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Author Topic: Having a rant  (Read 925 times)


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Having a rant
« on: January 10, 2021, 10:35:48 AM »

Hello ladies,
Just having a rant. On HRT now just over 5 weeks (mirena coil and estrogen patch 75mcg). I haven't felt any better on this regime yet  if anything my mood feels a bit flatter but I know it can take up to 3 months for it to kick in so I holding out. So, I've been spotting most days for the last 3 weeks. First 2 weeks I thought I had sailed through because I had no spotting. Along with the spotting I woke up today feeling very hot, so hot I though I had the heating times to come on. I also had external vaginal itching as well. Normally, I would be due a period now according to my tracker and usually I would have hadvagonal itching before a period but I'm reading on here about VA and I don't know is this something I need to get treated. I was told I had terrible pelvic floor when I got mirena cold inserted. Is this related to VA? I was just told to go and do exercises and no guidance given really. I've lost my get up and go......I remember the days of swinging out of bed full of energy and I miss that so much.iamalso getting some heart palpitations recently but I also suffer with acid reflux and think that is the cause but I am booking a gp appointment tomorrow to make sure. It could also be that the estrogen patches I was put on first were not what was prescribed as there was a shortage and I'm only going into my 3 week of the ones I was supposed to be on (estrodot). I'm only 38 and just can't imagine being like this forever.
I'm just ranting really. I don't know what my own hormones are at. I don't even know if the coil is still in place. I was told to get that checked after 6 weeks so that will be done this week too hopefully.
I dont what I'm asking but I'm just ranting. I see so many women in the town I live in smiling and looking like they haven't a care in the world and I'm so jealous!! But, I know people suffer in different ways and they try to smile when out in public. I just miss myself.
Well rant over. Must tackle the endless washing before starting the work week again tomorrow.
Take care everyone.


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Re: Having a rant
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2021, 10:56:18 AM »

You rant!  Those women may, like me, have a drawer full of fixed grins ;-).  Also I found that being out and about raised adrenaline levels so I did feel better.  But we are confined which doesn't help.

I had itching high up after a period stopped.  I would have heavy, clotty bleeds with intense pain. Then a break of 2 days B4 a brown staining and itching.  I did have VA diagnosed - have you read the threads here?  4 me it was urine infection-type symptoms.  Ovestin treatment has helped a lot.

It can take a few months B4 HRT kicks in.  The body has to uptake the active ingredient which may take a while. 

Acid reflux can be eased by over the counter medication or a stronger treatment from the GP.  What have you tried on a regular basis?


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Re: Having a rant
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2021, 12:30:39 PM »

Thank you so much CLKD, you are always great for offering some friendly advice.
I did have a gp prescribed prescription for acid reflux few months back but was told I could only have it for 4 weeks and if no improvement then do an endoscopy. I know endoscopy is on hold due to current climate. I am treating with rennie  tablets or gaviscon at the moment .
I will ask my gp about the itch, hopefully she will be knowledgeable about this. I must make a list before going as I usually forget what I need to say. I always feel like a hypochondriac because I wait till I have a few things going on before going and then list them all off. I wonder am I the only patient that does this. Even my family think I imagine these things. My sister said she pitied me yesterday.  She asked if I was self diagnosing a rash I have developed  on my thigh. I've diagnosed it as chilblains because I have been getting it every year for the last 3 -4 years and always when the weather gets noticeably colder and always on one thigh which coincidentally is the thigh I have the fan heater at work faced to when I'm working. I did as little experiment the other day and faced the fan on my other thigh and sure enough I got a few itchy red dots on that thigh too.  However, she wanted to diagnose me with what she thought it was psoriasis!! I know it's not that.  I don't even like sharing my issues any more with family because they just roll their eyes and think here we go. But, anytime I do go and have investigation by doctors they do always find a reason for everything so I know it's not my mind creating these issues. Like I can hardly manifest a rash by myself or a hiatus hernia, or early menopause.
Here, I am ranting again 🙄🙄🙄
Sorry, I went off track. Thank you CLKD for replying. 😊😊


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Re: Having a rant
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2021, 01:04:54 PM »

Off track is fine.

Why do you need to tell your family about any niggles?  U know what their reaction might be.  Old habits really do die hard!  Decide that they are not on the 'need to know' list!

If you scratch the skin you may get a rash.  Also as oestrogen levels drop the skin may become dry = itchy.   ::).  Also if you have heat too close to the skin it can cause life-long damage, probably has a long, medical name  ;D.  It's what old ladies get when they sit too close to the fire .....

Get some VA treatment which will ease the itch high up. 



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Re: Having a rant
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2021, 02:07:15 PM »

Hi @Peri-wrecked
Sorry you haven't felt any better on this regime yet and your mood feels a bit flatter. It can take 3 months, I would mention the spotting to the GP to verify it's ok, she may say wait until the 3 months is over she may want to check all is well.
It was cold this morning, so the hot sounds like flushes, especially if it was in your top half, mine used to start at my boobs and rise up.
I don't know about VA, women say it needs treating. There are women on here who know more about VA.
Of course you want your mojo back.
Sometimes hrt can take a bit of tweaking.
I still bleed and ive been on it since 2013, had it checked though.
I hope you get your old self back.


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Re: Having a rant
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2021, 06:44:54 PM »

Hi Dandelion,
Thank you for replying. I will definitely mention the spotting to my gp just incase  it's not normal although I think people have mentioned the mirena coil can cause continuous spotting for a while. But nevertheless it's best to mention these things.
Yes my hot flush was in my top half only. Just clammy and uncomfortably warm. Thankfully I never experienced the drenched in sweat only once I believe.
I will try the regime for 3 months and hopefully get some tweaking then if it's not working out.
Thanks again for the advice.  I really appreciate it.


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Re: Having a rant
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2021, 07:15:22 PM »

Some never stop spotting whilst on mirena. And certainly its very common for the first 6 months.


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Re: Having a rant
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2021, 07:46:27 PM »

A friend had hot sweats every evening at the same time ........  I thought I said this somewhere already  :-\  ???