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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Getting a little worried  (Read 1802 times)


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Getting a little worried
« on: March 03, 2021, 08:25:00 AM »

So I posted about my first period in 11 months a few days ago and I’m getting a bit worried as the period is continuing at the same rate.

It will be 7 days tomorrow since the spotting started and every day I think it’s starting to ease and then it goes to full flow.

I know this can happen but my cramps have been really bad too. I always had painful periods, then when they were really light no pain. Ever since I had my son I always seem to be prone to pain more left than right sided which is the case now so I’m fretting about that too.

I have called the GP and will be speaking to them on Friday but my HA is ramping up and I’m thinking what if something awful is going on like my womb lining has been thickening over the last 11 months and has developed into something.

My rational brain says it would be more likely to have been bleeding more if that was the case but I’m getting in a right old state.

Also, I did have all the horrible period symptoms in the lead up. Sore boobs, grumpy, feeling off balance and my hot flashes had stopped which I think could be due to the estrogen levels increasing.

Sorry, just getting myself in a pickle again.  :'(


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2021, 08:46:50 AM »

Pickles are easy to get into!   Sounds like hormones.  If you are bleeding it shows that the womb is emptying itself gradually of any build up.  What colour is the blood?

'feminax' from the Pharmacy worked for painful periods - I had dreadful pains for years every month  :-\  :'(  :hug:


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2021, 09:05:41 AM »

You've had all the symptoms of a period so it's probably just that. It's normal for them to be inconsistent, lighter or heavier. Your gp may send you for a scan if she's worried but I don't think you should worry yet.


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2021, 10:01:35 AM »

Thanks guys,

Blood is bright red CLKD, started light pink, and red for last few days. Not too many clots, just a few tiny ones.

I hate hormones  :-\ :-\


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2021, 10:33:08 AM »

I used to hate periods  >:(.  Large clots, excruciating pains, nausea, tearful. 

Your colour sounds within normal limits for a period.  Get some pain relief down you :-) and rest.  Lots of warm drinks.


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2021, 12:54:02 PM »

Thanks CLKD😘 I have to say I used to have those periods you are describing, absolutely awful. I just used to curl up with a hot water bottle and dose myself up for the first couple of days.

The cramps are nowhere near as bad as I used to get and they are not as heavy. My periods have definitely got lighter over the last few years. It’s just this one cropping up after so long that’s thrown me.

I personally don’t think I ovulated but I think I’d been producing estrogen for a couple of weeks trying to ovulate and it’s almost like my body gave up trying and this is the result!


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2021, 12:55:31 PM »

I was never aware when my body ovulated  :-\


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2021, 01:37:49 PM »

The period I had after eleven months without any lasted over six weeks. It was really odd as, after four weeks, it was as if a new period started on top of the old one. It was very painful and I ruined a friend's dining chair  :-\

I think that it is bound to last a lot longer than usual as you have probably got quite a build of endometrial lining to shed. How many pads and tampons are you getting through each hour? I found the night time pads were excellent during this time as they go right round from front to back which does help with the flooding/leaking every time you stand up. I also used to put a pad on the outside of my knickers at the same time as the one inside. Only works with jeans or trousers but does help mop up spillages. Makes you a bit bandy-legged though  ;D

Taz x


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2021, 02:14:21 PM »

Taz that makes me feel so much better, thank you  :-*

I’m not using tampons and probably going through a pack of pads a day.

I have to say when my periods were at their heaviest, the tampons used to fall out and I’d be changing every hour so I suppose it comparison it’s nowhere near as bad.

The standing up though, as you say that’s when I notice it and dash to the loo. I have a wheely office chair, maybe I just need to get around the house on that and that’ll solve the problem.  😂😂


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2021, 02:34:06 PM »

I'm going through the same thing atm,
I'm currently on day 48 of my period, started really light on 14th January, carried on light for a week or so then spotting for a  few day then heavy, spotting again  and so on , now I'm going through 3rd heavy day, heaviest since 14th Jan, back ache horrendous agony just peeling potatoes or washing dishes,  not sure how much longer it will go on , last time it was this long was last April  and lasted 46 days only had 5 periods last year total,

Jan 30th to Feb 20th      22 days
March 28th to Apr 3rd    7 days
Apr 14th to May 29th      46 days
July 6th to July 26th        21 days
Sep 26th to Oct 17th        22 days

And now this one

Jan 14th  ..................... till whenever

As you can see literally all over the place and the year before last was no better,
Really hoping that it won't go on much longer.


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2021, 04:43:52 PM »

Hi Ladies.... Saw this and thought I would share some of my herbal knowledge so you can give these things a go with no worry of any ill effects (I am qualified - don't worry!)...

To reduce menstrual blood (don't want to abruptly stop it to avoid uterine shock), try red raspberry tea (you should be able to get some from the supermarket)... raspberry squash will help too if it's the only thing you can get hold of.  3 cups/glasses a day until you get to see the Doc (then you can carry on as it won't hurt with any other medication he-she may give).

Avoid blood thinning foods/medication like Garlic and aspirin.  Also avoid Cranberry and ginger as they encourage menstruation.  Do a search for blood thinning foods and see what types of things that you should avoid - you may be surprised that what you are eating could be contributing to the problem.

Green leafy veg (especially spinach) are really good to get your iron levels up which will help clotting and stemming the bleeding.  Any fruits and veg will heal you so try and avoid processed food for at least 3 days if you can and your body will do the rest.

Turmeric will ease cramping if you have any or if you can - just get a turmeric based curry for dinner (weird I know but if you're OK with spicy food then it is great for relaxing muscle spasms).

None of these things have any contraindications so can be taken freely.


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2021, 04:46:04 PM »

Kazy68 have you seen your gp about it? They sound abnormally long so perhaps it would  be good to have a scan to make sure nothing else is going on.


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2021, 04:58:52 PM »

Kazy you sound very similar to my friend.  She has been having periods for weeks at a time and I did say to her to go to the GP but she said she thinks it is just the change.

I have to say I remember my mum going through the change and she bled for weeks and weeks at a time and sometimes she'd stop for a couple of days and be caught unaware as it would just start up again with full on flooding.  Back in those days they didn't do as many scans and tests as they do now and she only ever had one ultrasound which basically was normal.  I also remember her being bed bound because she literally could not move because of the flooding.  They never even did a blood test to see if she was anaemic at the time and just prescribed her medication to slow it down.

Then in her early forties she had spotting and light bleeding non-stop for 6 months!  Eventually she had a d&c for that which calmed things down until she went through the menopause.

I think now putting that down in black and white makes me realise how variable periods can be and especially once we reach this stage of life.

However have you been to your GP?  They might be able to give you something to help as with that amount of bleeding you must be feeling very drained?

Jaynej thank you for the recommendations.  I need to start eating healthier so I will look at some of the things you have suggested.  I was doing really well with dieting and losing weight/exercising last year and this lockdown has just put me back to square one again.


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2021, 06:09:37 PM »

Hi all
I saw gp last time it was bad had scans tummy/internal, all fine no problems,
Feeling very drained atm just taking normal stuff, paracetamol,  ibuprofen,  take my daily vitamins and just keep plodding along ,
I did say I will give it just 1 more week then call gp ,
Hopefully will come to an end before then, as I'm really heavy atm, normally after its heavy it stops after a few days 🤞.


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Re: Getting a little worried
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2021, 06:16:40 PM »

Well that's good that they have checked everything out.

I bet you are feeling drained.  I feel drained after this one, let alone the amount of bleeding you are having to withstand.

I hope it eases up for you soon.  :-*
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