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Author Topic: Sandrena and provera any advice/tips  (Read 1266 times)


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Sandrena and provera any advice/tips
« on: April 29, 2021, 11:23:57 AM »

I tried evorel conti patches for 8 weeks but I got terrible side effects at night ie. waking every few hours, sweats, bad heart palpitations and feeling jumpy/on edge. I have asked my GP to prescribe utrogestan but he point blank refuses. I live in Scotland in Lothian health board and it appears to be a recurring issue for people. My GP has now texted to say as there are no other combination patches available in stock the Menopause clinic has recommended Sandrena gel and provera tablets. I'm a bit anxious about trying another type of HRT after the side affects with the patches. This has not been helped by the attitude of my GP who gives the wrong information eg. utrogestin does not give adequate uterine protection, has no empathy and when I ask for his opinion on different types of HRT he says it's "a personal choice" which clearly it isn't as he won't prescribe my choice. Arghhhh! Anyway do any other people have personal experience with this combination? How have you found it, is there a specific time of day to use it, what dose do you take?


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Re: Sandrena and provera any advice/tips
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2021, 10:32:17 AM »

The extent to which utrogestan gives endometrial protection is the same as any other progestogen - it depends on the individual woman and her womb/cycle, as well as the dose of oestrogen, and the dose/route of the progestogen concerned. The required dose of progestogen is dependent on the dose of oestrogen and the affinity of the progestogen for the uterus receptors.

Therefore, other things being equal, higher doses of oestrogen will require correspondingly higher doses of a progestogen to protect the lining. The licensed dose of utrogestan for HRT is the same whatever dose of oestrogen is used - which of course, biologically, is nonsense - hence some women having problems with it re bleeding etc. Added to that it is less effective at a given dose, when taken orally than vaginally.

However, it is licensed and for medium oestrogen doses the best place to start is with the licensed dose which can be tqekaed if necessary. Sometimes the dose needed for protection is greater than some women want to tolerate, due to sedative side effects , but that is another issue.

Sorry that doesn't answer your question about Provera!

Hurdity x


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Re: Sandrena and provera any advice/tips
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2021, 02:46:02 PM »

Thanks Avalon, glad to hear you're doing well with Sandrena gel.
Thanks Hurdity for the detailed explanation. My GP is infuriating, he has very little knowledge it seems but rather than just be transparent he is evasive and I have no faith in him at all. I am going to give the gel and Provera a try, and make sure I see a different GP for any future appointments.


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Re: Sandrena and provera any advice/tips
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2021, 04:03:23 PM »

Hi.   I was switched to Sandera 7weeks ago and have noticed a massive improvement in mood/energy/sleep etc.    Have experienced swollen ankles but if thats the only side effect I can live with it.   Also on Provera 10mg.     Question is ratio.     When I last had my levels checked (privately) my ratio of progesterone to estrogen was 0.86, my estrogen levels were very low at that point.   I believe the ratio should be over 100 for proper protection with 600 cited in some places as optimal.    With the increased estrogen dosage (getting new bloods next week to recheck levels) i'm worried that this ratio would have fallen any further.    Does anyone take more than 10mg of progesterone or other supplements to improve this?    Worried if become estrogen dominant the endometriosis will return. 