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Author Topic: I'm so down...  (Read 1672 times)


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I'm so down...
« on: November 16, 2020, 05:33:05 PM »

 Hi everyone.  I'm fairly new here, but I just needed someone to listen to how I'm feeling.  I think I've been in peri for about 5 years, but this last year all the symptoms have really ramped up a gear.  I don't know if it's because of the situation in general or hormonal...or a bit of both.  I've had, what feels like, every symptom known to man over the last 5 years, but what's really getting to me at the moment is digestion and continual aches and pains.  Over the last four weeks I've been suffering badly with what I'm being told is IBS.  I think I've always had IBS, just never sought any help for it and put up with it.  My bowels have been on and off, hard to go one day, far too easy the next  :-\, I've got aches and pains all over my stomach and lower abdo area.  My back is killing me as well.  I went to the doctor and she did a stool sample (clear), CA125 blood test (okay) and full blood count.  The only thing iffy was my glucose was a bit high, my LFT is a bit high, my folic acid is low and my Vit D is through the floor.  She's put me on various things and ordered a repeat blood test for 6 weeks.  My stomach and bowels are still sore, pains, alternating loose and hard to go.  I rang doc again last week and it feels she's really unsympathetic.  I've suffered a lot with my health anxiety over the last few years, and it feels like because of that she's 'fobbing' me off.  She organised a face to face with another GP to have a feel of my tummy, and she said she couldn't feel anything of concern, and she thinks the pain in my right side is muscle pain.

My health anxiety is kicking in big time and I'm convinced I have something majorly wrong with me.  Because of Covid, it's not so simple to get an appointment, and I'm not very good on the phone.  I suppose my question is, can all of this be hormonal?  My doctor thinks I probably am perimenopausal because of my age (47) but she doesn't like to blame it on everything.  Does perimenopause get worse before it gets better (ie finishes) and could this be all of that.  I know the simple answer is to go back to GP, but it's really difficult to get her to listen as she thinks I'm just being an hormonal wreck like I usually am.

Thank you for probably doesn't make any sense at all though!


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Re: I'm so down...
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2020, 05:57:45 PM »

Hello Marshabookworm and welcome to the forum. Great name by the way, my daughter is also a bookworm lol.

I am sorry that you are having these problems but they do sound hormonal to me. We have oestrogen receptors in our bowels and many of us experience disturbed digestion.  When I was menstruating I would always have diahorrea on the first day of my period. If your doctor thinks the menopause can't be blamed for everything it is her duty to investigate thoroughly.

You have had extensive blood tests which is good. Have been told which supplements etc you need to treat your deficiencies?

I never really noticed peri menopause (all the fun stuff began for me when I was post meno) but many ladies here will recognise what you say and I'm sure they will be along to help you.

Wishing you well and keep posting.



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Re: I'm so down...
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2020, 06:17:41 PM »

 I too am fairly new to this site - everyone is so helpful and really knowledgeable! I was never peri as I have my ovaries removed at 39 - Im now 41 and still don't feel great. I wonder too about all the aches and pains and feelings as sometimes its hard to believe it can be down to hormones as its feel pretty rubbish!
I have Health anxiety too since my ovary removal(so I feel for you its hard) and know the feeling too well of the GPs thinking all the pains are in your head! I have bad adhesion pain too. I have yearly MRIs to check tumour reoccurrence and the last one in Sept was clear , so because of this it like they don't care about the pains and fob me off. Im guessing is the same with peri - if they can't find anything they just don't take it as serious.

I think from reading the forum that these things can be hormonal but I think that everything else should be ruled out, Im like you tho - I put off going to my GP as I feel worried about what they think - which in reality is silly and if I was to take my own advice then Id be going 😂.



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Re: I'm so down...
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2020, 06:52:11 PM »

Oh IBS!  >:(.  As a recovering anorexic my bowels were badly affected.  Eventually my digestive system slowed down almost to a halt.  I felt too ill to continue, fortunately my GP was able to prescribe Motillium and Colpermin.  The idea was to take a dose within an hour of eating my main meals.  So 1 Colpermin capsule plus 3 of the small Motillium pills in order to regulate the bowel.  Worked within 3 days and the nausea went, it took about 3-4 weeks to get it down to a fine art.

Now I get slow transit, usually when I have an appt. which means being out of the house by a certain time!  Occaiosnally I miss 2/3 days then it all comes out in a rush  :o. but that is all 'within normal limits' 4 me these days.  Fortunately no pains. 

If it's a big problem I stop my prescribed meds for 24 hours - that usually shifts the bowel.  As does getting onto the M1  ::).  Even if I've been or don't need to  >:(   :D

No one is every too young to be in menopause!! when will GPs get the information  :bang: :bang: :bang:  Menopause doesn't finish: menopause means literally 'end of periods' but we can't be certain until at least 12 months since the last bleed.  47 isn't too young!!  peri can last for a few years with varying amounts of symptoms ...... browse round ;-)


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Re: I'm so down...
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2020, 05:52:36 PM »

Hi there,
Pain between the shoulder blades sounds like indigestion, I had this for months and had gastritis which showed up on a scan. Was put on lansoprazole for 2 months and gave up on wine and spicy foods which aggravated it. It’s fine now except if I eat too much bread or pastry.
As far as the hip pain goes, this can be referred pain from your back, if your back muscles are tight it can cause problems down to your knees by overcompensating. Obviously I am not a doctor though!
Hope you get this sorted soon