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Author Topic: Help! Adding another patch Evorel Sequi help please  (Read 1582 times)


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Help! Adding another patch Evorel Sequi help please
« on: January 01, 2021, 01:39:27 PM »

Hello ladies, I’ve been on Evorel Sequi for a couple of months now but no improvement yet, main issues joint/muscle aches, fatigue, digestive issues, low motivation & health anxiety. My gp has given me a prescription for Evorel 50 to add a patch on at each change. I’m currently on my 3rd week still no improvement but I know it takes time. Just wondering if anyone has done this & seen an improvement thank you & happy new year  :)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 06:30:57 PM by Itwillpass »


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Re: Adding another patch Evorel Sequi
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2021, 06:05:55 PM »

On week 4 now of adding a patch & just had a really scary episode  :'( basically had to sit down quickly as felt lightheaded, jittery all over, could feel by heart beating from my stomach, exhausted but didn’t drop off to sleep. It was really scary how unwell I felt could this be the patches are too strong gosh I’m at my wits ends with it all. Now I just feel completely washed out & my health anxiety is kicking in x


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Re: Help! Adding another patch Evorel Sequi help please
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2021, 08:51:57 AM »

Personally for me I get worse before I start to improve, usually a couple to 3 months.  It is a waiting game for some.  I went downhill again and now in that waiting game. 


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Re: Help! Adding another patch Evorel Sequi help please
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2021, 12:28:02 PM »

Hi Itwillpass

Sorry to hear about your issues with adding a patch etc.

Firstly adding an extra oestrogen patch to the Evorel sequi is off-licence so the Evorel conti patches hopefully will still protect your uterus lining and give you a proper withdrawal bleed each month. It may we be heavier than before but also partly depends on your own natural cycle.

Secondly - adding another 50 mcg patch to an existing one is is quite a big jump! eg when I needed more oestrogen I added one quarter of a 50 mcg patch to my existing one (but I am old and well post-meno)!!! No wonder you are feeling strange! It could well be that this is too much too soon and also that you are absorbing it quite quickly from the patch.

Notwithstanding your doc instructions to add a patch, if possible I would go much slower and perhaps reduce to half a patch for a couple of cycles and see how you feel, although equally it is interesting that you saw no change after 3 weeks.  There will be no harm in doing this.

However as Floo36 says it is a waiting game!

Also - where are you in menopause re your natural cycle? How old are you? What were your periods doing before starting HRT? HRT does not suppress this so your own ovulation may well be taking place in the background, and your symptoms may well still be a product of this ie adding to the HRT when your own hormones are volatile?

Please try not to worry - this is a difficult time and hormones do strange things to us!

Hurdity x


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Re: Help! Adding another patch Evorel Sequi help please
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2021, 12:57:02 PM »

Thanks Floo36 it’s a nightmare  :'(

Thanks so much Hurdity that’s really helpful, so I might just add half a second patch first see how I go. I’m 46 my cycle the last 12 months has been pretty regular but very little & usually very dark almost black in colour, only one time did I have a cycle within about two weeks of each other. I’ve got a uti now so that may be the reason for my funny turn, currently on ABs which are now making me feel weird, it’s never ending  :'( Do you think if I still don’t see an improvement try gel. It’s so confusing as I’ve read too much oestrogen can make you feel strange also! x


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Re: Help! Adding another patch Evorel Sequi help please
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2021, 08:06:08 PM »

I use what sounds like a similar regime, Evorel Sequi and and additional Evorel 50 patch at the same time. Mostly it works well, but my bleeds are heavier which lead to me getting quite anaemic. I have to take spatone as well.

Just a thought as dizziness, lightheadedness and feeling exhausted can all be symptoms of anaemia.


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Re: Help! Adding another patch Evorel Sequi help please
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2021, 09:26:45 PM »

That’s good to know Apricot350, how long have you been on it for? I’m on my 6th week & still haven’t seen any improvement  :-\ funny you mentioned anaemia actually had a blood test this morning (she caught me funny got a nice bruise to show for it) to check everything out. I’m still not convinced myself it’s hormones, saw a different gp on Monday who thinks I’m just anxious. My bleeds are hardly anything now & very dark. I’m so bloated at the moment with awful back ache too & generally feel awful x
« Last Edit: January 19, 2021, 09:36:13 PM by Itwillpass »


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Re: Help! Adding another patch Evorel Sequi help please
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2021, 08:40:15 AM »

Do you keep a symptom diary or tick list?  When I have doubt that I’m improving I look back at my notes to see if anything has improved, if anything has then it’s going in the right direction.  I get wired, dizziness feeling plus 42 other symptoms when my levels drop and I need more Estrogen but I then get worse for a while as I’m sensitive to hormones, then improvements are very slow.  I’m two months in after increasing dose and still have pretty severe symptoms, no sleep being the worst still but because things have improved I will keep going.  Hang in there it will get better.


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Re: Help! Adding another patch Evorel Sequi help please
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2021, 12:03:04 PM »

Floo36 we sound like twins! I’m sure I’m really sensitive to hrt too  :-\ I really thought it would be the miracle cure. I feel like I constantly have flu or a virus & my back pain is unreal. Just had bloods back & all fine apart from slight raised white blood count so nurse said probably a virus but I know it isn’t because I’ve felt like this since June last year. I keep a diary would say energy levels slightly better & don’t feel so anxious. Thanks for replying it’s s real comfort, we’ll hang in there together  :-*