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Author Topic: Evorel conti bleed twice a month 2 years on.  (Read 1742 times)


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Evorel conti bleed twice a month 2 years on.
« on: December 17, 2020, 10:57:39 AM »

HI all

I hit the menopause at 44 confirmed by a blood test.

I am a chronic migraine sufferer and was struggling so much a couple of years ago with a huge array of symptoms, suicidal with the pain and unable to go on (this is the migraine symptoms not the menopause).

A kindly doctor actually stopped giving me more antidepressants and asked about the symptoms which I had ignored because of the migraine pain.

He suggested a lot of the crippling anxiety would possibly be menopausal (as well as sweats etc). He suggested HRT and I started evorel Conti (50). He also suggested it would help long term protect from osteoporosis as I started young.

I kept bleeding a couple of times a month and after sex right from the start.

I was referred to a consultant and I had the ultrasound which came up fine.

He suggested the only thing to help would be the mirena coil.

I have had terrible experiences with the coil (not mirena mind you) in the past. I ended in the 'difficult coil fit' clinic and in once instance I had it out in hospital as it was so painful. I have no children and I am a healthy weight, non-smoker and exercise (yoga addict)

I was incredibly reluctant to go for the  Mirena due to these experiences. He gave an open appointment for six months and told me he could even fit it under general anesthetic. Other than that he mentioned it might be something I could choose to live with.

I didn't go for it and I am now two years on conti, but still bleeding about twice a month and sex in certain positions stirs it up. My sex drive has gone completely (but I still have sex - want to keep my marriage!). The bleeding is very dark and does warrant the use of tampons. It lasts around 4 days at a time and I get period type pain when I know it's starting.

I also model, and I sometimes have to remove my patch for a few hours when I'm shooting. I know this is probably causing some of the bleeds, but not all coincide.

The GP has referred me back again yesterday on an urgent referral (now I am panicked!!) and I am scared it's really serious.

I've read a lot of research and posts suggesting I am probably very sensitive to hormones.

He said to experiment with the patches and add a quarter patch more to see if it settled. Or shall I try a quarter less?

I am looking for advice and reassurance really.

I am sure there must be another way.... or something to help. If not, do I try and come off it altogether?

I know they have to send me urgently because of the 'postmenopausal bleeding' red flag, but I was lying awake last night worrying about the big C and getting myself in a spin.

Thank you in advance.



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Re: Evorel conti bleed twice a month 2 years on.
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2020, 07:52:29 PM »

Hi I am much older than you, 58. I went on hrt a couple of years ago because of severe headaches. I was still peri so used evorel sequi. Earlier this year my headaches were still causing problems and because I am probably menpausal I went on evorel conti. My symptoms improved greatly but I have had bleeding on and off throughout. I have had a scan and the lining was slightly thickened but a repaet scan was back to within normal limits. There are a few of us on here who have experienced ongoing problems with evorel conti. I am reluctant to change because my headaches are much improved. The menopause clinic suggested I could try cutting the patch in half or change to using evorel 50 and provera.
Could you still not be fully menopausal? If this was the case your bleeding could be part of your natural cycle and using evorel sequi may be a better option. Though if like me you are very sensitive to hormonal changes  the stability of a conti regime reduces the headaches, but bleeding may continue if it is breakthrough bleeding.

Good luck with your scan.


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Re: Evorel conti bleed twice a month 2 years on.
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2020, 09:17:54 PM »

Hi moorfour21
I am one of those women who has not settled onto evorl conti without experiencing bleeds. I did a post about it a few weeks ago.
This is what I think/know
- every woman is different and unique and no two experiences are the same regarding menopause and HRT. Just overlaps.
- some women do not absorb the progesterone part through patches very well
-After bleeding every two weeks for  weeks on EC I have recently stopped bleeding. I put this down to only putting the patch on an inner thigh and just swopping sides for each new patch. I also change the patch every 3.5 days and dont leave a patch on for 4 days. Previously I was putting a patch on different sites- so sometimes on my hip and then buttock and then thigh and back to hip again. This I now attribute to  causing a bleed. Apparently you absorb up to 20% more from a fatty site so thigh or buttocks. I think I was absorbing less on my hip and the change of areas was messing up my hormone levels.  Hopefully I wont bleed anymore- although I might of course and my theory will be blown out of the water!
-Good luck and try not to worry


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Re: Evorel conti bleed twice a month 2 years on.
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2020, 09:46:04 AM »

Thank you ladies for your responses.

I did wonder, as I am still 48, if I am not fully through menopause yet, however they did the blood test when I was 44 and said that it showed I was? I have never had another blood test since.

Menomope, I may change the patch site to see if this can control it. I usually stick it on my outer hip and alternate every time. I might try a different site and make it very specific. I have never done it on my inner thigh so will try that.

I am due a letter in the next week to get me in with the consultant. Nervous and hoping we can find a solution and it is nothing more serious.

I will keep you updated.
Best wishes


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Re: Evorel conti bleed twice a month 2 years on.
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2020, 12:44:57 PM »

Hi Moofour21
Good luck with any consultations you have. I hope you get an answer.
We are all so different
I am still bleed free after putting patch on inner thighs only and alternating from side to side each change. I used to put it on outer hips.  Im going to see what happens over the next few weeks and months.
Fingers crossed  :)


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Re: Evorel conti bleed twice a month 2 years on.
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2020, 04:06:10 PM »

I found it much better re symptom relief to put on alternative buttocks rather than my thigh, but as menompoe says we are all different.


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Re: Evorel conti bleed twice a month 2 years on.
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2020, 05:02:02 PM »

I found it much better re symptom relief to put on alternative buttocks rather than my thigh, but as menompoe says we are all different.
  Thanks for that. You have just made me realise that I forgot to stick the new patch on this morning! Going to do it now. I will try buttock again but it didn't stick last time.

Sage 🍃

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Re: Evorel conti bleed twice a month 2 years on.
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2020, 07:22:33 PM »

Hello moofour21, welcome to the forum! Model? Now I'm jealous  ;D If you need to remove the patch when you're shooting (oooh, I'm really jealous  ;D) maybe you could use the gel instead of patches? I agree with the ladies, you must be perimenopausal, one test is nothing, hormone levels fluctuate wildly, including FSH. Merry Christmas!  :-*


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Re: Evorel conti bleed twice a month 2 years on.
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2020, 10:28:56 AM »

 The bleeding after sex could be VA. The 4 day bleeds do sound more like periods in which case you may be better with a sequi regime. If not imo they should be investigated. I agree you may be better with gel if you have to keep removing your patch. You could try utrogeston with it. Your gp is right the thing to sort it out is the coil though I understand your reluctance. You may need testosterone for your lack of libido.