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Author Topic: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy  (Read 2898 times)


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2021, 12:38:08 PM »

Uptick thankyou.
I'm a bit angsty and just pottering (and googling) but mostly feel ok. Will be glad when I've had the hysteroscopy tomorrow and thanks so much for thinking of me. X


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2021, 12:46:52 PM »

Information can make you feel more anxious, but I prefer it to blissful ignorance. Fingers crossed!


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2021, 10:04:24 AM »

Ha - well I phoned to confirm details of appt for today as no letter received. The appt was not processed properly apparently  and I am not on the list for hysteroscopy today!
Spoke to secretary and now booked (properly) for Friday pm.
Seems I got lost in a new complex admin process .... and breathe!



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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2021, 12:59:40 PM »

Hi Deeble, maybe it's for the best. Everything still crossed for you...and breathe. (reminds me of David Gilmour, sigh...)


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2021, 11:22:13 AM »

Hi Deeble, I'm so sorry to read that you're appt was a cock up but at least they're getting you in tomorrow.
I'm sending you positive vibes. Just think of us all "holding your hand" virtually tomorrow & think of a happy place when you're having the procedure.
Crikey there are quite a few of us going through things like this at the moment but we are strong woman & we'll all be ok.
Let us know how you get on.
Love Cazi xxx  :cat48: :cat48: :cat48:


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2021, 01:17:29 PM »

Interesting, I just re-read my hospital letter, it said “scan and hysteroscopy”...... I didn’t have a scan, but perhaps that’s because I had one in November and it was ok. My lining from that scan was only 3.1mm but still had the hysteroscopy, perhaps due to the small bleed, which the clinical nurse said was most likely from the polyp!! My problem going forward is taking estrogen unopposed.....need further advice on that but unsure who is best to speak to 🤷‍♀️


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2021, 11:54:23 AM »

Hi - had hysteroscopy yesterday. Very quiet in clinic as I was last on list. One of the nurses had also been at my scan last week which helped. Took maybe 10 -15 minutes  for exam. One nurse held hand and had gas and air if needed. Other nurse and consultant. He said it was 'a tricky one' as my uterus was tilted very far forward. Anyway after the faff of reaching cervix and getting through it the process was bearable. Two biopsies taken. These nip but it's quickly over. I did 3:5 breathing and at the point I was going to have the gas and air it was nearly done, so I didn't bother. So kind staff chatting, explaining and  the deep breathing really helped.
Possible polyp - 2 biopsies  taken. Results 10 days. They do not think anything sinister but if it is then will deal with it. No hrt or vagifem to resume yet. Well - I'm doing ok without the hrt so may stay off the oral now (was on femoston conti low about 5 years and had just reduced down at Christmas to the ultra low). I will go back on vagifem when I can though. I can go back on the oral if biopsy results ok though.
So - I took 2 x para and 2 x ibu an hour and a half beforehand. I was in and out of the clinic within 45 mins from arrival to departure.
Support from ladies on here has beenso helpful - thankyou so much Cazi for your post yesterday.   Just wait for results of biopsy now and decide if I want to resume oral hrt.
The nurse asked did I want to look at the screen to see my son's first bedroom!  There's a funny way to think about it!
All the best to everyone. The worry and the waiting is the worst. The procedure whilst not pleasant is short-lived and I've had no pain and it's a great relief to have it done. Xxxx


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2021, 02:11:38 PM »

Hi skkb - your comment about advice re taking estrogen unopposed: to be honest I have no clue, but just wanted to acknowledge your post and those that do know can hopefully advise. X


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2021, 02:02:21 PM »

Hi Deeble, thanks for your update. Your description of the hysteroscopy is spot on  ;). That's my experience too of having them done of the last 8 years or so.
I do sometimes wonder if it's more stressful for me having never had a pregnancy  :-\. I mean my bits haven't been as stretched as other womans..ouch....crossing my legs now.
Fingers crossed that it comes back all good. Please post when you've got the results.

Sorry skkb - I can't help with your estrogen query either but hope you get an answer soon.

Love Cazi xxx


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2021, 02:08:30 PM »

Hi - just to update with hysteroscopy biopsy results. Benign - all ok!
Hurray - of course it's a big relief.
The biopsies were taken on 15th and I got my results today so not a long wait (though it felt like it).
The hospital letter today said:
'no contraindications to continuing vaginal oestrogen.  Given no return of low mood or significant menopausal symptoms, risks of continuing with systemic hrt likely outweigh benefits.'
I was on low dose femoston conti and then dropped to ultra low when my gp first referred me on Christmas  Eve for scan and biopsy because of post meno spotting of several weeks on/off duration.
The scan on 7th Jan showed some thickening (8mm) in one area so was referred for hysteroscopy on 15th Jan when biopsies taken (ouch)!
Was advised at initial scan to stop hrt completely till investigations complete (including vagifem). This I did and even with the stress of all this I have survived quite well without oral hrt since and expect to be ok. The vagifem I will go back to.  I wonder should I check with gp first and confirm if I ought to 'reload'?
The findings said 'generally atrophophic endometrium although small focal build up' - that would be the 8mm area I guess. I do not know the measurement of the 'generally atrophic' lining.
So, that's my update.
Hope something in there may be helpful to anyone going through similar.
D x


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2021, 04:53:12 PM »

Hi Deeble, fantastic news, thanks for the update. The 'reload' is to avoid systemic absorption if you have any side effects of oestrogen fluctuation, but I suppose you don't as you were on systemic HRT.


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2021, 05:24:57 PM »

Hi Uptick - I think I'll do the reload as I haven't used vagifem (if that's what it will be now) since 22 December. My surgery has been closed for a deep clean (!) so I've now put a repeat prescription in (have just a few left from before referral for hysteroscopy).
Still doing ok without oral hrt, apart from headaches in particular and sleep is not so good but my body will hopefully adjust before too long ....


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2021, 06:47:16 PM »

Tnx for the update and so pleased that your results are negative.  Do use the 'vagifem' every night until you feel comfy.  Headaches could be due to lack of sleep, lack of hydration, sleeping too heavily  ::)


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Re: Post menopause spotting referred for scan biopsy
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2021, 04:05:35 PM »

Brilliant news Deeble so glad it went well & good results confirmed.
I had my hysteroscopy last week  waiting for the results of the polyp.
Cazi x
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