you’re probably right in that increasing the dose could have messed things up a bit, I had a feeling that could happen so that’s why I stayed on my usual dose and the doctor advised this too.
My doctor gave me some diazepam which helped with the anxiety but I only took it when I really felt I needed it, I think just knowing I had some helped and I’ve still got some left for emergencies but haven’t needed it.
I hope things settle down for you real soon.


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Re: AstraZeneca and night sweats
« Reply #44 on: October 17, 2021, 04:33:36 PM »

Thank you so much Mars for your kind encouraging post! Especially today as iv had a horrid time.  I am super sensitive to fluctuations which certainly doesn’t help!!

Sounds like you did the right thing and stayed on your usual regime.

Your post has helped me thank you xxx Best wishes for continued wellbeing xx
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