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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine  (Read 8983 times)


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2021, 11:21:46 AM »

Hi Cazikins,
I'm afraid I'm a bit of a lurker and don't post often but I thought it might help to let you know that I have just been through something very similar and I'm now recovering from a hysterectomy that I had three weeks ago today.
In November 19 had some bleeding, had a biopsy which was clear and the bleeding stopped.
Almost exactly a year later the bleeding started again and in November I had another biopsy. This suggested a polyp so I had a hysterscopy which removed the polyp but unfortunately this showed early cancer cells.
Once this was confirmed I had a chest xray and an MRI scan both if which were clear and on 17th December I had a hysterectomy.
I'm recovering well and need no further treatment.
The worst part is definitely the constant waiting on test results as like you I only had my hubby to talk to and although I did talk to him I didn't want to say too much as I was worried for him too.
I really hope that your results are clear but if I can help in any way please let me know.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2021, 11:23:35 AM by PinkPepsi »


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2021, 11:58:02 AM »

Hi Cazikins, I can't think of any wise words that haven't already been said. I wish you all the luck in this world and a giant virtual hug.



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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2021, 03:12:53 PM »

Thanks everyone of you, it means a lot to me. Just to write thinks down on here helps & to know that people are out there who care &/or have experience of what it's like waiting for results.
PinkPepsi a special thanks for your sharing your experience with me. Scans were mentioned like the ones you had to have. I suppose that's to see if it has spread to other parts of the body. I'm so glad you're on the mend & please let me know how you get on over the coming weeks.
I'm holding your hand, your boobs, your whole body babe, 😂 wish I could come down to you to give you a bloody big hug.
. Xxxxxxxxx

That made me giggle JD.Thanks sweetie xx

This morning I telephoned my doctor to get this bleeding in my urine sorted out. I'm worried that it's got in there as well. Last week I had a urine sample show blood when dipped at the surgery by the nurse but was negative when sent to the hospital. The doc has done an urgent 2 week referral to the urologist today.

Ladies thanks for listening & holding my hand.  :thankyou:


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2021, 03:46:05 PM »

Hi Cazikins

Just wanted to add my best wishes to you, it must be a difficult time. 

Thinking of you



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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2021, 08:54:31 AM »

Sending love hugs and positive thoughts from Australia


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2021, 09:24:10 AM »

I'm so sorry. I have been going through somewhat similar procedures (scans, D&C, two hysteroscopies) since July, although my consultant now seems less sure that I have precancerous endometrial cells and I'm back to three-monthly hysteroscopies and biopsies, plus a Mirena coil. If things haven't settled down I'll be having a hysterectomy.

It's just such a huge shock, isn't it? And the sense of life being out of control is awful.

Thinking of you.


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2021, 06:20:12 PM »

I telephoned the McMillan nurse on Tuesday as I'd not heard anything. She checked my record/med notes & confirmed that the sample they took 10 days ago showed no sign of cancer  :banana: however it did show a benign polyp  :clapping:. She said she'd email the gynae to get a more detailed report & either of them would get back to me. but I've not heard anything. I realise this means that that particular sample didn't show cancer but there could be other areas that may do.

Has anyone heard of Patients Know Best? This is from Wikkipedia:
"Patients Know Best is a British social enterprise, with an aim of putting patients in control of their own medical records. Patients Know Best also integrates into the NHS Connecting for Health network to provide patients with tools to work with clinicians. Its Chairman is Dr Richard Smith. Wikipedia"

Well anyway I'm signed up with them & they sent me a notification today saying I'm booked in for a procedure with the gynae dept in the outpatients at my local hosp. I'm guessing it's a hysteroscopy to remove the benign polyp??

The other issue I have regarding bleeding around the urethra/blood in urine etc. I have a cystoscopy being done tomorrow morning. Had one done 10 years ago & it bloody well hurt like hell so not looking forward to it at all but realise it's totally necessary.
Things are difficuilt to take in atm. I'm glad that they are eliminating all possibilities rather than just doing a "wait & see what happens" - but concerned that they are still looking.
I am still bleeding from both areas but was hoping that this would ease up.

So that's where I am atm lovely ladies. I'll let you know how things go.

p.s. Grheliz 1 thanks for your post & you are so right about being out of control. Please let me know how you're getting on

Cazikins xx


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2021, 07:34:41 PM »

Good  news cazikins,now think positively,all they are doing now is ruling things out,awaiting patiently to hear how it all goes,much love x

Sage 🍃

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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2021, 07:39:09 PM »

That's such a relief! I had urethral bleeding a couple of months ago and it was nothing serious, I reckon it was a blood clot from exertion! So glad for you, Cazikins! Good luck with cytoscopy! :-*


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2021, 08:26:35 PM »

Good news cazi. Hope the cystoscopy goes well. Tell them that it was painful last time. It shouldn't hurt so perhaps they didn't wait long enough for the anaesthetic gel to take effect before inserting the catheter.

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2021, 10:17:58 AM »

So sorry to hear this, sending lots of positive thoughts your way x


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2021, 11:05:20 AM »

Thanks again for all your support, it really does help.
Good  news cazikins,now think positively,all they are doing now is ruling things out,awaiting patiently to hear how it all goes,much love x
You're absolutely right Jaypo - I'm down to having my kidneys scanned next as the cystoscopy today showed that my bladder is all fine. He did see blood in my urine though which proves I'm not going crazy.  ;D
That's such a relief! I had urethral bleeding a couple of months ago and it was nothing serious, I reckon it was a blood clot from exertion! So glad for you, Cazikins! Good luck with cytoscopy! :-*

Thanks Sage - did you get a clinical explanation for the urethral bleeding in the end?
Good news cazi. Hope the cystoscopy goes well. Tell them that it was painful last time. It shouldn't hurt so perhaps they didn't wait long enough for the anaesthetic gel to take effect before inserting the catheter.

Taz x  :hug:
- cheers Taz, It went better than last time. I was even brave enough to look at the screen  ;D. I was in & out in under an hour. Lovely doctor & 2 nurses. Bloody stinging now though & my bladder feels full but nothing coming out when I sit on the loo.
So sorry to hear this, sending lots of positive thoughts your way x
Cheers Khm - trying to stay positive, just wish they'd find out what's causing, then they can treat it & I can get on with life.  :)

Ok so this is where I'm at now. Scan to be done on my kidneys & a hysteroscopy for something that I'm not sure of for certain yet but probably removal of the benign polyp...
Cheers everyone
Cazikins xxx  :cat48: :cat48: :cat48:

Sage 🍃

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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2021, 01:18:03 PM »

No Cazikins, but one of the doctors (a Nephrologist) said it could have been a kidney stone, too small to be seen on scans. I had one in the past so it's possible!


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #28 on: January 15, 2021, 03:06:58 PM »

Woohoo,now that's another worry you can put to bed re your bladder,I've had numerous urine tests that have showed blood over the years but nothing found. Hopefully all good with the kidneys,again,please let us know xx


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Re: Post Menopausal Bleeding & also blood in urine
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2021, 05:49:04 PM »

I'm so glad it turned out to be benign, you must be so relieved. I hope the urine problems turns out well too.
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