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Author Topic: What do night sweats feel like for you?  (Read 2205 times)


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What do night sweats feel like for you?
« on: March 29, 2021, 07:55:15 AM »

Hi all - I won't go into my history as it's all in the (now very long!) Qlaira thread, but I wanted to ask a specific question to others - what do hormonal night sweats feel like for you? I'm still suffering with them despite being on the contraceptive Pill (though it could be too early and my hormones could well still be causing them). I've also spent well over £1,000 on wool bedding which is lovely but hasn't made a difference, I sleep with the window open and a fan on so it's nothing to do with my bed set up.

For me they are always accompanied by vivid dreams/nightmares (nightmares are pretty normal for me) and I'm wondering if that is just a coincidence or whether the dreams could actually be causing me to sweat?? When I wake up I'm not hot - if anything I'm cold - nor do I have a racing heart or anything like that. I'm just drenched in sweat (so bad that you have to change the sheets every night).

I'm not normally a sweaty person at all and I'm also not experiencing sweats or hot flushes during the day (I don't think so anyway).

I'm interested to hear what it feels like for other people to help me identify if hormones really are the culprit or not xx


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Re: What do night sweats feel like for you?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2021, 11:06:39 AM »

The night sweats are awful aren't they,my duvet is off and on all night,although after years of this,it now rarely disturbs my sleep but I do sometimes have sweat from my neck down to my chest, I always keep a cloth by my bed,fan on full blast and an air con unit,thank goodness my OH likes a cold bedroom


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Re: What do night sweats feel like for you?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2021, 03:02:42 PM »

They're crap, aren't they? I wonder if night sweats might be one of the many things that everybody experiences differently?
For me, I was waking up several times a night with a feeling of absolute panic, like I had to get away from something. I mostly felt as though my body was waking me up to have the sweat, as once I was awake, or half-awake, I'd then be drenched head-to-legs, if that makes sense. Sometimes there'd be dreams interrupted, sometimes not.
Then when I cooled down, I was struggling to get back to sleep because the bed was soaked and smelled stale and gross - my sense of smell seems to be a bit hyper these days. And then I'd be freezing. This was happening a few times a night.
HRT patches seem to have stopped the night sweats - touch wood!


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Re: What do night sweats feel like for you?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2021, 06:54:22 PM »

Thanks ladies, it helps to hear of other's experiences. PeriWhat?! I know they say that hot flushes and night sweats are actually caused by an adrenaline surge which would explain why you wake in a panic! Do you experience hot flushes during the day too, or just night sweats?

I don't seem to have the panic feeling, I'm just roused from vivid dreams or nightmares aware that I am drenched in sweat (primarily my chest and then also my back/neck). But I don't feel hot when I wake (if anything I'm shivering). Then i usually can't get back to sleep.

I am assuming it is hormonal and not something else causing it, but it's so hard to know  :(


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Re: What do night sweats feel like for you?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2021, 10:29:41 PM »

I am exactly the same as you Gilla999, I am not hot at all, just wet through, and i think the wetness is what wakes me.

My full back and torso/chest are the worst affected.

I am starting to see a link (i think) between how long I have been on the progesterone phase, as in when i've been on this phase a good few days it worsens, then if i have a few days off it, the sweats seem to calm down....and repeat!


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Re: What do night sweats feel like for you?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2021, 10:05:58 AM »

Thanks ladies, it helps to hear of other's experiences. PeriWhat?! I know they say that hot flushes and night sweats are actually caused by an adrenaline surge which would explain why you wake in a panic! Do you experience hot flushes during the day too, or just night sweats?

I don't seem to have the panic feeling, I'm just roused from vivid dreams or nightmares aware that I am drenched in sweat (primarily my chest and then also my back/neck). But I don't feel hot when I wake (if anything I'm shivering). Then i usually can't get back to sleep.

I am assuming it is hormonal and not something else causing it, but it's so hard to know  :(

That would fit for mine, wouldn't it. Yes, I was getting daytime flushes/sweats as well, but the patches also seem to have stopped these.
Is your sleep normally deep or light? This has made me wonder if your dreams/nightmares could be your experience of the adrenaline surge perhaps? Obviously I don't actually know if that's possible, just wondering!